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  Surrender Isles.
  MADE BY: P.Y. Boulerice
 -> Move your mouse left and right to scroll through the world.
 -> You can control various other things by moving your mouse up and down.
 (Time of Day, Sea Creature's Head)
 -> At the top there is a small 'HUD' that displays an overview of the map 
 and your current position in the world.

void setup()
  // Creates a window 400 pixels by 400 pixels.
  size(400, 400);

  // Removes the cursor.

void draw()
  // Background
   Changes the color of the background(water), relative to the mouse Y position.
   Creates a day and night effect.
  background(190 - (mouseY / 5.), 232  - (mouseY / 4.), 255  - (mouseY / 5.));

  // Doesnt genenrate an outline for shapes.

  // Changes the positioning of rectangles to be set with their top right corner.

  // Changes the positioning of ellipses to be set with their top right corner.

  // Water
   Adds dynamic dark spots in the water
  fill(0, 30);
  ellipse((mouseX * 5), 100, 20, 20);
  ellipse(-600 + (mouseX * 5), 110, 10, 10);
  ellipse(-500 + (mouseX * 4), 200, 10, 10);
  ellipse(-500 + (mouseX * 5), 300, 20, 20);
  ellipse(-900 + (mouseX * 4), 350, 10, 10);
  ellipse(-1800 + (mouseX * 5), 325, 15, 15);
  ellipse(-1300 + (mouseX * 4), 100, 10, 10);

  // LAYER 1 (Items futher away)
  // All objects on this layer move right to left using the 'mouseX' built in variable.
  // ***********************************************************************************

  // Ripple *Nicholas Phan and Rachell Theil's Suggestion*
   Creates a ripple in the water for the Blinking Floters.
   The ripple enlarges and shrinks automatically using a sine function and 'frameCount'.
  stroke(255, 255 - ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.05) * 255));
  ellipse(-88 + (mouseX * 6), 120 + 10, 45 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 12), 45 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 12));

  // Hot Air Balloon 1
   Creates a hot air balloon.
   It bobs up and down using a sine function and 'frameCount'.
   It also has a shadow that works similarily to the Ripple.
  line(-200 + (mouseX * 5), 75 + ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12), -180 + (mouseX * 5), 125 + ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12));
  line(-153 + (mouseX * 5), 75 + ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12), -170 + (mouseX * 5), 125 + ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12));
  fill(0, 35);
  ellipse(-175 + (mouseX * 5), 155, ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12) + 15, ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12) + 10);
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  ellipse(-200 + (mouseX * 5), 50 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 50, 50);
  fill(255, 136, 122);
  ellipse(-185 + (mouseX * 5), 52 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 20, 10);
  fill(199, 162, 102);
  rect(-185 + (mouseX * 5), 110 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 20, 20, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-185 + (mouseX * 5), 110 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 20, 15, 20);
  fill(199, 162, 102);
  rect(-183 + (mouseX * 5), 112 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 16, 11, 20);
  fill(112, 91, 57);
  rect(-183 + (mouseX * 5), 115 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 16, 8, 20);

  // Floater
   Creates a floater
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-100 +(mouseX * 6), 120, 25, 25, 20); // Water Shadow
  rect(-100 +(mouseX * 6), 120 - 5, 25, 25, 20);
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  rect(-100 +(mouseX * 6), 120 - 10, 25, 25, 20);
  rect(-100 +(mouseX * 6), 120 - 15, 25, 25, 20);
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  rect(-95 +(mouseX * 6), 120 - 18, 15, 15, 20);
  rect(-95 +(mouseX * 6), 120 -21, 15, 15, 20); 
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  rect(-95 +(mouseX * 6), 120 -24, 15, 15, 20); 
  fill(209, 85, 79);
  rect(-93 +(mouseX * 6), 120 -24, 11, 11, 20);

  // Ship
  Creates a ship. 
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(100 +(mouseX * 6), 120, 50, 25, 20); // Water Shadow
  fill(199, 162, 102); // Body
  rect(100 + (mouseX * 6), 120 - 5, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(133, 108, 68); // Edge
  rect(100 + (mouseX * 6), 120 - 10, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Edge (Light)
  rect(102 + (mouseX * 6), 120 - 8, 46, 21, 20);
  fill(112, 91, 57); // Edge (Dark)
  rect(102 + (mouseX * 6), 120 - 6, 46, 19, 20);
  fill(255); // Sail (White)
  rect(100 + (mouseX * 6), 120 - 38, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(100 + (mouseX * 6) + 25, 120 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(100 + (mouseX * 6), 120 - 38, 50, 4, 20);

