////Lovely Cat Oven//// ///by Colton David/// /* Use your cat paw to manipulate the oven and get your fish waffle a'cooking. All good things take time. Be patient. */ void setup() { //Set window size!! size(400, 400); //Better framerate frameRate(60); //byyye cursor noCursor(); } void draw() { background(119, 213, 213); // Set center mode!! ellipseMode(CENTER); rectMode(CENTER); //Wallpaper noStroke(); rectMode(CORNER); fill(255); rect(0, 0, 2, 500); rect(4, 0, 2, 500); rect(8, 0, 2, 500); rect(12, 0, 2, 500); rect(16, 0, 2, 500); rect(20, 0, 2, 500); rect(24, 0, 2, 500); rect(28, 0, 2, 500); rect(32, 0, 2, 500); rect(36, 0, 2, 500); rect(40, 0, 2, 500); rect(44, 0, 2, 500); rect(48, 0, 2, 500); rect(52, 0, 2, 500); rect(56, 0, 2, 500); rect(60, 0, 2, 500); rect(64, 0, 2, 500); rect(68, 0, 2, 500); rect(72, 0, 2, 500); rect(76, 0, 2, 500); rect(80, 0, 2, 500); rect(84, 0, 2, 500); rect(88, 0, 2, 500); rect(92, 0, 2, 500); rect(96, 0, 2, 500); rect(100, 0, 2, 500); rect(104, 0, 2, 500); rect(108, 0, 2, 500); rect(112, 0, 2, 500); rect(116, 0, 2, 500); rect(120, 0, 2, 500); rect(124, 0, 2, 500); rect(128, 0, 2, 500); rect(132, 0, 2, 500); rect(136, 0, 2, 500); rect(140, 0, 2, 500); rect(144, 0, 2, 500); rect(148, 0, 2, 500); rect(152, 0, 2, 500); rect(156, 0, 2, 500); rect(160, 0, 2, 500); rect(164, 0, 2, 500); rect(168, 0, 2, 500); rect(172, 0, 2, 500); rect(176, 0, 2, 500); rect(180, 0, 2, 500); rect(184, 0, 2, 500); rect(188, 0, 2, 500); rect(192, 0, 2, 500); rect(196, 0, 2, 500); rect(200, 0, 2, 500); rect(204, 0, 2, 500); rect(208, 0, 2, 500); rect(212, 0, 2, 500); rect(216, 0, 2, 500); rect(220, 0, 2, 500); rect(224, 0, 2, 500); rect(228, 0, 2, 500); rect(232, 0, 2, 500); rect(236, 0, 2, 500); rect(240, 0, 2, 500); rect(244, 0, 2, 500); rect(248, 0, 2, 500); rect(252, 0, 2, 500); rect(256, 0, 2, 500); rect(260, 0, 2, 500); rect(264, 0, 2, 500); rect(268, 0, 2, 500); rect(272, 0, 2, 500); rect(276, 0, 2, 500); rect(280, 0, 2, 500); rect(284, 0, 2, 500); rect(288, 0, 2, 500); rect(292, 0, 2, 500); rect(296, 0, 2, 500); rect(300, 0, 2, 500); rect(304, 0, 2, 500); rect(308, 0, 2, 500); rect(312, 0, 2, 500); rect(316, 0, 2, 500); rect(320, 0, 2, 500); rect(324, 0, 2, 500); rect(328, 0, 2, 500); rect(332, 0, 2, 500); rect(336, 0, 2, 500); rect(340, 0, 2, 500); rect(344, 0, 2, 500); rect(348, 0, 2, 500); rect(352, 0, 2, 500); rect(356, 0, 2, 500); rect(360, 0, 2, 500); rect(364, 0, 2, 500); rect(368, 0, 2, 500); rect(372, 0, 2, 500); rect(376, 0, 2, 500); rect(380, 0, 2, 500); rect(384, 0, 2, 500); rect(388, 0, 2, 500); rect(392, 0, 2, 500); rect(396, 0, 2, 500); rect(400, 0, 2, 500); //Table fill (255, 195, 195); //Base stroke(185, 185, 90); strokeWeight(1.5); rect(0, 245, 400, 200); fill(255, 218, 110); //Counter rect(0, 225, 400, 100); //Cat Ears stroke(225, 125, 30); fill(255, 150, 49); //Top Left rectMode(CORNERS); strokeWeight(3); triangle(70, 60, 130, 60, 100, 20); //L Ear Exterior fill(255, 186, 186); stroke(225, 156, 156); strokeWeight(1); triangle(80, 60, 120, 60, 100, 32); //L Ear Interior //Top Right stroke(128, 160, 200); strokeWeight(3); fill(148, 180, 219); triangle(330, 60, 270, 60, 300, 20); //R Ear Exterior fill(255, 186, 186); strokeWeight(1); triangle(320, 60, 280, 60, 300, 32); //R Ear Interior //Oven EXT