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Fire Breathing Dragon

By: Jaylin Grierson

Date: September 21st, 2018
   Description: As you move the mouse the dragon will move up and down 
   and the tail will move side to side. The background will transition from
   black to orange and fire will appear as the mouse moves up and down. A message
   will also be displayed when the mouse is clicked and the dragon will change colour
   if a key is pressed. 


//Setup for the program
void setup(){
  //Setting window size to 400 pixels by 400 pixels


//Active code that refreshes as the program runs
void draw(){
//Setup for the design  
  //Setting frame rate to 60 frames per second
  //Setting background colour to black
  //Setting the rectangle mode to corners
  //Drawing a rectangle that changes from black to orange with the mouse's Y axis movement
//The Dragon
 //Moves up and down with mouse Y 
 //Setting stroke to invisible
 //Setting fill colour to semi-transparent red purple

   //Centre of body
   rect(170, 110 + mouseY/3, 230, 190 + mouseY/3);
   quad(170, 110 + mouseY/3, 190, 90 + mouseY/3, 210, 90 + mouseY/3, 230, 110 + mouseY/3);

   //Base of tail
   triangle(170, 190 + mouseY/3, 230, 190 + mouseY/3, 150 + mouseX/4, 280 + mouseY/3);
 //Setting stroke colour to black
 //Setting fill colour to orange
   //Tip of tail
   triangle(150 + mouseX/4, 290 + mouseY/3, 145 + mouseX/4, 280 + mouseY/3, 155 + mouseX/4, 280 + mouseY/3);
//Arms and legs
 //Setting stroke to invisible
 //Setting fill colour to purple which becomes more red as mouse Y increases
 fill(150 + mouseY/25,0,255,255);
   //Right Arm
   rect(210, 110 + mouseY/3, 230, 140 + mouseY/3);
   //Left Arm
   rect(170, 110 + mouseY/3, 190, 140 + mouseY/3);
   //Right Leg
   rect(210, 190 + mouseY/3, 230, 220 + mouseY/3);
   //Left Leg
   rect(170, 190 + mouseY/3, 190, 220 + mouseY/3);
  //Wings have inverse relationship to mouseY compared to the rest of the dragon
  //Setting the stroke colour to black
  //Setting fill colour to yellow
   //Right Wing, Inner Edge
   triangle(230, 110 + mouseY/3, 300, 220 - mouseY/3, 300, 230 - mouseY/3);
   //Left Wing, Inner Edge
   triangle(170, 110 + mouseY/3, 100, 220 - mouseY/3, 100, 230 - mouseY/3);
   //Right Wing, Outer Edge
   triangle(300, 220 - mouseY/3, 300, 230 - mouseY/3, 380, 400 - mouseY);
   //Left Wing, Outer Edge
   triangle(100, 220 - mouseY/3, 100, 230 - mouseY/3, 20, 400 - mouseY);
  //Setting fill colour to orange
   //Right Wing, Inner Flap
   triangle(230, 110 + mouseY/3, 300, 230 - mouseY/3, 310, 320 - mouseY/3);
   //Left Wing, Inner Flap
   triangle(170, 110 + mouseY/3, 100, 230- mouseY/3, 90, 320 - mouseY/3);
   //Right Wing, Outer Flap
   triangle(310, 320 - mouseY/3, 380, 400 - mouseY, 300, 230 - mouseY/3);
   //Left Wing, Outer Flap
   triangle(90, 320 - mouseY/3, 20, 400 - mouseY, 100, 230 - mouseY/3);

  //Setting fill colour to white
   //Top Right Claw
   triangle(170, 140 + mouseY/3, 190, 140 + mouseY/3, 180, 150 + mouseY/3);
   //Top Left Claw
   triangle(210, 140 + mouseY/3, 230, 140 + mouseY/3, 220, 150 + mouseY/3);
   //Bottom Right Claw
   triangle(210, 220 + mouseY/3, 230, 220 + mouseY/3, 220, 230 + mouseY/3);
   //Bottom Left Claw
   triangle(170, 220 + mouseY/3, 190, 220 + mouseY/3, 180, 230 + mouseY/3);
 //Tips of fire move back and forth as if flickering

  //Setting fill colour to red
   //Middle of Fire
   quad(200, 90 + mouseY/3, 200 + mouseY/20, 90 + mouseY/1.7, 200 + 3*sin(frameCount/3), 90 + mouseY/1.5, 200 - mouseY/20, 90 + mouseY/1.7);

  //Setting fill colour to yellow
   //Right Side of Fire
   quad(200, 90 + mouseY/3, 200 + mouseY/20, 90 + mouseY/1.7, 200 + mouseY/10 - 3*sin(frameCount/3), 90 + mouseY/1.6, 200 + mouseY/8, 90 + mouseY/1.8);
   //Left Side of Fire
   quad(200, 90 + mouseY/3, 200 - mouseY/20, 90 + mouseY/1.7, 200 - mouseY/10 - 3*sin(frameCount/3), 90 + mouseY/1.6, 200 - mouseY/8, 90 + mouseY/1.8);