  // Ship
  Creates a ship. 
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-400 +(mouseX * 6), 120, 50, 25, 20); // Water Shadow
  fill(199, 162, 102); // Body
  rect(-400 + (mouseX * 6), 120 - 5, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(133, 108, 68); // Edge
  rect(-400 + (mouseX * 6), 120 - 10, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Edge (Light)
  rect(-398 + (mouseX * 6), 120 - 8, 46, 21, 20);
  fill(112, 91, 57); // Edge (Dark)
  rect(-398 + (mouseX * 6), 120 - 6, 46, 19, 20);
  fill(255); // Sail (White)
  rect(-400 + (mouseX * 6), 120 - 38, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-400 + (mouseX * 6) + 25, 120 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-400 + (mouseX * 6), 120 - 38, 50, 4, 20);

  // LAYER 2
  // All objects on this layer move right to left using the 'mouseX' built in variable.
  // ***********************************************************************************

  // Highway
   Creates the bottom of the highway.
   Is placed under the islands shapes.
   Yellow car drives overtop of it.
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-990 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 35, 1100, 35, 20);
  rect(-990 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 23, 1100, 35, 20);
  rect(-990 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 18, 1100, 35, 20);

  // Dock1 Posts
  fill(237, 193, 122);
  rect(-1035 +(mouseX * 10), 200, 10, 35, 20);
  fill(237, 193, 122);
  rect(-1085 +(mouseX * 10), 200, 10, 35, 20);
  // Dock1 *Nicholas Phan's Suggestion*
   Creates the bottom of the dock.
   Is placed under the island shapes.
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-1125 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 35, 175, 35, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-1125 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 18, 175, 35, 20);
  fill(112, 91, 57);
  rect(-1125 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 16, 175, 35, 20);

  // Bridge 1 Posts (For the highway)
  rect(-75 +(mouseX * 10), 200, 10, 35, 20);
  rect(-15 +(mouseX * 10), 200, 10, 35, 20);
  // Bridge 2 Posts (For the Highway)
  rect(-485 +(mouseX * 10), 200, 10, 35, 20);
  rect(-425 + (mouseX * 10), 200, 10, 35, 20);

  // Island
   Creates a green island.
   200 pixels wide.
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(20 +(mouseX * 10), 200, 200, 100, 20);
  fill(153, 129, 102);
  rect(20 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 5, 200, 100, 20);
  fill(134, 114, 90);
  rect(20 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 17, 200, 100, 20);
  fill(128, 191, 88);
  rect(20 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 20, 200, 100, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  rect(20 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 25, 200, 100, 20);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  rect(24 +(mouseX * 10), 200 -21, 192, 92, 20);

  // Lighthouse
   Creates a lighthouse.
   Constructed from rectangles with rounded corners.
  rect(155 +(mouseX * 10), 200, 52, 52, 40);
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  rect(155 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 10, 52, 52, 40);
  rect(155 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 20, 52, 52, 40);
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  rect(155 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 30, 52, 52, 40);
  rect(155 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 40, 52, 52, 40);
  fill(255, 103, 97);         
  rect(168 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 40, 26, 26, 40);
  rect(168 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 50, 26, 26, 40);
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  rect(168 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 60, 26, 26, 40);
  // Door (Lighthouse)
  rect(170 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 35, 20, 17, 40);
  rect(170 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 42, 20, 10);

  // Island
   Creates a green island.
   300 pixels wide.
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-400 +(mouseX * 10), 200, 300, 100, 20);
  fill(153, 129, 102);
  rect(-400 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 5, 300, 100, 20);
  fill(134, 114, 90);
  rect(-400 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 17, 300, 100, 20);
  fill(128, 191, 88);
  rect(-400 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 20, 300, 100, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  rect(-400 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 25, 300, 100, 20);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  rect(-396 +(mouseX * 10), 200 -21, 292, 92, 20);

  // Tree
  fill(128, 191, 88);
  rect(-175 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 35, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-175 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(224, 152, 149);
  ellipse(-188 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 45, 30, 30);
  fill(255, 173, 170);
  ellipse(-188 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 50, 30, 30);

  // Tree
  fill(128, 191, 88);
  rect(-275 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 35, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-275 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(224, 152, 149);
  ellipse(-288 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 45, 30, 30);
  fill(255, 173, 170);
  ellipse(-288 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 50, 30, 30);

  // Tree
  fill(128, 191, 88);
  rect(-375 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 35, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-375 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(224, 152, 149);
  ellipse(-388 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 45, 30, 30);
  fill(255, 173, 170);
  ellipse(-388 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 50, 30, 30);

  // Island
   Creates a green island.
   500 pixels wide.
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-1000 +(mouseX * 10), 200, 500, 100, 20);
  fill(153, 129, 102);
  rect(-1000 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 5, 500, 100, 20);
  fill(134, 114, 90);
  rect(-1000 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 17, 500, 100, 20);
  fill(128, 191, 88);
  rect(-1000 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 20, 500, 100, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  rect(-1000 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 25, 500, 100, 20);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  rect(-996 +(mouseX * 10), 200 -21, 492, 92, 20);

