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Project name: Magical_Fish
 Name: Adam Wilczewski
 Date: September 18 2017
 Description: A magical fish who changes color depending where it is in the water.
 Press a key to reveal the true colors of the fish depending where it was last.
void setup() {
  //Set size of screen
  size(400, 400);

void draw() {
  //set frame rate to 60
  //Draw background (gray)
  background(91, 91, 112); 

  //draw table(rectangle)
  fill(64, 33, 16);
  rect(0, 330, 400, 70);

  //draw bubbles(ellipse)
  fill(100, 10, 95, 60);
  ellipse(330, mouseY/2 + 100, 10, 10);
  ellipse(330, mouseY/2 + 150, 15, 15);

  //draw bubble tube(rectangle)
  fill(199, 98, 25);
  rect(320, 260, 20, 60);

  //Left Tower
  fill(31, 23, 65);
  //draw base (rectangle)
  rect(40, 200, 30, 120);

  //draw brackets(rectangle)
  rect(30, 160, 10, 20);
  rect(50, 160, 10, 20);
  rect(70, 160, 10, 20);
  //draw tower top(rectangle)
  fill(65, 64, 86);
  rect(30, 180, 50, 20);

  //draw castle base(rectangle)
  rect(70, 220, 70, 100);  
  //draw castle gate(rectangle)
  fill(31, 23, 65);
  rect(80, 260, 50, 60);

  //Right Tower
  //draw base (rectangle)
  rect(140, 200, 30, 120);
  //draw brackets(rectangle)
  rect(130, 160, 10, 20);
  rect(150, 160, 10, 20);
  rect(170, 160, 10, 20);
  //draw tower top(rectangle)
  fill(65, 64, 86);
  rect(130, 180, 50, 20);

  //draw fish tail(triangle)
  fill(231, 76, 60);
  triangle(mouseX/5+ 100, 180, mouseX/5 + 150, 200, mouseX/5 + 100, 220);
  //draw fish tail with varying alpha based on mouse x position
  fill(52, 152, 219, mouseX);
  triangle(mouseX/5+ 100, 180, mouseX/5 + 150, 200, mouseX/5 + 100, 220);

  // Draw fish body(quad)
  fill(231, 76, 60);
  quad(mouseX/5+ 160, 150, mouseX/5 + 210, 200, mouseX/5 + 160, 250, mouseX/5 + 110, 200 );
  //draw fish body with varying alpha based on mouse's x postition
  fill(41, 128, 185, mouseX);
  quad(mouseX/5+ 160, 150, mouseX/5 + 210, 200, mouseX/5 + 160, 250, mouseX/5 + 110, 200 );

  // draw eye(ellipse)
  ellipse(mouseX/5 + 180, 180, 20, 20);
  //draw Iris (ellipse)
  ellipse(mouseX/4.5 + 180, mouseY / 48 + 180, 5, 5);

  //Fish Tank
  //Set rectangle mode Corner than draw blue transparent water
  fill(52, 152, 219, 70);
  rect(20, 60, 360, 320);

  fill(238, 211, 99);
  rect(20, 320, 360, 40);

  //fish tank(rectangle)
  fill(255, 255, 255, 70);
  rect(20, 60, 360, 320);

  //fish tank stand(rectangle)
  rect(20, 360, 360, 20);

  //fish tank lid(rectangle)
  rect(20, 40, 360, 20);

void keyPressed() {
  //set frame rate to 1 
  //Draw background (gray)
  background(91, 91, 112); 

  //draw table (rectangle)
  fill(64, 33, 16);
  rect(0, 330, 400, 70);

  //draw bubbles(ellipse)
  fill(100, 10, 95, 60);
  ellipse(330, mouseY/2 + 100, 10, 10);
  ellipse(330, mouseY/2 + 150, 15, 15);

  //draw bubble tube(rectangle)
  fill(199, 98, 25);
  rect(320, 260, 20, 60);

  //Left Tower
  fill(31, 23, 65);
  //draw base (rectangle)
  rect(40, 200, 30, 120);

  //draw brackets(rectangle)
  rect(30, 160, 10, 20);
  rect(50, 160, 10, 20);
  rect(70, 160, 10, 20);

  //draw tower top(rectangle)
  fill(65, 64, 86);
  rect(30, 180, 50, 20);

  //draw castle base(rectangle)
  rect(70, 220, 70, 100);

  //draw castle gate(rectangle)
  fill(31, 23, 65);
  rect(80, 260, 50, 60);

  //Right Tower
  //draw base (rectangle)
  rect(140, 200, 30, 120);
  //draw brackets(rectangle)
  rect(130, 160, 10, 20);
  rect(150, 160, 10, 20);
  rect(170, 160, 10, 20);
  //draw tower top (rectangle)
  fill(65, 64, 86);
  rect(130, 180, 50, 20);

  //draw fish tail (tiangle)
  fill(231, 176, 60);
  triangle(mouseX/5+ 100, 180, mouseX/5 + 150, 200, mouseX/5 + 100, 220);
  //draw fish tail with varying alpha based on mouse x position
  fill(52, 252, 219, mouseX);
  triangle(mouseX/5+ 100, 180, mouseX/5 + 150, 200, mouseX/5 + 100, 220);

  // Draw fish body (quad)
  fill(231, 176, 60);
  quad(mouseX/5+ 160, 150, mouseX/5 + 210, 200, mouseX/5 + 160, 250, mouseX/5 + 110, 200 );
  //draw fish body with varying alpha based on mouse's x postition
  fill(41, 228, 185, mouseX);
  quad(mouseX/5+ 160, 150, mouseX/5 + 210, 200, mouseX/5 + 160, 250, mouseX/5 + 110, 200 );

  // draw eye(ellipse)
  ellipse(mouseX/5 + 180, 180, 20, 20);
  //draw Iris (ellipse)
  ellipse(mouseX/4.5 + 180, mouseY / 48 + 180, 5, 5);

  //Fish Tank
  //Set rectangle mode Corner than draw red transparent water
  fill(252, 0, 0, 70);
  rect(20, 60, 360, 320);

  fill(238, 211, 99);
  rect(20, 320, 360, 40);

  // draw fish tank(rectangle)
  fill(255, 255, 255, 70);
  rect(20, 60, 360, 320);

  //fish tank stand(rectangle)
  rect(20, 360, 360, 20);

  //fish tank lid(rectangle)
  rect(20, 40, 360, 20);