rectMode(CENTER); stroke(225, 127, 66); strokeWeight(3); fill(255, 157, 76); rect(200, 160, 300, 200, 10); //Cat Eyes //Top Left stroke(0); rectMode(CENTER); strokeWeight(1); fill(255, 240, 105); ellipse(140, 80, 28, 28); fill(0); ellipse(mouseX/50+137, mouseY/90+77.5, 2, 18); //Look at cursor //Top Right fill(255, 240, 105); ellipse(270, 80, 28, 28); fill(0); ellipse(mouseX/50+267, mouseY/90+77.5, 2, 18); //Look at cursor //Blush stroke(255); strokeWeight(0.2); fill(255, 186, 186); ellipse(105, 83, 15, 15); ellipse(305, 83, 15, 15); //Mouth stroke(0); strokeWeight(2); noFill(); bezier(193, 85, 193, 90, 200, 90, 200, 85); bezier(200, 85, 200, 90, 207, 90, 207, 85); //Oven INT noStroke(); fill(34); rect(200, 165, 250, 135, 10); //Taiyaki //Plate stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); fill(119, 213, 213); ellipse(190, 200, 180, 42); fill(255); ellipse(190, 200, 165, 35); //Body & Tail stroke(0); fill(253, 188, 85); ellipse(193, 136, 35, 15); ellipse(176, 204, 30, 15); ellipse(255, 162.5, 35, 25); ellipse(255, 185.5, 35, 25); ellipse(180, 170, 140, 70); strokeWeight(3); line(140, 152, 155, 167); line(155, 152, 140, 167); //Hide the tail stroke noStroke(); ellipse(240, 171, 26, 32); //Scales stroke(0); strokeWeight(1.5); bezier(200, 150, 190, 150, 190, 160, 200, 160); bezier(200, 160, 190, 160, 190, 170, 200, 170); bezier(200, 170, 190, 170, 190, 180, 200, 180); bezier(220, 155, 210, 155, 210, 165, 220, 165); bezier(220, 165, 210, 165, 210, 175, 220, 175); //Oven Alpha stroke(255); strokeWeight(1); fill(mouseX/1.5, 0, 0, mouseX/2); //Fade to red on scroll rect(200, 165, 250, 135, 10); //Temperature Slider stroke(225, 127, 66); strokeWeight(2); fill(255, 193, 143); rect(200, 275, 200, 30, 0, 0, 10, 10); //Heat line fill(255); line(100, 275, 300, 275); //Slider Button rect(mouseX/2.25+108, 275, 5, 20, 20); //Oven Glass fill(255, 255, 255, 120); rect(200, 165, 250, 135, 10); //Oven Shine stroke(255, 120); strokeWeight(2); line(110, 120, 260, 213); line(170, 125, 280, 192); //Temperature Icons rectMode(CORNER); strokeWeight(2); //Cold stroke(50, 210, 210); fill(172, 237, 237); rect(100, 236, 45, 20, 6); //Med Cold stroke(105, 180, 180); fill(119, 213, 213); rect(150, 236, 45, 20, 6); //Med Hot stroke(215, 85, 85); fill(255, 107, 107); rect(200, 236, 45, 20, 6); //Hot stroke(200, 12, 12); fill(233, 37, 37); rect(250, 236, 45, 20, 6); //Paw rectMode(CORNER); stroke(190, 154, 72); strokeWeight(2); fill(255, 174, 92); rect(mouseX-18, mouseY, 35, 600); //Cat Arm fill(255, 174, 92); ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 50, 40); //Paw noStroke(); rect(mouseX-15, mouseY+15, 29, 9); //Stroke cover up //Stripes fill(255, 193, 143); rect(mouseX-13, mouseY-15, 5, 500); rect(mouseX-1, mouseY-18, 5, 500); rect(mouseX+10, mouseY-15, 5, 500); //Beans stroke(0); strokeWeight(0.5); fill(255, 143, 143); ellipse(mouseX, mouseY+5, 15, 10); ellipse(mouseX+10, mouseY-5, 10, 7); ellipse(mouseX-10, mouseY-5, 10, 7); ellipse(mouseX, mouseY-10, 10, 7); //Heat Squiggle noFill(); strokeWeight(2); stroke(0, 0, 0, mouseX/1.8-20); bezier(175, 20, 165, 25, 165, 35, 180, 35); bezier(180, 35, 185, 35, 185, 45, 175, 50); stroke(0, 0, 0, mouseX/1.8-80); bezier(215, 20, 205, 25, 205, 35, 220, 35); bezier(220, 35, 225, 35, 225, 45, 215, 50); }