void setup () { size (400, 400); } void draw() { frameRate(30); background(255); /////// //background art /////// //wall lines strokeWeight(3); stroke(0); line(70, 0, 70, 269); line(330, 0, 330, 269); line(70, 269, 0, 400); line(330, 270, 399, 400); line(329, 269, 70, 270); ////// //various decorations ////// //walls fill(203,198,178); rect(71,-2,257,270,0); quad(0,1,1,394,70,272,69,-1); quad(329,268,400,397,405,0,329,0); quad(328,272,404,409,3,398,70,271); // /////////// //tendrills: //////////// // the arms of the mosnter will follow the mous but always just out of its reach strokeWeight(4); //right arm line (mouseX+104, mouseY+153, 324, 326); line (mouseX+104, mouseY+152, mouseX+66, mouseY+48); //left arm line (mouseX-104, mouseY+152, 76, 323); line (mouseX-104, mouseY+152, mouseX-66, mouseY+48); /////////////////// // base of bathtub //////////////////// fill(150); stroke(0); ellipse (100, 400, 150, 150); ellipse (150, 400, 150, 150); ellipse (200, 400, 150, 150); ellipse (250, 400, 150, 150); ellipse (300, 400, 150, 150); ellipse (306, 400, 80, 150); ellipse (306, 400, 0, 150); ///////////////// //top of bath tub ////////////////// fill(100, 100, 100); arc(200, 345, 300, 50, 0, HALF_PI+HALF_PI, OPEN); arc(200, 345, 300, 60, PI, PI+PI, OPEN); ///////////////// // BASE OF MONSTER ///////////////// fill(216, 185, 2); arc(200, 330, 250, 200, PI, PI+PI, OPEN); arc(200, 330, 250, 50, 0, HALF_PI+HALF_PI, OPEN); ///// //eye ////// // changes eye color based mouse postion fill (mouseX, (mouseX+mouseY), mouseY); ellipse (200, 260, 50, 50); fill(0); ellipse (200, 250, 25, 25); ///////////// //mouth ////////////// fill(255, 0, 0); arc(200, 301, 112, 19, 0, HALF_PI+HALF_PI, OPEN); arc(200, 301, 112, 19, PI, PI+PI, OPEN); ///////////// //teeth ///////////// fill(255); strokeWeight(1); triangle (210, 308, 216, 297, 233, 306); triangle (188, 307, 199, 297, 210, 308); triangle (164, 306, 173, 298, 186, 307); triangle (157, 298, 151, 303, 164, 306); triangle (240, 299, 234, 306, 253, 303); triangle (173, 293, 186, 304, 193, 293); triangle (195, 293, 210, 303, 214, 293); triangle (239, 296, 233, 303, 214, 293); triangle (156, 297, 166, 301, 173, 294); } void mousePressed () { stroke(253, 1, 1); strokeWeight(22); line (200, 260, mouseX, mouseY); } /* *ABONADONED CODE LEFT FOR REFERNCE* // TENDRIL 1: //tendril 1 right side //right half of tendril (base) fill (216, 185, 2); curve(mouseX+150, mouseY+400, 325, 330, mouseX+80, mouseY+188, mouseX-200, mouseY+100); // middle part of right half noFill(); curve(mouseX+190, mouseY+231, mouseX+80, mouseY+188, mouseX+78, mouseY+96, mouseX+135, mouseY+8); // tip of right half of tendril fill(216, 185, 2); curve(mouseX+8, mouseY+201, mouseX+78, mouseY+96, mouseX+46, mouseY+21, mouseX-95, mouseY+6); /* // tendril 1 left section // base of left half noFill(); curve(150, 412, 297, 332, mouseX+30, mouseY+173, mouseX-113, mouseY+76); // mid part of left half fill(216, 185, 2); curve(mouseX+68, mouseY+190, mouseX+30, mouseY+173, mouseX+39, mouseY+109, mouseX+111, mouseY+18); // tip part of left half noFill(); curve(mouseX-38, mouseY+191, mouseX+39, mouseY+109, mouseX+46, mouseY+21, mouseX-31, mouseY+6); //tendril 1 mid section //base section of middle fill(216, 185, 2); curve(237, 383, 319, 332, mouseX+78, mouseY+210, mouseX-92, mouseY+155); // mid section of middle noFill(); curve(mouseX+116, mouseY+190, mouseX+78, mouseY+210, mouseX+57, mouseY+129, mouseX+150, mouseY+18); //tip of middle section curve(mouseX-38, mouseY+191, mouseX+57, mouseY+130, mouseX+47, mouseY+22, mouseX-31, mouseY+6); // this next section is for color filling of tendril one fill(216, 185, 2); noStroke(); triangle (mouseX+30,mouseY+330,mouseX+55,mouseY+313,mouseX+62,mouseY+268); */