  // Flag Pole
   Creates a pole with a flag on top.
   Half of the flag moves up and down using a sine fuction and 'frameCount'.
   This gives an illusion that the wind is flowing through it.
  rect(-955 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 95, 30, 25, 20);
  rect(-930 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 95 + ( sin(mouseX * .2) * 5.), 30, 25, 20);
  fill(153, 129, 102);
  rect(-955 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 95, 8, 100, 20);

  // Ship
  Creates a ship. 
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-1300 +(mouseX * 10), 200, 50, 25, 20); // Water Shadow
  fill(199, 162, 102); // Body
  rect(-1300 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 5, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(133, 108, 68); // Edge
  rect(-1300 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 10, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Edge (Light)
  rect(-1300 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 8, 46, 21, 20);
  fill(112, 91, 57); // Edge (Dark)
  rect(-1298 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 6, 46, 19, 20);
  fill(255); // Sail (White)
  rect(-1300 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 38, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-1300 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-1300 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 38, 50, 4, 20);

  // Highway
   Creates the top part of the highway. (Over the previous islands)
  rect(-940 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 14, 1080, 35, 20);
  rect(-940 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 12, 1080, 35, 20);

  // Highway Lines
   Creates white lines along the center of the highway.
  rect(-910 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-870 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-830 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-790 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-750 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-710 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-670 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-630 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-590 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-550 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-510 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-470 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-430 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-390 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-350 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-310 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-270 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-230 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-190 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-150 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-110 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-70 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(-30 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(10 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(50 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);
  rect(90 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 26, 20, 3, 20);

  // Dock 1
   Creates the top part of the dock. (Over the previous island)
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-1125 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 14, 166, 35, 20);
  fill(199, 162, 102);
  rect(-1125 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 12, 166, 35, 20);
  // Dock1 Detail (Wood Palets)
  fill(50, 40);
  rect(-1110 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 14, 2, 31, 20);
  rect(-1095 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 14, 2, 31, 20);
  rect(-1080 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 14, 2, 31, 20);
  rect(-1065 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 14, 2, 31, 20);
  rect(-1050 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 14, 2, 31, 20);
  rect(-1035 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 14, 2, 31, 20);
  rect(-1020 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 14, 2, 31, 20);
  rect(-1005 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 14, 2, 31, 20);
  rect(-990 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 14, 2, 31, 20);
  rect(-975 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 14, 2, 31, 20);
  // Dock1 Posts
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-1035 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 41, 10, 35, 20);
  fill(237, 193, 122);
  rect(-1035 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 36, 10, 35, 20);
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-1085 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 41, 10, 35, 20);
  fill(237, 193, 122);
  rect(-1085 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 36, 10, 35, 20);

  // Car 1
   Creates a yellow car for the highway.
  fill(255, 233, 100);
  rect(-1100 +(mouseX * 20), 200 + 5, 50, 30, 20); // Cab
  rect(-1100 +(mouseX * 20), 200 + 17, 50, 18); // Cab
  ellipse(-1096 +(mouseX * 20), 200 + 28, 12, 12); // Wheel
  ellipse(-1066 +(mouseX * 20), 200 + 28, 12, 12); // Wheel

  // Bridge 1 Posts (HighWay)
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-75 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 41, 10, 35, 20);
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-15 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 41, 10, 35, 20);
  rect(-75 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 36, 10, 35, 20);
  rect(-15 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 36, 10, 35, 20);
  // Bridge 2  Posts (HighWay)
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-485 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 41, 10, 35, 20);
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-425 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 41, 10, 35, 20);
  rect(-485 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 36, 10, 35, 20);
  rect(-425 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 36, 10, 35, 20);

  // Tree (LOW)
  fill(128, 191, 88);
  rect(-225 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 15, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-225 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 10, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(224, 152, 149);
  ellipse(-238 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 5, 30, 30);
  fill(255, 173, 170);
  ellipse(-238 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 0, 30, 30);

  // Tree (LOW)
  fill(128, 191, 88);
  rect(-325 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 15, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-325 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 10, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(224, 152, 149);
  ellipse(-338 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 5, 30, 30);
  fill(255, 173, 170);
  ellipse(-338 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 0, 30, 30);

  // LAYER 3
  // All objects on this layer move right to left using the 'mouseX' built in variable.
  // ***********************************************************************************

  // Small Island
   Creates a small island.
   100 pixels wide.
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(0 +(mouseX * 12), 340, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(153, 129, 102);
  rect(0 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 5, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(134, 114, 90);
  rect(0 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 17, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(128, 191, 88);
  rect(0 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 20, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  rect(0 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 25, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  rect(4 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 21, 92, 42, 20);

