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//Interactive drawing
//Jesse Baker PROG14998
//Simple drawing program

/*              Instructions
 - Use any mouse button to draw on the canvas.
 - Click a colour of paint on the pallet to change brush colour.
 - Click one of the dots on the side panel to change brush size.
 - Click on the sun to clear the canvas.
 - The lighter tree leaves move with the mouse.

color currentColour = color(0, 0, 0); //Stores the colour that the brush will use
boolean drawLimit = true; //If true, the player cannot draw outside the canvas
boolean canDraw = false; //If false, the user cannot draw
int brushSize = 2; //Stores the brush size value

void setup () {
  size (800, 800);         //Basic Stuff          

  reset(); //Start the reset function, which sets up the background art
void reset () {
  rectMode(CENTER); //Center rects for easier placement
  background (220, 245, 245); //Light blue background
  fill(#498B23); //Green
  rect(400, 700, 800, 400);//The ground

  //The Stand

  strokeWeight(1); //Make sure the strokeWeight is set to default, as it changes later
  stroke(#C9B06A); //Light brown outline
  fill(#FFE6A2); //Light brown for the stand
  rotate(0.2); //Rotate is used to put the stand legs on an angle
  rect(350, 430, 100, 500);   
  rect(430, 600, 100, 500);         //Make the stand
  rect(400, 630, 500, 50);
  rect(400, 250, 100, 400);

  //The Canvas

  fill(240, 240, 240); //Light grey
  rect(400, 350, 360, 510, 5); //Make the canvas shadow
  fill(255, 255, 255); //White
  rect(400, 350, 350, 500, 5); //Make the canvas

  //The Pallet

  fill(#482D09);//Dark Brown
  ellipse(135, 672, 244, 129);//Make the pallet shadow
  ellipse(170, 692, 204, 154);
  fill(#895F25); //brown
  ellipse(135, 670, 240, 125);//Make the pallet
  ellipse(170, 690, 200, 150); 

  fill(#498B23); //background colour
  ellipse(105, 712, 25, 20);  //Make the hole in the pallet
  ellipse(100, 710, 29, 17);

  fill(240, 0, 0);
  ellipse(70, 645, 40, 40); //red glob

  fill(0, 240, 0);
  ellipse(130, 638, 40, 40); //green glob

  fill(0, 0, 240);
  ellipse(190, 650, 40, 40); //blue glob

  fill(0, 0, 0);
  ellipse(235, 685, 40, 40); //black glob

  fill(255, 255, 255);
  ellipse(200, 730, 40, 40); //white glob

  //The Brush Size Selector

  stroke(0, 0, 0);
  rect(75, 300, 50, 150, 30);
  fill(0, 0, 0);
  ellipse(75, 260, 5, 5);        //Brush size buttons
  ellipse(75, 300, 10, 10);
  ellipse(75, 340, 20, 20);

void draw () {

            //The Tree
  fill(#482D09);//Dark Brown
  quad(670, 600, 790, 600, 760, 400, 700, 380);//The Tree Shadow
  fill(#895F25); //brown
  quad(670, 600, 780, 600, 757, 400, 700, 380); //The Tree Trunk
  fill(#2C5D0E); //Dark Green
  ellipse(700, 400, 100, 100);
  fill(#498B23); //Green
  ellipse(701+mouseX/150, 395+mouseY/150, 90, 80);      //The lighter parts of the tree move slightly with the mouse
  fill(#2C5D0E); //Dark Green
  ellipse(750, 350, 120, 150);
  fill(#2C5D0E); //Dark Green            //The tree leaves
  ellipse(670, 340, 110, 100);
  fill(#498B23); //Green
  ellipse(751+mouseX/150, 345+mouseY/150, 110, 130);
  fill(#498B23); //Green
  ellipse(671+mouseX/150, 335+mouseY/150, 100, 90);
  fill(#2C5D0E); //Dark Green
  ellipse(700, 300, 100, 100);
  fill(#498B23); //Green
  ellipse(701+mouseX/150, 295+mouseY/150, 90, 80);

  fill(255, 230 - ((mouseY + mouseX)/40), 0); //Orange-yellow which changes slightly based on mouse position
  ellipse(30, 30, 100, 100); //Make the sun's outer ring
  fill(255, 255 - ((mouseY + mouseX)/40), 0);//Yellow which changes slightly based on mouse position
  ellipse(30, 30, 95, 95); //Make the sun

  fill(currentColour); //Set the brush colour to the selected colour

  if (drawLimit = true) {
    if (mouseX > 220 && mouseX < 580 && mouseY > 105 && mouseY < 605) { //Check to see if mouse is on the canvas
      canDraw = true; //If on the canvas, the user can draw
    } else {
      canDraw = false;
  } else {
    canDraw = true;

  //println(mouseX + ", " + mouseY + canDraw);  //This debug line is for checking the draw restrictions and mouse position

void mouseDragged() { //When the user clicks and holds down the mouse button
  stroke(currentColour); //Set the brush colour
  strokeWeight(brushSize); //Brush thickness

  if (canDraw == true) { //If the mouse is on the canvas
    line(pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY); //Draw line

void mousePressed() { //The following code executes lines based on where the mouse clicks

  if (mouseX > 50 && mouseX < 90 && mouseY > 625 && mouseY < 665) { //Red button
    currentColour = color(240, 0, 0); //Red
  } else if (mouseX > 110 && mouseX < 150 && mouseY > 618 && mouseY < 658) {//Green button
    currentColour = color(0, 240, 0);//Green
  } else if (mouseX > 170 && mouseX < 210 && mouseY > 630 && mouseY < 670) {//Blue button
    currentColour = color(0, 0, 240);//Blue
  } else if (mouseX > 215 && mouseX < 255 && mouseY > 665 && mouseY < 705) {//Black button
    currentColour = color(0, 0, 0);//Black
  } else if (mouseX > 180 && mouseX < 220 && mouseY > 710 && mouseY < 750) {//White button
    currentColour = color(255, 255, 255);//White
  } else if (mouseX > 50 && mouseX < 100 && mouseY > 225 && mouseY < 275) {//Small Brush button
    brushSize = 2;//Set brush size to the smallest setting (Default)
  } else if (mouseX > 50 && mouseX < 100 && mouseY > 280 && mouseY < 320) {//Medium Brush button
    brushSize = 6;//Set brush size to the medium setting
  } else if (mouseX > 50 && mouseX < 100 && mouseY > 320 && mouseY < 370) {//Large Brush button
    brushSize = 20;//Set brush size to the largest setting
  } else if (mouseX > 0 && mouseX < 75 && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < 75) {//Sun Reset button
    reset();//Clear the canvas