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 Dedicated to the thousands of teas I've drank in my lifetime... and the 6 I drank while coding this sketch. May you RIP.
 "Tea Time"
 MADE BY: Jensen Verlaan
 It's TEA TiME, so take a seat and JOIN IN! Participate by doing the following:
 -> Open and search "Tea Time Music." Play it to become fully immersed in the wonders of Tea Time.
 -> Move the mouse up and down to lower and raise your tea bag into and out of your mug.
 -> STEEP YOUR TEA! The closer your tea bag is to your mug, the more steeped the tea within will become.
 -> When the mouse is clicked, the game title, "TEA TiME," is printed on the bottom left hand side of the sketch. 
 -> When the 'ENTER' key is pressed, the colour of various static objects are swapped. TEA TiME comes in many colours!

void setup() {
  // Set sketch size to 400 x 400 pixels
  size(400, 400);

  // Remove the cursor

void draw() {
  // Set the kitchen wall colour to a soft blue
  background(172, 195, 232);

  // Adjust the frame rate to 60FPS

  // Remove stroke for that soft, line-less asthetic

  // Make the BACKGROUND. //

  /* SHELVES */

  // Shadowed shelves
  fill(133, 97, 64);
  rect(0, -5, 120, 125, 7);
  rect(360, -5, 40, 125, 7);
  // Under shelf rectangle
  fill(171, 125, 83);
  rect(110, 0, 260, 70, 7);
  // Shelving front
  fill(255, 187, 124);
  rect(-5, -5, 105, 125, 7);
  rect(380, -5, 410, 125, 7);
  rect(100, -5, 280, 65, 7);
  // Shelf doors
  fill(227, 166, 110);
  rect(-5, -5, 95, 115, 7);
  rect(390, -5, 20, 115, 7);
  rect(110, -5, 120, 55, 7);
  rect(250, -5, 120, 55, 7);
  // Shelf handles
  // Set ellipse mode to CENTER
  fill(68, 77, 92);
  ellipse(70, 20, 10, 10);
  ellipse(210, 20, 10, 10);
  ellipse(270, 20, 10, 10);


  // Counter Tops
  fill(173, 127, 84);
  rect(170, 200, 245, 70, 7);
  rect(-5, 200, 40, 70, 7);
  fill(68, 77, 92);
  rect(170, 160, 245, 65, 7);
  rect(-5, 160, 40, 65, 7);
  fill(115, 131, 156);
  rect(170, 160, 245, 60, 7);
  rect(-5, 160, 40, 60, 7);
  // Cutting Board
  fill(148, 167, 199);
  rect(200, 165, 90, 40, 7);
  //Counter Drawers
  fill(156, 114, 76);
  rect(180, 230, 80, 20, 7);
  rect(270, 230, 80, 20, 7);
  rect(360, 230, 80, 20, 7);
  rect(-5, 230, 30, 20, 7);
  // Drawer Handles
  fill(68, 77, 92);
  ellipse(220, 240, 10, 10);
  ellipse(310, 240, 10, 10);
  ellipse(400, 240, 10, 10);

  /* OVEN */

  // Body
  fill(210, 222, 255);
  rect(35, 200, 135, 70, 7);
  fill(239, 255, 255);
  rect(35, 160, 135, 60, 7);
  // Oven Burners
  fill(68, 77, 92);
  // Set ellipse mode to CORNER
  ellipse(110, 170, 40, 10);
  ellipse(109, 190, 42, 12);
  ellipse(50, 170, 40, 10);
  ellipse(49, 190, 42, 12);
  // Oven Handle
  fill(68, 77, 92);
  rect(45, 230, 115, 10, 7);
  // Oven Glass
  fill(115, 131, 156);
  rect(55, 250, 100, 40, 7);
  // Dish Rags
  fill(161, 178, 100);
  rect(55, 225, 20, 40, 7);
  fill(102, 185, 204);
  rect(85, 225, 20, 40, 7);

  // Make ITEMS. //

  /* JARS */

  // Glass Body
  fill(239, 255, 255, 230);
  rect(370, 140, 20, 30, 7);
  rect(390, 140, 20, 30, 7);
  rect(380, 170, 20, 20, 7);
  // Filling
  fill(255, 113, 138, 150);
  rect(380, 180, 20, 10, 7);
  rect(370, 150, 20, 20, 7);
  // Lids
  fill(68, 77, 92);
  rect(370, 130, 20, 10, 7);
  rect(390, 140, 20, 10, 7);
  rect(380, 160, 20, 10, 7);

  /* KETTLE */

  // Body
  // Set ellipse mode to CENTER
  fill(209, 92, 113);
  ellipse(130, 157, 40, 40);
  // Spout
  quad(130, 157, 110, 157, 80, 137, 90, 137);
  fill(133, 59, 72);
  ellipse(85, 137, 10, 5);
  // Handle
  stroke(209, 92, 113);
  ellipse(150, 157, 20, 20);
  // Lid
  fill(250, 110, 135);
  ellipse(130, 147, 40, 20);
  fill(133, 59, 72);
  ellipse(130, 137, 10, 10);

