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      Interactive Drawing designed and created by Francesca Ramirez
      Class: Into to Media Comp PROG14498, Section P04
      This program will create an interactive drawing of Miku Hatsune (from Vocaloid) performing at her concert!
      Please play a song while interacting with Miku!
      Created with about 103 shapes (I lost count somewhere lol)
      Move the mouse up and down to move her arms
      Move the mouse left and right to move her hips
      Press the right mouse button to get the crowd cheering
      Press any key to get Miku singing
      Move the mouse faster to change the lights colours
      void setup()
       //window size 400x400 pixels
       //hide the mouse cursor
       println("Play 'World is Mine' - on youtube to get Miku dancing to some music!"
       + "\nOther songs:\nMiku vs NND -\nElectric Angel -");
      }//end setup
      void draw()
        //make framerate 60fps

        //set background to dark grey colour
        //remove stroke on shapes
        //possibly add more smaller lights like circles or squares
        //circle lights
        fill(255, 195, 45);
        ellipse(45, 18, 40, 40);
        ellipse(182, 13, 40, 40);
        ellipse(279, 18, 40, 40);
        ellipse(358, 0, 40, 40);
        ellipse(6, 106, 40, 40);
        ellipse(64, 120, 40, 40);
        ellipse(324, 106, 40, 40);
        ellipse(22, 204, 40, 40);
        ellipse(216, 223, 40, 40);
        ellipse(88, 186, 40, 40);
        ellipse(280, 180, 40, 40);
        ellipse(380, 220, 40, 40);
        ellipse(100, 60, 40, 40);
        ellipse(380, 150, 40, 40);
        ellipse(390, 75, 40, 40);
        ellipse(216, 68, 40, 40);
        //glow on circle lights
        fill(255, 195, 45, (float)(100+Math.sin(frameCount*.02-1.6)*70));
        ellipse(45, 18, 60, 60);
        ellipse(182, 13, 60, 60);
        ellipse(279, 18, 60, 60);
        ellipse(358, 0, 60, 60);
        ellipse(6, 106, 60, 60);
        ellipse(64, 120, 60, 60);
        ellipse(324, 106, 60, 60);
        ellipse(22, 204, 60, 60);
        ellipse(216, 223, 60, 60);
        ellipse(88, 186, 60, 60);
        ellipse(280, 180, 60, 60);
        ellipse(380, 220, 60, 60);
        ellipse(100, 60, 60, 60);
        ellipse(380, 150, 60, 60);
        ellipse(390, 75, 60, 60);
        ellipse(216, 68, 60, 60);
        //stage flooring
        rect(0, 320, 800, 200);
        rect(0, 260, 800, 100);
        //make translucent
        //add transitioning colours
        //middle light 1
        fill(255+(96-255)*mouseX/(width*1.0), 0*mouseX/(width*1.0), 164*mouseX/(width*1.0), 85);
        //fill(255, 0, 164, 85);
        quad(160, 0, 200, 0, 260, 288, 100, 288);
        //right light 1
        //fill(96, 0, 164, 85);
        quad(380, 0, 400, 0, 400, 288, 310, 288);
        //;eft light 1
        quad(0, 0, 20, 0, 50, 288, 0, 288);
        //add shadow for miku
        ellipse(200 + (mouseX-15)/25, 290, 200, 30);
        //MIKU HATSUNE
        //keep everything w/o stroke or w/ stroke as same colour
        //have miku's arms move up w/ mouse Y, and hips move with mouse X
        //back of hair
        fill(30, 163, 174);
        ellipse(191, 124, 130, 80);
        //left ponytail
        fill(0, 99, 100);
        triangle(130 + (mouseX-15)/25, 140, 150 + (mouseX-15)/25, 260, 130 + (mouseX-15)/25, 240);
        fill(0, 127, 138);