  // Small Island
   Creates a small island.
   100 pixels wide.
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-700 +(mouseX * 12), 340, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(153, 129, 102);
  rect(-700 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 5, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(134, 114, 90);
  rect(-700 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 17, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(128, 191, 88);
  rect(-700 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 20, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  rect(-700 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 25, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  rect(-696 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 21, 92, 42, 20);

  // Small Island
   Creates a small island.
   100 pixels wide.
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-1800 +(mouseX * 12), 340, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(153, 129, 102);
  rect(-1800 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 5, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(134, 114, 90);
  rect(-1800 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 17, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(128, 191, 88);
  rect(-1800 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 20, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  rect(-1800 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 25, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  rect(-1796 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 21, 92, 42, 20);

  // Ship
   Creates a ship. 
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-200 +(mouseX * 12), 340, 50, 25, 20); // Water Shadow
  fill(199, 162, 102); // Body
  rect(-200 + (mouseX * 12), 340 - 5, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(133, 108, 68); // Edge
  rect(-200 + (mouseX * 12), 340 - 10, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Edge (Light)
  rect(-198 + (mouseX * 12), 340 - 8, 46, 21, 20);
  fill(112, 91, 57); // Edge (Dark)
  rect(-198 + (mouseX * 12), 340 - 6, 46, 19, 20);
  fill(255); // Sail (White)
  rect(-200 + (mouseX * 12), 340 - 38, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-200 + (mouseX * 12) + 25, 340 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-200 + (mouseX * 12), 340 - 38, 50, 4, 20);

  // Ripple
   Creates a ripple in the water for the Blinking Floters.
   The ripple enlarges and shrinks automatically using a sine function and 'frameCount'.
  stroke(255, 255 - ((float) Math.cos(frameCount * 0.05) * 255));
  ellipse(-788 + (mouseX * 10), 340 + 10, 45 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 12), 45 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 12));

  // Floater
   Creates a floater
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-800 +(mouseX * 10), 340, 25, 25, 20); // Water Shadow
  rect(-800 +(mouseX * 10), 340 - 5, 25, 25, 20); 
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  rect(-800 +(mouseX * 10), 340 - 10, 25, 25, 20);
  rect(-800 +(mouseX * 10), 340 - 15, 25, 25, 20); 
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  rect(-795 +(mouseX * 10), 340 - 18, 15, 15, 20); 
  rect(-795 +(mouseX * 10), 340 -21, 15, 15, 20); 
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  rect(-795 +(mouseX * 10), 340 -24, 15, 15, 20); 
  fill(209, 85, 79);
  rect(-793 +(mouseX * 10), 340 -24, 11, 11, 20); 

  // Hot Air Balloon 3
   Creates a hot air balloon.
   It bobs up and down using a sine function and 'frameCount'.
   It also has a shadow that works similarily to the Ripple.
  line(-700 + (mouseX * 5), 175 + ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12), -680 + (mouseX * 5), 225 + ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12));
  line(-653 + (mouseX * 5), 175 + ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12), -670 + (mouseX * 5), 225 + ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12));
  fill(0, 35);
  ellipse(-675 + (mouseX * 5), 255, ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12) + 15, ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12) + 10);
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  ellipse(-700 + (mouseX * 5), 150 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 50, 50);
  fill(255, 136, 122);
  ellipse(-685 + (mouseX * 5), 152 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 20, 10);
  fill(199, 162, 102);
  rect(-685 + (mouseX * 5), 210 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 20, 20, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-685 + (mouseX * 5), 210 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 20, 15, 20);
  fill(199, 162, 102);
  rect(-683 + (mouseX * 5), 212 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 16, 11, 20);
  fill(112, 91, 57);
  rect(-683 + (mouseX * 5), 215 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 16, 8, 20);

  // All objects on this layer move right to left using the 'mouseX' built in variable.
  // ***********************************************************************************

  // Ship
   Creates a ship. 
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-2200 +(mouseX * 8), 120, 50, 25, 20); // Water Shadow
  fill(199, 162, 102); // Body
  rect(-2200 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 5, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(133, 108, 68); // Edge
  rect(-2200 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 10, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Edge (Light)
  rect(-2198 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 8, 46, 21, 20);
  fill(112, 91, 57); // Edge (Dark)
  rect(-2198 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 6, 46, 19, 20);
  fill(255); // Sail (White)
  rect(-2200 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 38, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-2200 + (mouseX * 8) + 25, 120 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-2200 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 38, 50, 4, 20);

  // Island
   Creates an island.
   1000 pixels wide.
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-3000 +(mouseX * 10), 200, 1000, 100, 20);
  fill(153, 129, 102);
  rect(-3000 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 5, 1000, 100, 20);
  fill(134, 114, 90);
  rect(-3000 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 17, 1000, 100, 20);
  fill(189, 128, 126);
  rect(-3000 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 20, 1000, 100, 20);
  fill(224, 152, 149);
  rect(-3000 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 25, 1000, 100, 20);
  fill(255, 173, 170);
  rect(-2996 +(mouseX * 10), 200 -21, 992, 92, 20);

