// First Contact // You are in a space ship to Mars! // A random alien popped up at the window and it is looking at your cake. // Move mouse left and right to move your cake. // Move mouse up and down to close/open your window. // Have fun ! // setting back ground up void setup(){ size(400, 400); rectMode(CENTER); ellipseMode(CORNERS); noStroke(); } void draw(){ /* spaceship wall */ fill(110); rect(200,200,400,400); /* outside background */ //background color ellipseMode(CENTER); fill(0,163,136); noStroke(); ellipse(200,180,280,280); //background stars fill(255,255,157); ellipse(110,200,20,20); ellipse(290,130,55,55); ellipse(150,80,60,60); /* alien */ //body strokeWeight(5); fill(255,97,56); stroke(190,235,159); rect(200,220,120,200); //eyes fill(255); strokeWeight(2); stroke(0); ellipse(170,170,30,30); ellipse(230,170,30,30); //moveble eyeballs fill(0); noStroke(); ellipse((mouseX*0.020)+167,177,15,15); ellipse((mouseX*0.020)+226,177,15,15); //mouth fill(139,0,0); noStroke(); rect(200,220,40,20); fill(255); rect(200,216,15,12); //Saliva fill(135,206,250); rect(213,227,18,8); rect(215,235,8,20); /* window */ //window gates fill(110); noStroke(); rect(200,(mouseY)+200,400,400); //window frame noFill(); stroke(230); strokeWeight(20); ellipse(200,180,340,340); ellipse(200,180,290,290); /* cake */ fill(240,128,128); noStroke(); rect(mouseX,300,80,20); fill(255,235,205); rect(mouseX,330,80,40); fill(178,34,34); rect(mouseX,320,80,10); rect(mouseX,335,80,10); fill(178,34,34); rect(mouseX,283,15,15); /* shadow */ //wall shadow top noStroke(); strokeWeight(0); fill(0,0,0,150); rect(200,10,400,72); //wall shadow bottom rect(200,(mouseY)+246,400,400); }