  /* KNIFE RACK */

  // Rack
  fill(227, 166, 110);
  rect(200, 100, 90, 10, 7);
  // Knife Blades
  fill(239, 255, 255);
  triangle(220, 80, 210, 120, 220, 120);
  triangle(230, 90, 230, 120, 240, 120);
  triangle(270, 90, 270, 120, 280, 120);
  rect(250, 80, 10, 40, 7, 0, 0, 0);
  // Knife Handles
  fill(68, 77, 92);
  rect(215, 120, 5, 20, 7);
  rect(235, 120, 5, 10, 7);
  rect(250, 120, 10, 20, 7);
  rect(275, 120, 5, 5, 7);
  // Knife Handle Screws
  ellipse(255, 125, 3, 3);
  ellipse(255, 135, 3, 3);

  // Make the MIDGROUND. //

  // Counter Top Gradients
  fill(255, 187, 124);
  rect(0, 260, width, 10);
  fill(242, 178, 118);
  rect(0, 270, width, 10);
  fill(235, 172, 114);
  rect(0, 280, width, 10);
  fill(219, 161, 107);
  rect(0, 290, width, 10);
  fill(204, 150, 99);
  rect(0, 300, width, 15);
  fill(186, 137, 91);
  rect(0, 315, width, 20);

  // Make the BACK LAYER OF MUG (that will be behind the tea bag when it is lowered into the mug). //

  // Body
  fill(191, 212, 119);
  rect(220, 190, 120, 150);
  ellipse(280, 340, 120, 40);
  fill(131, 145, 81);
  ellipse(280, 190, 120, 40);
  // Handle
  fill(191, 212, 119);
  rect(330, 230, 50, 20, 7);
  rect(360, 230, 20, 90, 7);
  rect(330, 300, 50, 20, 7);
  // Handle Highlights
  fill(224, 247, 139);
  rect(330, 230, 50, 10, 7);
  rect(330, 300, 30, 10, 7);
  // Tea
  // transparency is set to change with the mouse's vertical location so the tea appears darker when the teabag is closer and lighter when it is farther away
  fill(92, 48, 6, mouseY);
  ellipse(280, 195, 100, 30);
  // Lip of Mug
  stroke(205, 227, 127);
  ellipse(280, 190, 120, 40);

  // Make MOVING STEAM. //

  /* Semi-transparent ellipses use the frame count to change size as time passes, giving illusion of steam rising */

  // Mug Steam
  fill(255, 50);
  ellipse(290, 135, 100 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.05) * 12), 100 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.05) * 12));
  ellipse(250, 100, 80 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.05) * 12), 80 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.05) * 12));
  ellipse(265, 50, 50 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.05) * 12), 50 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.05) * 12));
  ellipse(250, 170, 40 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.05) * 12), 40 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.05) * 12));
  ellipse(300, 125, 30 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.05) * 12), 30 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.05) * 12));
  ellipse(295, 0, 25 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.05) * 12), 25 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.05) * 12));
  // Kettle Steam
  fill(255, 45);
  ellipse(80, 125, 10 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.03) * 12), 10 + ((float) Math.sin(frameCount * 0.03) * 12));

  // Make the TEA BAG. //

  /* Tea Bag will move up and down the y-axis following the vertical movement of the mouse */

  // Fabric Body
  fill(255, 175);
  rect(255, mouseY, 50, 50, 7);
  rect(270, mouseY - 5, 20, 10, 7);
  // Tea Leaves
  fill(133, 102, 70);
  rect(260, mouseY + 25, 40, 20, 7);
  // String
  stroke(255, 113, 138);
  line(280, 0, 280, mouseY);

  // Make the FRONT LAYER OF MUG (that will be in front of the tea bag when it is lowered into mug). //

  // Counter Top
  fill(173, 127, 84);
  rect(0, 335, width, 20);
  fill(163, 120, 79);
  rect(0, 355, width, 20);
  fill(145, 107, 71);
  rect(0, 375, width, 25);
  // Mug Shadow
  fill(68, 77, 92, 100);
  ellipse(300, 365, 180, 100);
  // Body
  fill(191, 212, 119);
  rect(220, 212, 120, 130);
  ellipse(280, 340, 120, 40);
  // Lip of Mug
  stroke(224, 247, 139);
  arc(280, 190, 120, 40, 0, PI);

void mousePressed() {
  // Adjust frame rate so image appears for a longer period of time once mouse is clicked

  // Remove lines for asthetic purposes

  /* Make the words "TEA TiME" appear on screen in bottom left corner of sketch when mouse is pressed */