  // Flag Pole
   Creates a pole with a flag on top.
   Half of the flag moves up and down using a sine fuction and 'frameCount'.
   This gives an illusion that the wind is flowing through it.
  rect(-2965 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 65, 30, 25, 20);
  rect(-2940 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 65 + ( sin(mouseX * .2) * 5.), 30, 25, 20);
  fill(153, 129, 102);
  rect(-2965 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 65, 8, 100, 20);

  // Highway (Kingdom)
   Creates the top part of the highway. (Over the previous islands)
  rect(-2925 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 14, 800, 35, 20);
  rect(-2925 +(mouseX * 10), 200 + 12, 800, 35, 20);

  // Small Island
   Creates a small island.
   100 pixels wide.
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-2500 +(mouseX * 12), 340, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(153, 129, 102);
  rect(-2500 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 5, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(134, 114, 90);
  rect(-2500 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 17, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(189, 128, 126);
  rect(-2500 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 20, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(224, 152, 149);
  rect(-2500 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 25, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(255, 173, 170);
  rect(-2496 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 21, 92, 42, 20);

  // Small Island
   Creates a small island.
   100 pixels wide.
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-3500 +(mouseX * 12), 340, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(153, 129, 102);
  rect(-3500 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 5, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(134, 114, 90);
  rect(-3500 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 17, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(189, 128, 126);
  rect(-3500 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 20, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(224, 152, 149);
  rect(-3500 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 25, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(255, 173, 170);
  rect(-3496 +(mouseX * 12), 340 - 21, 92, 42, 20);

  // Ripple
   Creates a ripple in the water for the Blinking Floters.
   The ripple enlarges and shrinks automatically using a sine function and 'frameCount'.
  stroke(255, 255 - ((float) Math.cos(frameCount * 0.05) * 255));
  ellipse(-1888 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 10, 45 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 12), 45 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 12));

  // Floater
   Creates a floater
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-1900 +(mouseX * 10), 200, 25, 25, 20); // Water Shadow
  rect(-1900 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 5, 25, 25, 20); 
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  rect(-1900 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 10, 25, 25, 20);
  rect(-1900 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 15, 25, 25, 20); 
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  rect(-1895 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 18, 15, 15, 20); 
  rect(-1895 +(mouseX * 10), 200 -21, 15, 15, 20); 
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  rect(-1895 +(mouseX * 10), 200 -24, 15, 15, 20); 
  fill(209, 85, 79);
  rect(-1893 +(mouseX * 10), 200 -24, 11, 11, 20);

  // Hot Air Balloon 2
   Creates a hot air balloon.
   It bobs up and down using a sine function and 'frameCount'.
   It also has a shadow that works similarily to the Ripple.
  line(-1200 + (mouseX * 5), 75 + ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12), -1180 + (mouseX * 5), 125 + ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12));
  line(-1153 + (mouseX * 5), 75 + ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12), -1170 + (mouseX * 5), 125 + ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12));
  fill(0, 35);
  ellipse(-1175 + (mouseX * 5), 155, ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12) + 15, ((float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12) + 10);
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  ellipse(-1200 + (mouseX * 5), 50 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 50, 50);
  fill(255, 136, 122);
  ellipse(-1185 + (mouseX * 5), 52 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 20, 10);
  fill(199, 162, 102);
  rect(-1185 + (mouseX * 5), 110 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 20, 20, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-1185 + (mouseX * 5), 110 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 20, 15, 20);
  fill(199, 162, 102);
  rect(-1183 + (mouseX * 5), 112 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 16, 11, 20);
  fill(112, 91, 57);
  rect(-1183 + (mouseX * 5), 115 + (float) Math.sin(0.7 * (frameCount * 0.1)) * 12, 16, 8, 20);

  // Tree
  fill(189, 128, 126);
  rect(-2175 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 35, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-2175 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  ellipse(-2188 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 45, 30, 30);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  ellipse(-2188 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 50, 30, 30);

  // Tree
  fill(189, 128, 126);
  rect(-2275 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 35, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-2275 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  ellipse(-2288 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 45, 30, 30);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  ellipse(-2288 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 50, 30, 30);

  // Tree
  fill(189, 128, 126);
  rect(-2375 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 35, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-2375 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  ellipse(-2388 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 45, 30, 30);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  ellipse(-2388 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 50, 30, 30);

  // Tree
  fill(189, 128, 126);
  rect(-2475 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 35, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-2475 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  ellipse(-2488 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 45, 30, 30);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  ellipse(-2488 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 50, 30, 30);

