/*Interactive drawing by Gabby Simpson IMC year 1 Move your mouse up and down to raise and lower the tide around the Hopewell Rocks in New Brunswick */ void setup(){ //set size, modes and framerate size(400,400); rectMode(CORNERS); ellipseMode(CENTER); frameRate(30); //shows instruction to the screen println("Raise and lower your mouse to raise and lower the tide."); } void draw(){ //set background color to light blue background(150,200,255); //set so that lines don't appear around shapes noStroke(); //clouds //move across sky as the tide moves fill(255,255,255); ellipse(mouseY,40,60,30); ellipse(mouseY+20,50,60,30); ellipse(mouseY+10,60,60,30); ellipse(mouseY+200,60,80,40); ellipse(mouseY+220,80,80,40); //set fill color to light brown for dirt fill(161,107,46); //dirt rect(400,300,0,400); //left rock triangle(40,200,120,200,80,140); triangle(80,140,120,210,140,80); triangle(80,210,40,300,140,300); //right rock triangle(140,80,320,120,300,240); triangle(140,80,170,240,300,230); triangle(170,240,140,300,190,300); triangle(170,240,280,240,180,300); //set fill color to dark brown for rock shadows fill(97,64,27); //left rock shadows triangle(140,80,120,200,150,200); triangle(40,200,80,230,150,200); triangle(80,230,130,200,140,300); triangle(130,270,70,300,140,300); //right rock shadows triangle(180,300,300,300,280,240); triangle(170,240,300,200,300,240); triangle(320,120,260,240,300,240); triangle(280,240,170,240,280,250); //trees //set fill color to green for trees fill(0,102,0); triangle(190,20,170,50,210,50); triangle(190,40,170,70,210,70); triangle(190,60,170,90,210,90); triangle(240,30,210,60,270,60); triangle(240,50,210,80,270,80); triangle(240,70,210,100,270,100); //tide //tide rises when mouse is raised. Water gets darker the higher the mouse is raised. fill(0,51,102,100-mouseY/2); rect(0,400,400,mouseY+200); }