  // Ellipse Behind Letters
  fill(254, 158, 157, 175);
  ellipse(110, 330, 200, 120);
  // T
  fill(189, 234, 242);
  rect(40, 280, 40, 10, 7);
  rect(55, 280, 10, 40, 7);
  // E
  rect(90, 280, 30, 10, 7);
  rect(90, 280, 10, 40, 7);
  rect(90, 295, 20, 10, 7);
  rect(90, 310, 30, 10, 7);
  // A
  rect(130, 300, 10, 20, 7);
  rect(140, 280, 20, 30, 7);
  rect(130, 300, 40, 10, 7);
  rect(160, 300, 10, 20, 7);
  // Include hole in 'A' that matches the background colour
  fill(219, 161, 107);
  rect(145, 290, 10, 10, 7);
  // T
  fill(189, 234, 242);
  rect(30, 340, 40, 10, 7);
  rect(45, 340, 10, 40, 7);
  // I
  // Use two lines to make the dot of 'i' look like a heart
  stroke(189, 234, 242);
  line(80, 340, 85, 350);
  line(90, 340, 85, 350);
  rect(80, 360, 10, 20, 7);
  // M
  rect(105, 340, 10, 40, 7);
  rect(105, 340, 20, 10, 7);
  rect(120, 340, 10, 20, 7);
  rect(125, 340, 20, 10, 7);
  rect(135, 340, 10, 40, 7);
  // E
  rect(160, 340, 30, 10, 7);
  rect(160, 340, 10, 40, 7);
  rect(160, 370, 30, 10, 7);
  rect(160, 355, 20, 10, 7);

void keyPressed() {
  // Adjust frame rate so image appears for a longer period of time once mouse is clicked

  // Remove lines for asthetic purposes

   When the 'ENTER' key is pressed, many static sketch components will swap colours.
   Many sketch components that do not change colour must be included in the keyPressed
   block of code as well to ensure that forms do not overlap one another when key is pressed.
   Moving forward, all affected 'fill' have been altered and swapped from what they were in their draw() counterparts

  // DISH RAGS //

  // Dish Rags
  fill(189, 83, 102);
  rect(55, 225, 20, 40, 7);
  fill(233, 242, 162);
  rect(85, 225, 20, 40, 7);


  fill(255, 187, 124);
  rect(0, 260, width, 10);


  // Body
  fill(209, 92, 113);
  rect(220, 190, 120, 150);
  ellipse(280, 340, 120, 40);
  fill(171, 58, 58);
  ellipse(280, 190, 120, 40);
  // Handle
  fill(209, 92, 113);
  rect(330, 230, 50, 20, 7);
  rect(360, 230, 20, 90, 7);
  rect(330, 300, 50, 20, 7);
  // Handle Highlights
  fill(250, 110, 135);
  rect(330, 230, 50, 10, 7);
  rect(330, 300, 30, 10, 7);
  // Tea
  fill(92, 48, 6, mouseY);
  ellipse(280, 195, 100, 30);
  // Lip of Mug
  stroke(250, 110, 135);
  ellipse(280, 190, 120, 40);

  /* STEAM */

  // Mug Steam
  fill(255, 50);
  ellipse(290, 135, 100, 100);
  ellipse(250, 100, 80, 80);
  ellipse(265, 50, 50, 50);
  ellipse(250, 170, 40, 40);
  ellipse(300, 125, 30, 30);
  ellipse(295, 0, 25, 25);
  // Kettle Steam
  fill(255, 35);
  ellipse(85, 130, 10, 10);

  /* TEA BAG */

  // Fabric Body
  fill(255, 175);
  rect(255, mouseY, 50, 50, 7);
  rect(270, mouseY - 5, 20, 10, 7);
  // Tea Leaves
  fill(133, 102, 70);
  rect(260, mouseY + 25, 40, 20, 7);
  // String
  stroke(191, 212, 119);
  line(280, 0, 280, mouseY);


  // Counter Top
  fill(173, 127, 84);
  rect(0, 335, width, 20);
  fill(163, 120, 79);
  rect(0, 355, width, 20);
  fill(145, 107, 71);
  rect(0, 375, width, 25);
  // Mug Shadow
  fill(68, 77, 92, 100);
  ellipse(300, 365, 180, 100);
  // Body
  fill(209, 92, 113);
  rect(220, 212, 120, 130);
  ellipse(280, 340, 120, 40);
  // Lip of Mug
  stroke(250, 110, 135);
  arc(280, 190, 120, 40, 0, PI);

  /* KETTLE */

  // Body
  fill(191, 212, 119);
  ellipse(130, 157, 40, 40);
  // Spout
  quad(130, 157, 110, 157, 80, 137, 90, 137);
  fill(133, 59, 72);
  ellipse(85, 137, 10, 5);
  // Handle
  stroke(191, 212, 119);
  ellipse(150, 157, 20, 20);
  // Lid
  fill(224, 247, 139);
  ellipse(130, 147, 40, 20);
  fill(133, 59, 72);
  ellipse(130, 137, 10, 10);

  /* JARS */

  // Filling
  fill(205, 227, 127, 150);
  rect(380, 180, 20, 10, 7);
  rect(370, 150, 20, 20, 7);
  // Lids
  fill(68, 77, 92);
  rect(370, 130, 20, 10, 7);
  rect(390, 140, 20, 10, 7);
  rect(380, 160, 20, 10, 7);