  // Tree
  fill(189, 128, 126);
  rect(-2575 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 35, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-2575 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  ellipse(-2588 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 45, 30, 30);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  ellipse(-2588 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 50, 30, 30);

  // Car 2
   Creates a yellow car for the Kingdom highway.
  fill(255, 233, 100);
  rect(-5200 +(mouseX * 20), 200 + 5, 50, 30, 20); // Cab
  rect(-5200 +(mouseX * 20), 200 + 17, 50, 18); // Cab
  ellipse(-5196 +(mouseX * 20), 200 + 28, 12, 12); // Wheel
  ellipse(-5166 +(mouseX * 20), 200 + 28, 12, 12); // Wheel

  // Tree (LOW)
  fill(189, 128, 126);
  rect(-2225 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 15, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-2225 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 10, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  ellipse(-2238 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 5, 30, 30);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  ellipse(-2238 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 0, 30, 30);

  // Tree (LOW)
  fill(189, 128, 126);
  rect(-2325 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 15, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-2325 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 10, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  ellipse(-2338 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 5, 30, 30);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  ellipse(-2338 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 0, 30, 30);

  // Tree (LOW)
  fill(189, 128, 126);
  rect(-2425 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 15, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-2425 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 10, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  ellipse(-2438 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 5, 30, 30);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  ellipse(-2438 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 0, 30, 30);

  // Tree (LOW)
  fill(189, 128, 126);
  rect(-2525 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 15, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77);
  rect(-2525 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 10, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(144, 212, 100);
  ellipse(-2538 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 5, 30, 30);
  fill(152, 224, 106);
  ellipse(-2538 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 + 0, 30, 30);

  // Ship
   Creates a ship. 
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-2800 +(mouseX * 8), 120, 50, 25, 20); // Water Shadow
  fill(199, 162, 102); // Body
  rect(-2800 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 5, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(133, 108, 68); // Edge
  rect(-2800 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 10, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Edge (Light)
  rect(-2798 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 8, 46, 21, 20);
  fill(112, 91, 57); // Edge (Dark)
  rect(-2798 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 6, 46, 19, 20);
  fill(255); // Sail (White)
  rect(-2800 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 38, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-2800 + (mouseX * 8) + 25, 120 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-2800 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 38, 50, 4, 20);

  // Ship
   Creates a ship. 
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-2500 +(mouseX * 8), 120, 50, 25, 20); // Water Shadow
  fill(199, 162, 102); // Body
  rect(-2500 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 5, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(133, 108, 68); // Edge
  rect(-2500 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 10, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Edge (Light)
  rect(-2498 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 8, 46, 21, 20);
  fill(112, 91, 57); // Edge (Dark)
  rect(-2498 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 6, 46, 19, 20);
  fill(255); // Sail (White)
  rect(-2500 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 38, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-2500 + (mouseX * 8) + 25, 120 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-2500 + (mouseX * 8), 120 - 38, 50, 4, 20);

  // Ship
   Creates a ship. 
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-3300 +(mouseX * 10), 200, 50, 25, 20); // Water Shadow
  fill(199, 162, 102); // Body
  rect(-3300 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 5, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(133, 108, 68); // Edge
  rect(-3300 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 10, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Edge (Light)
  rect(-3298 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 8, 46, 21, 20);
  fill(112, 91, 57); // Edge (Dark)
  rect(-3298 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 6, 46, 19, 20);
  fill(255); // Sail (White)
  rect(-3300 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 38, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-3300 + (mouseX * 10) + 25, 200 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-3300 + (mouseX * 10), 200 - 38, 50, 4, 20);

  // Ship
   Creates a ship. 
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-3800 +(mouseX * 12), 340, 50, 25, 20); // Water Shadow
  fill(199, 162, 102); // Body
  rect(-3800 + (mouseX * 12), 340 - 5, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(133, 108, 68); // Edge
  rect(-3800 + (mouseX * 12), 340 - 10, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Edge (Light)
  rect(-3798 + (mouseX * 12), 340 - 8, 46, 21, 20);
  fill(112, 91, 57); // Edge (Dark)
  rect(-3798 + (mouseX * 12), 340 - 6, 46, 19, 20);
  fill(255); // Sail (White)
  rect(-3800 + (mouseX * 12), 340 - 38, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-3800 + (mouseX * 12) + 25, 340 - 40, 4, 45, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(-3800 + (mouseX * 12), 340 - 38, 50, 4, 20);

  // Castle
   Creates a grey castle.
   Made from rectangles with rounded edges.
  fill(224, 152, 149);
  rect(-2100 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 35, 75, 75, 20);
  rect(-2100 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 40, 75, 75, 20);
  rect(-2100 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 40, 75, 40, 20);
  rect(-2096 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 36, 67, 32, 20);
  rect(-2096 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 32, 67, 28, 20);
  // Door for Castle
  rect(-2080 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 15, 20, 20, 20);
  rect(-2080 + (mouseX * 10), 200 + 25, 20, 10);