        quad(130, 80, 155, 90, 130 + (mouseX-15)/25, 140, 115 + (mouseX-15)/25, 140);
        quad(114 + (mouseX-15)/25, 140, 130 + (mouseX-15)/25, 140, 130 + (mouseX-15)/25, 280, 100 + (mouseX-15)/25, 240);
        quad(150, 82, 160, 87, 150, 103, 140, 100);
        stroke(243, 61, 85);
        line(155, 84, 146, 101);
        //remove stroke
        //left arm
        fill(250, 220, 184);
        triangle(168, 163, 174, 179, 152, 192 - (mouseY+6)/10);
        triangle(152, 192 - (mouseY+6)/10, 122, 173 - (mouseY+6)/10, 130, 163 - (mouseY+6)/10);
        //right arm
        fill(255, 246, 221);
        triangle(198, 163, 192, 179, 217, 192 - (mouseY+6)/10);
        triangle(217, 192 - (mouseY+6)/10, 237, 163 - (mouseY+6)/10, 246, 173 - (mouseY+6)/10);
        //left sleeve
        quad(154, 190 - (mouseY+6)/10, 149, 201 - (mouseY+6)/10, 119, 181 - (mouseY+6)/10, 137, 169 - (mouseY+6)/10);
        stroke(30, 163, 174);
        line(154, 190 - (mouseY+6)/10, 149, 201 - (mouseY+6)/10);
        line(119, 181 - (mouseY+6)/10, 137, 169 - (mouseY+6)/10);
        //remove stroke
        //left leg
        fill(250, 220, 184);
        quad(163 + (mouseX-15)/25, 227, 178 + (mouseX-15)/25, 227, 178, 288, 162, 288);
         //left boot
        quad(163 + (mouseX-15)/30, 247, 178 + (mouseX-15)/30, 247, 178, 288, 162, 288);
        stroke(0, 127, 138);
        line(163 + (mouseX-15)/30, 247, 178 + (mouseX-15)/30, 247);
        line(178, 288, 162, 288);
        //right leg
        fill(255, 246, 221);
        quad(178 + (mouseX-15)/25, 227, 190 + (mouseX-15)/25, 227, 197, 288, 178, 288);
        //right boot
        quad(178 + (mouseX-15)/30, 247, 190 + (mouseX-15)/30, 247, 197, 288, 178, 288);
        stroke(30, 163, 174);
        line(178 + (mouseX-15)/30, 247, 190 + (mouseX-15)/30, 247);
        line(197, 288, 178, 288);
        //remove stroke
        quad(159, 208, 173, 208, 160 + (mouseX+15)/100, 240, 135 + (mouseX+15)/100, 226);
        quad(183, 208, 197, 208, 218 + (mouseX+15)/100, 228, 194 + (mouseX+15)/100, 240);
        quad(173, 208, 183, 208, 194 + (mouseX+15)/100, 240, 160 + (mouseX+15)/100, 240);
        stroke(0, 127, 138);
        line(160 + (mouseX+15)/100, 240, 135 + (mouseX+15)/100, 226);
        stroke(30, 163, 174);
        line(218 + (mouseX+15)/100, 228, 194 + (mouseX+15)/100, 240);
        stroke(68, 209, 220);
        line(194 + (mouseX+15)/100, 240, 160 + (mouseX+15)/100, 240);
        //remove stroke
        triangle(192 + (mouseX+15)/100, 203, 200 + (mouseX+15)/100, 203, 195 + (mouseX+15)/100, 212);
        triangle(163 + (mouseX+15)/100, 203, 158 + (mouseX+15)/100, 203, 159 + (mouseX+15)/100, 208);
        quad(173, 162, 192, 162, 197 + (mouseX+15)/100, 209, 159 + (mouseX+15)/100, 209);
        fill(68, 209, 220);
        triangle(170 + (mouseX+15)/100, 180, 180 + (mouseX+15)/100, 180, 174 + (mouseX+15)/100, 187);
        triangle(174 + (mouseX+15)/100, 187,165 + (mouseX+15)/100, 202, 185 + (mouseX+15)/100, 202);
        fill(250, 220, 184);
        triangle(170, 160, 190, 160, 175 + (mouseX+15)/100, 177);
        quad(166, 163, 172, 163, 175 + (mouseX+15)/100, 177, 167 + (mouseX+15)/100, 182);
        quad(198, 163, 189, 163, 175 + (mouseX+15)/100, 177, 187 + (mouseX+15)/100, 184);
        stroke(0, 127, 138);
        line(166, 163, 167 + (mouseX+15)/100, 182);
        line(198, 163, 187 + (mouseX+15)/100, 184);
        quad(158 + (mouseX+15)/100, 207, 173 + (mouseX+15)/100, 207, 162 + (mouseX+15)/100, 226, 143 + (mouseX+15)/100, 216);
