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History of Fast Foods

The history of fast food starts with the industrialization. Back in the 20th century when the concept of serving instant ready-to-eat meals to the factory workers. The development of automobile and drive-in restaurants gave rise to modern fast-food industry and practices.

Kirby’s Pig Stand was the first drive-in restaurant opened in Dallas in Texas in 1921. These advancements provided customers with the drive-up services, where they can place orders via speaker and have their food delivered to their car windows.

A lot of successful fast-food chains emerged after that be it the McDonald’s, Tim Hortons, Wendy’s, KFC and a lot more. These food chains provided customers with ready-to-eat affordable meals. These become a crucial part of people’s lives who go to work everyday.

The ever-growing fast-food industry has non-controversial impact on people’s health and soon it beca me their lifestyle.

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