  // Sea Creature
   Creates a purple creature at the end of the left side of the map.
   The creature is fabricated much like the islands.
   Opens mouth when mouse moves up.
   Closes mouth when mouse moves down.
  // Neck
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-4070 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 15, 100, 100, 20);
  fill(104, 91, 166);
  rect(-4070 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 25, 100, 100, 20);
  fill(116, 102, 186);
  rect(-4070 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 25, 100, 50, 20);
  fill(134, 118, 196);
  rect(-4065 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 20, 90, 40, 20);
  // Head
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-4000 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 10, 200, 100, 20);
  fill(104, 91, 166);
  rect(-4000 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200, 200, 100, 20);
  fill(116, 102, 186);
  rect(-4000 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 20, 200, 100, 20);
  fill(224, 152, 149);
  rect(-3990 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 10, 180, 80, 20);
  fill(189, 128, 126);
  rect(-3990 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 20, 180, 50, 20);
  fill(255, 173, 170);
  rect(-3990 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 30, 40, 100, 20);
  fill(134, 118, 196);
  rect(-3991 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 30, 30, 100, 20);
  rect(-3945 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 60, 20, 15, 20);
  rect(-3915 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 60, 20, 15, 20);
  rect(-3885 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 60, 20, 15, 20);
  rect(-3855 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 60, 20, 15, 20);
  rect(-3930 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 40 - (mouseY * 0.1), 20, 25, 20);
  rect(-3900 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 40 - (mouseY * 0.1), 20, 25, 20);
  rect(-3870 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 40 - (mouseY * 0.1), 20, 25, 20);
  rect(-3840 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 40 - (mouseY * 0.1), 20, 25, 20);
  fill(104, 91, 166);
  rect(-4000 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 50 - (mouseY * 0.1), 200, 100, 20);
  fill(116, 102, 186);
  rect(-4000 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 100 - (mouseY * 0.1), 200, 100, 20);
  fill(134, 118, 196);
  rect(-3995 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 95 - (mouseY * 0.1), 190, 90, 20);
  ellipse(-3975 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 10 - (mouseY * 0.1), 20, 20);
  ellipse(-3970 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 15 - (mouseY * 0.1), 10, 10);
  // Sea Creature Body
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-4200 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 25, 150, 150, 20);
  fill(104, 91, 166);
  rect(-4200 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 35, 150, 150, 20);
  fill(116, 102, 186);
  rect(-4200 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 150, 150, 150, 20);
  fill(134, 118, 196);
  rect(-4195 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 - 145, 140, 140, 20);
  // Legs
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(-4150 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 50, 50, 100, 20);
  fill(104, 91, 166);
  rect(-4150 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 40, 50, 100, 20);
  fill(116, 102, 186);
  rect(-4150 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 40, 50, 25, 20);
  fill(134, 118, 196);
  rect(-4145 +(mouseX * 10.5), 200 + 45, 40, 15, 20);

  // Clouds
   Creates white cloud clutter between the pink islands and the green islands.
  rect(-2500 + (mouseX * 15), 100, 200, 200, 20);
  rect(-2300 + (mouseX * 13), 300, 75, 75, 20);
  rect(-2300 + (mouseX * 14), 10, 50, 50, 20);
  rect(-2200 + (mouseX * 15), 250, 20, 20, 20);
  rect(-3000 + (mouseX * 17), 120, 100, 100, 20);
  rect(-2800 + (mouseX * 15), 300, 20, 20, 20);

  // Clouds
   Creates white cloud clutter at the end of the right side of the map.
  rect(300 + (mouseX * 15), 100, 200, 200, 20);
  rect(200 + (mouseX * 13), 300, 75, 75, 20);
  rect(250 + (mouseX * 14), 10, 50, 50, 20);
  rect(200 + (mouseX * 15), 250, 20, 20, 20);
  rect(350 + (mouseX * 17), 120, 100, 100, 20);
  rect(50 + (mouseX * 15), 300, 20, 20, 20);
  // Pirate Ship (SECRET)
   // Ship
   Creates a ship. 
  fill(0, 30);
  rect(600 +(mouseX * 12), 250, 200, 100, 20); // Water Shadow
  fill(199, 162, 102); // Body
  rect(600 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 5, 200, 100, 20);
  fill(133, 108, 68); // Edge
  rect(600 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 10, 200, 75, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Edge (Light)
  rect(606 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 4, 188, 63, 20);
  fill(112, 91, 57); // Edge (Dark)
  rect(606 + (mouseX * 12), 250 + 2, 188, 57, 20);
  fill(0); // Sail (White)
  rect(600 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 125, 200, 100, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(600 + (mouseX * 12) + 100, 250 - 135, 12, 175, 20);
  fill(150, 123, 77); // Post (Light)
  rect(595 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 130, 210, 12, 20);
  // Skeleton 1
  ellipse(625 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 100, 50, 50);
  rect(638 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 90, 25, 50, 20);
  rect(642 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 50, 4, 20);
  rect(654 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 50, 4, 20);
  ellipse(630 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 80, 15, 15);
  ellipse(655 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 80, 15, 15);
  // Skeleton 2
  ellipse(730 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 100, 50, 50);
  rect(743 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 90, 25, 50, 20);
  rect(747 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 50, 4, 20);
  rect(759 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 50, 4, 20);
  ellipse(735 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 80, 15, 15);
  ellipse(760 + (mouseX * 12), 250 - 80, 15, 15);