        quad(196 + (mouseX+15)/100, 207, 173 + (mouseX+15)/100, 207, 185 + (mouseX+15)/100, 226, 211 + (mouseX+15)/100, 218);

        //right sleeve
        quad(215, 190 - (mouseY+6)/10, 220, 205 - (mouseY+6)/10, 244, 186 - (mouseY+6)/10, 232, 169 - (mouseY+6)/10);
        stroke(30, 163, 174);
        line(215, 190 - (mouseY+6)/10, 220, 205 - (mouseY+6)/10);
        line(244, 186 - (mouseY+6)/10, 232, 169 - (mouseY+6)/10);
        //remove stroke
        //bangs back
        fill(30, 163, 174);
        triangle(148, 92, 138, 106, 123, 87);
        triangle(136, 101, 139, 113, 115, 114);
        triangle(130, 110, 150, 110, 140, 170);
       //head and face
        fill(255, 246, 221);
        ellipse(180, 130, 110, 75);
        ellipse(200, 130, 15, 25);
        ellipse(150, 130, 15, 25);
        ellipse(155, 130, 10, 10);
        ellipse(205, 130, 10, 10);
        fill(243, 122, 138);
        ellipse(140, 145, 20, 10);
        ellipse(210, 145, 20, 10);
        line(170, 150, 175, 155);
        line(180, 150, 175, 155);
        //remove stroke
        fill(68, 209, 220);
        quad(195, 105, 240, 105, 244, 115, 240, 140);
        quad(230, 110, 240, 110, 240, 125, 230, 125);
        quad(225, 125, 245, 125, 245, 150, 220, 150);
        fill(243, 61, 85);
        quad(225, 129, 239, 127, 239, 144, 225, 145);
        //right ponytail
        fill(30, 163, 174);
        triangle(260 + (mouseX-15)/25, 140, 262 + (mouseX-15)/25, 250, 230 + (mouseX-15)/25, 270);
        fill(68, 209, 220);
        quad(240, 95, 260, 80, 282 + (mouseX-15)/25, 140, 260 + (mouseX-15)/25, 140);
        quad(260 + (mouseX-15)/25, 140, 282 + (mouseX-15)/25, 140, 293 + (mouseX-15)/25, 253, 260 + (mouseX-15)/25, 280);
        quad(240, 85, 250, 90, 240, 105, 230, 100);
        stroke(243, 61, 85);
        line(244, 86, 233, 103);
        //remove stroke
        //bangs front
        fill(68, 209, 220);
        quad(150, 88, 230, 88, 240, 105, 140, 105);
        fill(30, 163, 174);
        triangle(137, 101, 150, 110, 115, 135);
        fill(68, 209, 220);
        triangle(140, 105, 165, 105, 120, 140);
        triangle(165, 105, 192, 105, 193, 141);
        triangle(185, 95, 226, 124, 223, 174);
        triangle(214, 112, 228, 107, 238, 135);
        //add glowing affect to glowsticks
        //make hands rise and fall with miku's
        //hand 1
        fill(255, 246, 221);
        triangle(40, 360 - (mouseY-15)/25, 
        40, 450 - (mouseY-15)/25, 20, 450 - (mouseY-15)/25);
        rect(40, 360 - (mouseY-15)/25, 40, 80);
        fill(138, 247, 152);
        rect(50, 318 - (mouseY-15)/25, 20, 42);
        fill(138, 247, 152, (float)(100+Math.sin(frameCount*.02-1.6)*70));
        rect(40, 298 - (mouseY-15)/25, 40, 62);
        //hand 2
        fill(255, 246, 221);
        triangle(100, 360 - (mouseY-15)/25, 130, 360 - (mouseY-15)/25, 130, 380 - (mouseY-15)/25);
        triangle(140, 320 - (mouseY-15)/25, 140, 360 - (mouseY-15)/25, 160, 360 - (mouseY-15)/25);
        rect(100, 318 - (mouseY-15)/25, 40, 42);
        rect(130, 360 - (mouseY-15)/25, 30, 80);
        fill(138, 247, 152);
        rect(111, 276 - (mouseY-15)/25, 20, 42);
        fill(138, 247, 152, (float)(100+Math.sin(frameCount*.02-1.6)*70));
        rect(101, 256 - (mouseY-15)/25, 40, 62);
        //hand 3
        fill(255, 246, 221);
        triangle(220, 350 - (mouseY-15)/25, 220, 390 - (mouseY-15)/25, 240, 390 - (mouseY-15)/25);