  //Setting stroke to invisible
  //Setting fill colour to purple
   //Base of Head
   rect(180, 40 + mouseY/3, 220, 80 + mouseY/3);
   quad(180, 80 + mouseY/3, 220, 80 + mouseY/3, 210, 100 + mouseY/3, 190, 100 + mouseY/3);

  //Setting stroke colour to black
  //Change fill colour to black
   //Right Eye
   triangle(205, 65 + mouseY/3, 210, 55 + mouseY/3, 215, 65 + mouseY/3);
   //Left Eye
   triangle(185, 65 + mouseY/3, 190, 55 + mouseY/3, 195, 65 + mouseY/3);
  //Change fill colour to orange
   //Right Horn
   triangle(180, 40 + mouseY/3, 180, 10 + mouseY/3, 190, 40 + mouseY/3);
   //Left Horn
   triangle(210, 40 + mouseY/3, 220, 10 + mouseY/3, 220, 40 + mouseY/3);
  //Change fill colour to yellow
   //Centre Horn
   quad(195, 40 + mouseY/3, 200, 20 + mouseY/3, 205, 40 + mouseY/3, 200, 50 + mouseY/3);

void mousePressed(){

  //If the mouse button is pressed the line "RAWR!" will be printed in the text output area


void keyPressed(){

//Pressing a key makes the dragon briefly change from purple to green
 //Frame rate is reduced so the colour change lasts for one second
  //Setting stroke to invisible
  //Setting fill to dark green
  fill(0, 200, 50);
   //Centre of Body
   rect(170, 110 + mouseY/3, 230, 190 + mouseY/3);
   quad(170, 110 + mouseY/3, 190, 90 + mouseY/3, 210, 90 + mouseY/3, 230, 110 + mouseY/3);
   //Base of Tail
   triangle(170, 190 + mouseY/3, 230, 190 + mouseY/3, 150 + mouseX/4, 280 + mouseY/3);
  //Setting stroke colour to black
  //Setting fill colour to orange
   //Tip of tail 
   triangle(150 + mouseX/4, 290 + mouseY/3, 145 + mouseX/4, 280 + mouseY/3, 155 + mouseX/4, 280 + mouseY/3);
//Arms and Legs
  //Setting stroke to invisible
  //Setting fill colour to bright green
  fill(0, 255, 0);
   //Right Arm
   rect(210, 110 + mouseY/3, 230, 140 + mouseY/3);
   //Left Arm
   rect(170, 110 + mouseY/3, 190, 140 + mouseY/3);
   //Right Leg
   rect(210, 190 + mouseY/3, 230, 220 + mouseY/3);
   //Left Leg
   rect(170, 190 + mouseY/3, 190, 220 + mouseY/3);
  //Setting fill colour to white
   //Top Right Claw
   triangle(170, 140 + mouseY/3, 190, 140 + mouseY/3, 180, 150 + mouseY/3);
   //Top Left Claw
   triangle(210, 140 + mouseY/3, 230, 140 + mouseY/3, 220, 150 + mouseY/3);
   //Bottom Right Claw
   triangle(210, 220 + mouseY/3, 230, 220 + mouseY/3, 220, 230 + mouseY/3);
   //Bottom Left Claw
   triangle(170, 220 + mouseY/3, 190, 220 + mouseY/3, 180, 230 + mouseY/3);

  //Setting fill colour to red
   //Centre of Fire
   quad(200, 90 + mouseY/3, 200 + mouseY/20, 90 + mouseY/1.7, 200 + 3*sin(frameCount/3), 90 + mouseY/1.5, 200 - mouseY/20, 90 + mouseY/1.7);

  //Setting fill colour to yellow
   //Right Side of Fire
   quad(200, 90 + mouseY/3, 200 + mouseY/20, 90 + mouseY/1.7, 200 + mouseY/10 - 3*sin(frameCount/3), 90 + mouseY/1.6, 200 + mouseY/8, 90 + mouseY/1.8);
   //Left Side of Fire
   quad(200, 90 + mouseY/3, 200 - mouseY/20, 90 + mouseY/1.7, 200 - mouseY/10 - 3*sin(frameCount/3), 90 + mouseY/1.6, 200 - mouseY/8, 90 + mouseY/1.8);


  //Setting fill colour to bright green
  fill(0, 255, 0);
   //Base of head
   rect(180, 40 + mouseY/3, 220, 80 + mouseY/3);
   quad(180, 80 + mouseY/3, 220, 80 + mouseY/3, 210, 100 + mouseY/3, 190, 100 + mouseY/3);
  //Setting stroke colour to black
  //Setting fill colour to black
   //Right Eye
   triangle(205, 65 + mouseY/3, 210, 55 + mouseY/3, 215, 65 + mouseY/3);
   //Left Eye
   triangle(185, 65 + mouseY/3, 190, 55 + mouseY/3, 195, 65 + mouseY/3);