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//////////////Ariana Tomcsak//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//////ASSIGNMENT 1  -  INTERACTIVE DRAWING////////////////////////////////////////
///////////PEEK-A-BOO IN THE DESERT///////////////////////////////////////////////
////////////////LET'S PLAY!///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
////Use the fly (cursor) to play peek-a-boo with the sun, move it up and down/////
////Move the fly left and right to watch the clouds hide behind the sun///////////
////Press some keys to see some colors change/////////////////////////////////////
////Click the fly to see the cactus flowers shrink////////////////////////////////
/***Make sure to click last since frameRate will slow down***/////////////////////

////////////////////////Setup the size////////////////////////////////////////////
void setup() {

////////////////////////Setup the canvas////////////////////////////////////////////
void draw() {

////Set background color to white///

////Set rect and ellipse Modes//////

////Set noStroke////////////////////

////Draw sky with color///////////////

//Draw sky 1 rect
fill(255, 158, 118, 155);
rect(200, 20, 400, 40);
//Draw sky 2 rect
fill(255, 212, 137, 155);
rect(200, 60, 400, 40);
//Draw sky 3 rect
fill(186, 158, 96, 155);
rect(200, 100, 400, 40);
//Draw sky 4 rect
fill(160, 171, 105, 155);
rect(200, 140, 400, 40);
//Draw sky 5 
fill(136, 178, 177, 155);
rect(200, 180, 400, 40);
//Draw sky 6 rect
fill(81, 107, 106, 180);
rect(200, 220, 400, 40);
//Draw sky 7 rect
fill(134, 187, 189, 155);
rect(200, 260, 400, 40);

////Draw cloud c with color////

//cloud c (right-hand side cloud)*/
fill(201, 155, 164, 100);
ellipse(mouseX, 40, 80, 40);

////Draw sun & beams with color////

/*Draw beam 2 (futher beam behind sun)*/
fill(246, 197, 121, 120);
/*Draw beam 1 (closer beam behind sun)*/
fill(246, 171, 121, 140);
ellipse(300, mouseY, 100, 100);
/*Draw sun*/
fill(247, 203, 65);
ellipse(300, mouseY, 60, 60);

////Draw clouds a & b with color////

//cloud a (left-hand side cloud)
fill(128, 180, 186, 100);
ellipse(mouseX*0.9-90, 50, 60, 40);
//cloud b (middle cloud)
fill(98, 138, 143, 130);
ellipse(mouseX*1.1-50, 60, 80, 40);

////Draw white rect behind ground to mask the sun when it goes down////
rect(200, 340, 400, 120);

////Draw mountains & color////

/*Mountain 'tc' (shortest, back mountain)*/

//Draw tc1
triangle(320, 280, 335, 260, 350, 280);
//Draw tc2
triangle(335, 260, 350, 240, 360, 250);
//Draw tc3
triangle(335, 260, 360, 250, 350, 280);
//Draw tc4
triangle(350, 280, 360, 250, 380, 280);

/*Mountain 'ta' (second tallest, back mountain)*/

//Draw ta1
triangle(210, 280,220, 260, 250, 280);
//Draw ta2
triangle(220, 260, 260, 230, 250, 280);
//Draw ta3
triangle(220, 260, 250, 210, 260, 230);
//Draw ta4
triangle(250, 280, 260, 230, 280, 280);

/*Mountain 't' (second peak of mountain 'tb')*/

//Draw t
triangle(300, 280, 320, 210, 350, 280);

/*Mountain 'tb' (tallest, front mountain)*/

//Draw tb1
triangle(240, 280, 283, 220, 280, 280);
//Draw tb2
triangle(283, 220, 300, 200, 323, 240);
//Draw tb3
triangle(280, 280, 283, 220, 323, 240);
//Draw tb4
triangle(280, 280, 323, 240, 350, 280);

////Draw ground with color////

/*Draw purple ground*/
fill(145, 127, 140, 155);
rect(200, 340, 400, 120);

/*Draw yellow sand ground*/

fill(246, 224, 188, 155);
//Draw bottom yellow sand rect
rect(200, 385, 400, 30);
//Draw middle yellow sand rect
rect(200, 345, 400, 30);
//Draw top yellow sand rect
rect(200, 295, 400, 10);

