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//Whack a Diglett! By Jessie Lo
//Interactive Toy Assignment

//Inspired by the video game series Pokemon, Diglett is a ground type pokemon
//Diglett is a tiny, brown Pokémon that seems to be perpetually buried within the earth, leaving only its head visible. Its small stature makes it both the lightest and shortest Ground-type Pokémon. It has beady black eyes and a large, round, pink nose

//references used

boolean malletHit = false;

float eyesX = 0;
float eyesY = 0;

float deadeyesX = 0;
float deadeyesY = 0;

//Setup (size of screen, etc)
void setup() {
  size (400, 400);

void drawEyes () {
  ellipse( 180, 180, 10, 30);
  ellipse(218, 180, 10, 30);
  ellipse(181, 172, 5, 10);
  ellipse(220, 172, 5, 10);

//Dead eyes
void drawDeadeyes () {
  line(167, 150, 190, 176);
  line(190, 150, 165, 175);
  line(210, 150, 230, 175);
  line(230, 150, 210, 175);
  noStroke ();

void draw() {

  //List what to draw in order

  //Mallet controls
  //Determines position and functions of the Mallet
  //Mallet (mouse should disapear from screen and become the Mallet) 
  if (!malletHit) {
    fill(67, 41, 4);
    stroke(67, 41, 4);
    line(mouseX+65, mouseY-50, mouseX+65, mouseY+50);
    ellipse(mouseX+45, mouseY-50, 40, 40);
    rect(mouseX+70, mouseY-50, 50, 40);
    fill(160, 108, 40);
    ellipse(mouseX+90, mouseY-50, 40, 40);

  //Mallet in the hitting position (when mouse is clicked)
  else {
    //The "BAM", helps visually show the Mallet has hit something
    fill(255, 234, 0);
    triangle(mouseX, mouseY+20, mouseX, mouseY-20, mouseX-40, mouseY);
    triangle(mouseX-20, mouseY, mouseX, mouseY+40, mouseX+20, mouseY);
    triangle(mouseX-20, mouseY, mouseX+20, mouseY, mouseX+30, mouseY+30);
    triangle(mouseX-20, mouseY, mouseX+20, mouseY, mouseX-30, mouseY+30);

    fill(67, 41, 4);
    stroke(67, 41, 4);
    line(mouseX, mouseY-20, mouseX+90, mouseY-20);
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 40, 40);
    rect(mouseX, mouseY - 20, 40, 50);
    fill(160, 108, 40);
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY-40, 40, 40);

// When mouse is pressed, Mallet attacks what is targeted (can be anywear on screen)

void mousePressed() {
  if (!malletHit) {
    malletHit = true;

//If mouse click is "released", Mallet is back in original position
//Works with dragging the mouse around as well

void mouseReleased() {
  mousePressed = false;
  malletHit = false;

void mouseDragged() {
  mousePressed = false;

//Black Border surrounds the screen
void drawBorder() {
  rect(1, 200, 38, 400);
  rect(399, 200, 38, 400);
  rect(200, 1, 400, 38);
  rect(200, 399, 400, 38);

//Draw Sky + Clouds
void drawSky() {
  fill(77, 147, 255);
  rect( 200, 200, 360, 360);

  //Clouds move to the right of the screen at their respective speeds
  fill(255, 150);
  rect(120 + (frameCount/1.6), 60, 80, 50, 10);
  fill(255, 220);
  rect(145 + (frameCount/1.6), 70, 40, 30, 10);
  fill(255, 220);
  rect(1 + (frameCount/2), 120, 40, 30, 10);
  fill(255, 250);
  rect(-20 + (frameCount/4), 60, 80, 50, 10);
  fill(255, 220);
  rect(-20 + (frameCount/6), 170, 40, 30, 10);
  rect(210 + (frameCount/5), 190, 80, 50, 10);

//Draw Ground
//The darker the colour, the deeper/richer the soil
void drawGround() {
  fill(129, 88, 0);
  rect(200, 320, 360, 130);
  fill(165, 113, 0);
  rect(200, 300, 360, 100);
  fill(206, 141, 0);
  rect(200, 280, 360, 70);

//Draw Diglett
//Will draw Digletts's Body, Eyes and Nose in that order
void drawDiglett() {
  fill (80, 26, 5);
  ellipse( 200, 200, 110, 150);

  if (mousePressed) {
    drawDeadeyes ();
  } else { 
    drawEyes ();

  fill( 255, 173, 207);
  ellipse (200, 200, 50, 35);
  fill (255);
  ellipse (190, 192, 20, 10);