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catch ball
this is a toy where you shoot a ball towards a bin that is moving based on your mouse position
interact by clicking the mouse and aiming for the bin
Conor Norman 991477800

float binX;
float binY;

float ballX;
float ballY;

float speedY = 0;
float speedX = 0;

float gravity = 1;

boolean shot = false;
boolean reset = true;

int stateX = 0;
int stateY = 0;

float mousePressedX;
float mousePressedY;

void setup() {
  size(400, 400); 


void draw() {




//places shapes into original position
void initializeDrawings() {
  ballX = 60;
  ballY = 290;

  binX = 250;
  binY = 250;

//resets ball to original position with no speed to it
void resetBall() {
  ballX = 60;
  ballY = 290;
  shot = false;
  reset = true;
  speedX = 0;
  speedY = 0;

//constantly updates ball speed and position
void updateBallPos() {

  //allows player to shoot once until reset
  if (mousePressed == true) {
    shot = true;

  if (shot == true) {
    //gives my ball a velocity
    ballX += speedX;
    ballY -= speedY;

    //checks if ball is in the bin

  //update the speed every frame
  speedY = speedY - gravity;

//constantly updates bin position and keep it on screen
void updateBinPos() {

  //building off learning processing, example 5-8
  if (stateX == 0) {
    binX = binX + 0.35;
    if (binX > width-70) {
      binX = width - 70;
      stateX = 1;
  } else if (stateX == 1) {
    binX = binX - 0.35;
    if (binX < 150) {
      binX = 150;
      stateX = 0;
  if (stateY == 0) {
    binY = binY + 0.7;
    if (binY > 350) {
      binY = 350;
      stateY = 1;
  } else if (stateY == 1) {
    binY = binY - 0.7;
    if (binY < 100) {
      binY = 100;
      stateY = 0;

//checks if the ball is in the bin or off screen
void inBin() {

  if (ballX >= binX+15 && ballX <= binX+65 && ballY <= binY && ballY > binY-20) {
    println("good shot");
  } else if (ballX > width || ballY > height) {

//when the mouse is pressed grab position of where it was clicked
void mousePressed() {

  if (shot == false && reset == true) {

    reset = false;

    mousePressedX = (mouseX-ballX)/24;
    mousePressedY = (ballY-mouseY)/10;

    speedX = mousePressedX;
    speedY = mousePressedY;

//draws bin shape
void drawBin() {
  fill(135, 61, 0); 
  rect(binX, binY, 80, 15);
  rect(binX, binY-30, 15, 40);
  rect(binX+65, binY-30, 15, 40);

//draws ball shape
void drawBall() {
  fill(20, 204, 147);
  ellipse(ballX, ballY, 15, 15);

//draws platform shape
void drawPlatform() { 
  fill(0, 152, 178);
  quad(50, 360, 70, 360, 70, 300, 50, 300);

//creates a background that changes color with every loop
void drawLoop() { 

  for (int x=0; x<height; x=x+30) {

    for (int y=255; y>0; y=y-30) {

      stroke(x+110, x, y);
      line(0, x, width, x);