//"Spaceship flying through space" drawing by Sasha Ayagh //Description: You control a fighter spaceship, by pressing mouse click //the player can shoot at the flying suacer void setup() { //Set size of window and framerate size(500, 500); } void draw() { //set the void of space background(0); //remove cursor noCursor(); //create static stars PART 1# ellipseMode(CENTER); fill(255); ellipse(75, 100, 3, 3); ellipse(30, 475, 3, 3); ellipse(190, 200, 3, 3); ellipse(190, 350, 3, 3); ellipse(290, 300, 3, 3); ellipse(285, 480, 3, 3); ellipse(325, 225, 3, 3); ellipse(385, 375, 3, 3); ellipse(75, 300, 3, 3); ellipse(425, 200, 3, 3); ellipse(490, 325, 3, 3); ellipse(475, 75, 3, 3); //create static planets PART 2# //Largest planet fill(150, 0, 200); ellipse(350, 100, 65, 65); //Moon of largest planet fill(155); ellipse(380, 275, 30, 30); //Smallest planet fill(255, 0, 0); ellipse(110, 425, 45, 45); //create interactive Starship //body of the craft fill(100); noStroke(); rectMode(CENTER); rect(mouseX, mouseY, 40, 120); //bottom module fill(125, 10, 10); rect(mouseX, mouseY+25, 60, 60); //wings 1 fill(100); rect(mouseX-30, mouseY+50, 25, 75); rect(mouseX+30, mouseY+50, 25, 75); //nose fill(100); rect(mouseX, mouseY-72, 25, 25); //window fill(255, 255, 0); rect(mouseX, mouseY-35, 20, 45); //wings 2 fill(125, 10, 10); rect(mouseX-30, mouseY+15, 120, 25); rect(mouseX+30, mouseY+15, 120, 25); //guns stroke(0); fill(100); rect(mouseX-50, mouseY-30, 5, 80); rect(mouseX+50, mouseY-30, 5, 80); //flying suacer fill(0, 255, 0); ellipse(mouseX, mouseY-255, 100, 100); fill(241, 249, 25); ellipse(mouseX, mouseY-255, 50, 50); rect(mouseX, mouseY-255, 5, 50); } //blasters for the ship void mousePressed(){ //lasers stroke(0, 0, 255); strokeWeight(4); line(mouseX-50, mouseY-30, 200, 100); line(mouseX+50, mouseY-30, 200, 100); }