  // Light Rays
   Creates white low opasity light rays.
   Angled at 45 degrees.
   Becomes brighter as the mouse goes up.
  fill(255, 80 - (mouseY / 1.5));
  rect(50, -175, 50, 200, 20);
  rect(125, -250, 100, 200, 20);
  rect(250, -325, 25, 200, 20);

  // Night Overlay
   Creates a low opasity black overlay.
   Becomes brighter as mouse does down.
   Makes all objects darker during night time.
  fill(0, (mouseY / 5.));
  rect(0, 0, 400, 400);

  // HUD
  // Objects in this layer do not move with the mouseX position.
  // Other than the 'You Are Here' Arrow.
  // ***********************************************************************************

  // Map Bar
  fill(0, 50);
  rect(20, 20, 360, 10, 10);

  // Monster Icon
  fill(116, 102, 186);
  ellipse(20, 18, 14, 14);

  // Castle Icon
  rect(170, 18, 14, 14);

  // Dock Icon
  fill(199, 162, 102);
  rect(260, 18, 14, 14);

  // Cloud Icon
  ellipse(366, 18, 14, 14);

  // You Are Here Arrow
   Moves left and right opposite of the mouse movement.
   Has a padding to prevent it from going off of the Map Bar.
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  triangle(20 + ((400 - mouseX) * 0.9) - 5, 18, 20 + ((400 - mouseX) * 0.9), 32, 20 + ((400 - mouseX) * 0.9) + 5, 18);
  // Custom Cursor
  ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 25 + (sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 10.), 25 + (sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 10.));

  // All objects on this layer move right to left using the 'mouseX' built in variable.
  // ***********************************************************************************

  // Light (Floater)
   Adds a night-time blinking light to the floater
  fill(255, 0, 0, (mouseY/2.) - 80);
  ellipse(-88 +(mouseX * 6), 120 - 20, 25 +  sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 25, 25 +  sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 25);

  // Light (Floater)
   Adds a night-time blinking light to the floater
  fill(255, 0, 0, (mouseY/2.) - 80);
  ellipse(-788 +(mouseX * 10), 340 - 20, 25 +  sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 25, 25 +  sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 25);

  // Light (Floater)
   Adds a night-time blinking light to the floater
  fill(255, 0, 0, (mouseY/2.) - 80);
  ellipse(-1888 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 20, 25 +  sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 25, 25 +  sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 25);

  // Light (Lighthouse) *Nicholas Phan's Suggestion*
   Adds a night-time light to the Lightpost
  fill(255, (mouseY/2.) - 80);
  translate(width/2 + (mouseX * 10) - 18, height/2 - 48);
  quad(-800, -5000, 800, -5000, -800, 5000, 800, 5000);
  fill(255, 103, 97);
  rect(-12, -12, 26, 24, 24);
  // Lighthouse Speach Bubble
  rect(200 +(mouseX * 10), 200 - 110, 50 + (sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 5.), 50 + (sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 5.), 20);
  bezier((float)(220 +(mouseX * 10)), (float)(200 - 100), (float) (220 +(mouseX * 10)), (float)(200 - 70), (float) (200 +(mouseX * 10)), (float)(200 - 60), (float)(200 +(mouseX * 10)), (float)(200 - 60));
  ellipse(210 + (mouseX * 10), 210 - 110, 28 + (sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 5.), 28 + (sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 5.));
  ellipse(216 + (mouseX * 10), 210 - 92, 15 + (sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 5.), 15 + (sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 5.));
  ellipse(212 + (mouseX * 10), 210 - 100, 10 + (sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 5.), 10 + (sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 5.));
  ellipse(226 + (mouseX * 10), 210 - 100, 10 + (sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 5.), 10 + (sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 5.));

// Executes code when any mouse button is pressed.
void mousePressed()
  // Custom Cursor
  ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, 400, 400);
  text("BY: P.Y.", 165, height/2);

// Executes code when any key is pressed.
void keyPressed()
  // Custom Cursor
  ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, 400, 400);
  text("BY: P.Y.", 165, height/2);