//////Draw cactus & color//////

///Draw cactus hands & color///

/*Draw left cactus hand & color*/

//Draw ca1
rect(45, 265, 10, 50);
//Draw ca2
fill(155, 154, 55);
rect(55, 265, 10, 30);
//Draw ca3
rect(60, 295, 40, 10);
//Draw ca4
fill(155, 154, 55);
rect(65, 285, 30, 10);

/*Draw left cactus hand & color*/

//Draw cb1
fill(194, 172, 55);
rect(205, 200, 10, 40);
//Draw cb2
fill(200, 122, 44);
rect(215, 210, 10, 40);
//Draw cb3
fill(51, 76, 52);
rect(225, 205, 10, 70);
//Draw cb4
fill(194, 172, 55);
rect(195, 225, 30, 10);
//Draw cb5
fill(200, 122, 44);
rect(200, 235, 40, 10);
//Draw cb6
fill(51, 76, 52);
rect(205, 245, 50, 10);

///Draw cactus main body & color///

//Draw c1
fill(73, 102, 65);
rect(90, 300, 20, 200);
//Draw c2
fill(50, 71, 1);
rect(110, 270, 20, 260);
//Draw c3
fill(125, 150, 83);
rect(130, 280, 20, 320);
//Draw c4
fill(180, 155, 101);
rect(150, 275, 20, 250);
//Draw c5
fill(163, 166, 53);
rect(170, 290, 20, 220);

////Draw flowers on cactus & color////

//Draw right flower (f1) & color//

/*Draw right flower (f1) petal 1 (p1) & color*/

//Draw f1, p1
fill(224, 192, 56);
ellipse(150,250, 20, 20);

/*Draw right flower (f1) petal 2 (p2) & color*/

//Draw f1, p2
fill(217, 32, 2);
ellipse(160,250, 23, 23);

/*Draw right flower (f1) petal 3 (p3) & color*/

//Draw f1, p3
fill(224, 192, 56);
ellipse(155,260, 15, 15);

//Draw left flower (f2) & color//

/*Draw left flower (f2) petal 1 (p1) & color*/

//Draw f2, p1
fill(224, 192, 56);
ellipse(100, 300, 20, 20);

/*Draw right flower (f2) petal 2 (p2) & color*/

//Draw f1, p2
fill(217, 32, 2);
ellipse(110, 290, 30, 30);

/*Draw right flower (f2) petal 3 (p3) & color*/

//Draw f1, p3
fill(224, 192, 56);
ellipse(110, 305, 23, 23);

/////Draw fly/cursor////

//Draw fly wing back
fill(255, 150);
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY - 5, 7, 10);
//Draw fly body
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 10, 10);
//Draw fly wing front
fill(255, 170);
ellipse(mouseX + 3, mouseY - 5, 7, 10);  



void keyPressed() {

////Draw mountains & color////

/*Mountain 'tc' (shortest, back mountain)*/

//Draw tc1
fill(73, 102, 65);
triangle(320, 280, 335, 260, 350, 280);
//Draw tc2
fill(50, 71, 1);
triangle(335, 260, 350, 240, 360, 250);
//Draw tc3
fill(125, 150, 83);
triangle(335, 260, 360, 250, 350, 280);
//Draw tc4
fill(180, 155, 101);
triangle(350, 280, 360, 250, 380, 280);

/*Mountain 'ta' (second tallest, back mountain)*/

//Draw ta1
fill(163, 166, 53);
triangle(210, 280,220, 260, 250, 280);
//Draw ta2
fill(194, 172, 55);
triangle(220, 260, 260, 230, 250, 280);
//Draw ta3
fill(200, 122, 44);
triangle(220, 260, 250, 210, 260, 230);
//Draw ta4
fill(51, 76, 52);
triangle(250, 280, 260, 230, 280, 280);

/*Mountain 't' (second peak of mountain 'tb')*/

//Draw t
fill(200, 122, 44);
triangle(300, 280, 320, 210, 350, 280);