        triangle(180, 390 - (mouseY-15)/25, 220, 390 - (mouseY-15)/25, 220, 400 - (mouseY-15)/25);
        rect(180, 350 - (mouseY-15)/25, 40, 40);
        rect(220, 390 - (mouseY-15)/25, 20, 40);
        fill(138, 247, 152);
        rect(190, 308 - (mouseY-15)/25, 20, 42);
        fill(138, 247, 152, (float)(100+Math.sin(frameCount*.02-1.6)*70));
        rect(180, 288 - (mouseY-15)/25, 40, 62);
        //hand 4
        fill(255, 246, 221);
        triangle(280, 340 - (mouseY-15)/25, 280, 380 - (mouseY-15)/25, 260, 380 - (mouseY-15)/25);
        triangle(280, 380 - (mouseY-15)/25, 320, 380 - (mouseY-15)/25, 280, 400 - (mouseY-15)/25);
        rect(280, 340 - (mouseY-15)/25, 40, 40);
        rect(260, 380 - (mouseY-15)/25, 20, 40);
        fill(138, 247, 152);
        rect(290, 298 - (mouseY-15)/25, 20, 42);
        fill(138, 247, 152, (float)(100+Math.sin(frameCount*.02-1.6)*70));
        rect(280, 278 - (mouseY-15)/25, 40, 62);
        //hand 5
        fill(255, 246, 221);
        triangle(340, 360 - (mouseY-15)/25, 370, 360 - (mouseY-15)/25, 370, 380 - (mouseY-15)/25);
        triangle(380, 320 - (mouseY-15)/25, 380, 360 - (mouseY-15)/25, 400, 360 - (mouseY-15)/25);
        rect(340, 320 - (mouseY-15)/25, 40, 40);
        rect(370, 360 - (mouseY-15)/25, 30, 80);
        fill(138, 247, 152);
        rect(350, 278 - (mouseY-15)/25, 20, 42);
        fill(138, 247, 152, (float)(100+Math.sin(frameCount*.02-1.6)*70));
        rect(340, 258 - (mouseY-15)/25, 40, 62);
      }//end draw
      void keyPressed()
        //make miku sing
        //when the spacebar is pressed, miku's mouth will open up to sing
        //press the spacebar along to the song to make miku sing along!
        //leave on for 
        //redraw mouth
        fill(255, 246, 221);
        ellipse(175, 150, 20, 20);
        fill(243, 80, 100);
        ellipse(175, 150, 10, 20);
      }//end keyPressed
      void mousePressed()
        //make miku excited
        //when the left mouse button is clicked, miku will get excited!
        //leave on for 3 frames
        //redraw head and face
        //bangs back
        fill(30, 163, 174);
        triangle(148, 92, 138, 106, 123, 87);
        triangle(136, 101, 139, 113, 115, 114);
        triangle(130, 110, 150, 110, 140, 170);
       //head and face
        fill(255, 246, 221);
        ellipse(180, 130, 110, 75);
        line(208, 120, 193, 128);
        line(193, 128, 207, 137);
        line(145, 120, 158, 128);
        line(158, 128, 146, 135);
        fill(243, 122, 138);
        ellipse(140, 145, 20, 10);
        ellipse(210, 145, 20, 10);
        fill(243, 80, 100);
        triangle(165, 140, 185, 140, 175, 155);
       //remove stroke
        fill(68, 209, 220);
        quad(195, 105, 240, 105, 244, 115, 240, 140);
        quad(230, 110, 240, 110, 240, 125, 230, 125);
        quad(225, 125, 245, 125, 245, 150, 220, 150);
        fill(243, 61, 85);
        quad(225, 129, 239, 127, 239, 144, 225, 145);
        //bangs front
        fill(68, 209, 220);
        quad(150, 88, 230, 88, 240, 105, 140, 105);
        fill(30, 163, 174);
        triangle(137, 101, 150, 110, 115, 135);
        fill(68, 209, 220);
        triangle(140, 105, 165, 105, 120, 140);
        triangle(165, 105, 192, 105, 193, 141);
        triangle(185, 95, 226, 124, 223, 174);
        triangle(214, 112, 228, 107, 238, 135);
      }//end mousePressed
  //end program