/*Mountain 'tb' (tallest, front mountain)*/

//Draw tb1
triangle(240, 280, 283, 220, 280, 280);
//Draw tb2
fill(155, 154, 55);
triangle(283, 220, 300, 200, 323, 240);
//Draw tb3
fill(125, 150, 83);
triangle(280, 280, 283, 220, 323, 240);
//Draw tb4
fill(163, 166, 53);
triangle(280, 280, 323, 240, 350, 280);

//////Draw cactus & color//////

///Draw cactus hands & color///

/*Draw left cactus hand & color*/

//Draw ca1
rect(45, 265, 10, 50);
//Draw ca2
rect(55, 265, 10, 30);
//Draw ca3
rect(60, 295, 40, 10);
//Draw ca4
rect(65, 285, 30, 10);

/*Draw left cactus hand & color*/

//Draw cb1
rect(205, 200, 10, 40);
//Draw cb2
rect(215, 210, 10, 40);
//Draw cb3
rect(225, 205, 10, 70);
//Draw cb4
rect(195, 225, 30, 10);
//Draw cb5
rect(200, 235, 40, 10);
//Draw cb6
rect(205, 245, 50, 10);

///Draw cactus main body & color///

//Draw c1
rect(90, 300, 20, 200);
//Draw c2
rect(110, 270, 20, 260);
//Draw c3
rect(130, 280, 20, 320);
//Draw c4
rect(150, 275, 20, 250);
//Draw c5
rect(170, 290, 20, 220);

////Draw flowers on cactus & color////

//Draw right flower (f1) & color//

/*Draw right flower (f1) petal 1 (p1) & color*/

//Draw f1, p1
fill(217, 32, 2);
ellipse(150,250, 20, 20);

/*Draw right flower (f1) petal 2 (p2) & color*/

//Draw f1, p2
fill(224, 192, 56);
ellipse(160,250, 23, 23);

/*Draw right flower (f1) petal 3 (p3) & color*/

//Draw f1, p3
fill(217, 32, 2);
ellipse(155,260, 15, 15);

//Draw left flower (f2) & color//

/*Draw left flower (f2) petal 1 (p1) & color*/

//Draw f2, p1
fill(217, 32, 2);
ellipse(100, 300, 20, 20);

/*Draw right flower (f2) petal 2 (p2) & color*/

//Draw f1, p2
fill(224, 192, 56);
ellipse(110, 290, 30, 30);

/*Draw right flower (f2) petal 3 (p3) & color*/

//Draw f1, p3
fill(217, 32, 2);
ellipse(110, 305, 23, 23);

////Set frameRate to 5////


/////////RE-DRAW CACTUS MAIN BODY FOR MOUSE CLICK FUNCTION///////////////////////////

void mousePressed() {

///Draw cactus main body & color///

//Draw c1
fill(73, 102, 65);
rect(90, 300, 20, 200);
//Draw c2
fill(50, 71, 1);
rect(110, 270, 20, 260);
//Draw c3
fill(125, 150, 83);
rect(130, 280, 20, 320);
//Draw c4
fill(180, 155, 101);
rect(150, 275, 20, 250);
//Draw c5
fill(163, 166, 53);
rect(170, 290, 20, 220);

////Draw flowers on cactus & color////

//Draw right flower (f1) & color//

/*Draw right flower (f1) petal 1 (p1) & color*/

//Draw f1, p1
fill(217, 32, 2);
ellipse(155,250, 15, 15);

/*Draw right flower (f1) petal 2 (p2) & color*/

//Draw f1, p2
fill(224, 192, 56);
ellipse(155,250, 18, 18);

/*Draw right flower (f1) petal 3 (p3) & color*/

//Draw f1, p3
fill(217, 32, 2);
ellipse(155,255, 10, 10);

//Draw left flower (f2) & color//

/*Draw left flower (f2) petal 1 (p1) & color*/

//Draw f2, p1
fill(217, 32, 2);
ellipse(110, 300, 15, 15);

/*Draw right flower (f2) petal 2 (p2) & color*/

//Draw f1, p2
fill(224, 192, 56);
ellipse(110, 295, 25, 25);

/*Draw right flower (f2) petal 3 (p3) & color*/

//Draw f1, p3
fill(217, 32, 2);
ellipse(105, 305, 18, 18);

////Set frameRate to 10////
