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 Creator: CJ O'Heany
 Introduction to Media Computation
 October 1, 2018
 Instructor: Nicolas Hesler
 Step 1. Click your mouse as much as possible
 Step 2. ???
 Step 3. Profit 

int backColour = 255;
int cloudCount = 0;
int cloudCount2 = 90;
int noseBleedCount = 0;
int crackCount = 0;
int bloodLevel =0;
boolean clicked = false;
boolean readyToRise = false;

void setup() {
  size(400, 400);

void draw() {
  //Sets the background in draw to allow for later drawings

  //See the listed methods for their effects

void mousePressed()
  //Clicked is set true here
  clicked = true;

  //Nose bleed is extended too
  noseBleedCount +=5;

  //The readyToRise boolean is set true here
  if (noseBleedCount >=255) {
    readyToRise = true;

  //Now that readyToRise is true, the level of the blood will increase
  if (readyToRise) {

void mouseReleased()
  //The reciprocal of clicked, allowing for the guy to rise back up
  clicked = false;

void mouseClicked() {
  //This is the variable that allows for all the cracks
  crackCount +=1;

//The adding cracks method simply checks the "crackCount" variable and draws things
//based on the value of "crackCount".
void addingCracks() {


  //Draws the first 4 triangle (Cracks)
  if (crackCount >= 1) {
    triangle(320, 340, 360, 320, 378, 322);
    triangle(320, 340, 360, 350, 360, 340);
    triangle(320, 340, 280, 380, 270, 370);
    triangle(320, 340, 240, 340, 245, 350);

  //Extends the triangles and adds new ones
  if (crackCount>= 2) {
    triangle(360, 320, 378, 322, 392, 300);
    triangle(360, 350, 360, 340, 410, 355);
    triangle(280, 380, 270, 370, 260, 410);
    triangle(280, 380, 270, 370, 160, 370);
    triangle(240, 340, 245, 350, 200, 345);
    triangle(320, 340, 360, 290, 350, 280);

  //Extends the triangles and adds new ones
  if (crackCount>=3) {
    triangle(378, 322, 392, 300, 410, 310);
    triangle(170, 370, 90, 390, 85, 380);
    triangle(210, 345, 160, 340, 170, 330);
    triangle(360, 290, 350, 280, 362, 255);
    triangle(320, 340, 250, 280, 280, 290);

  //Extends the triangles and adds new ones
  if (crackCount>=4) {
    triangle(90, 390, 85, 380, 50, 390);
    triangle(160, 340, 170, 330, 150, 323);
    triangle(250, 280, 280, 290, 255, 268);
    triangle(320, 340, 350, 390, 360, 385);

  ////Extends the triangles and adds cracks to the walls
  if (crackCount>=5) {
    triangle(50, 390, 55, 400, 50, 400);
    triangle(350, 390, 360, 385, 370, 410);
    triangle(376, 263, 380, 270, 377, 244);
    triangle(130, 333, 120, 340, 120, 314);

  //Extends the triangles on the walls
  if (crackCount>=6) {
    triangle(378, 250, 356, 203, 370, 200);
    triangle(123, 316, 93, 281, 80, 280);
    triangle(123, 316, 147, 274, 153, 283);
    triangle(10, 400, 20, 400, 11, 355);

  //Extends the triangles on the walls and adds new ones
  if (crackCount>=7) {
    triangle(356, 203, 370, 200, 348, 180);
    triangle(93, 281, 80, 280, 40, 247);
    triangle(147, 274, 153, 283, 180, 230);
    triangle(11, 365, 30, 244, 20, 256);

  //Extends the triangles on the walls and adds new ones
  if (crackCount>=8) {
    triangle(45, 251, 40, 247, 50, 144);
    triangle(177, 234, 164, 180, 150, 192);
    triangle(30, 244, 20, 256, -10, 181);
    //The fill changes here as I am drawing on the glass
    triangle(348, 180, 312, 141, 305, 150);

  //Extends the cracks on the walls and adds new ones
  if (crackCount>=9) {
    //All these triangles are on the windows
    triangle(312, 141, 305, 150, 321, 103);
    triangle(312, 141, 305, 150, 273, 118);
    triangle(312, 141, 305, 150, 257, 152);

    //Resets the triangles' fill colour to the walls
    triangle(50, 155, 124, 91, 120, 80);
    triangle(50, 155, -10, 61, -10, 50);
    triangle(164, 180, 150, 192, 180, 111);
    triangle(123, 316, 100, 217, 110, 207);

  //Extends cracks on the walls
  if (crackCount>=10) {
    triangle(124, 91, 120, 80, 155, -10);
    triangle(180, 110, 164, 34, 170, 25);
    triangle(100, 217, 110, 207, 65, 100);
    triangle(100, 217, 110, 207, 148, 100);

    //Sets the fill for the windows
    triangle(263, 150, 248, 180, 240, 180);
    triangle(280, 118, 223, 130, 230, 137);
    triangle(280, 118, 250, 80, 240, 80);
    triangle(321, 113, 306, 80, 314, 80);

  //Extends some more cracks on the walls and windows
  if (crackCount>=11) {
    triangle(223, 130, 230, 137, 180, 163);
    triangle(223, 130, 230, 137, 207, 180);

    //Resets the fill back to that for the walls
    triangle(248, 180, 240, 180, 234, 277);
    triangle(250, 80, 240, 80, 210, -10);
    triangle(250, 80, 240, 80, 291, -5);
    triangle(306, 80, 314, 80, 347, 20);
    triangle(164, 34, 170, 25, 219, -5);
    triangle(65, 110, 100, -10, 110, -10);

  //Last extending triangles for the walls
  if (crackCount >=12) {
    triangle(347, 20, 348, -5, 358, -5);
    triangle(347, 20, 410, 20, 410, 30);

//This is the method which has the clouds moving side to side 
void drawClouds() {
  //CloudCount is simply the modifier that allows for the cloud to move

  //Draws the window
  fill(200, 220, 245);
  rect(180, 80, 360, 180);

  //Draws the clouds and modifies it with the cloudCount.  
  //CloudCount2 is the vertical movement that has the illusion of
  //different clouds passing by
  ellipse(400-cloudCount, cloudCount2, 25, 25);
  ellipse(380-cloudCount, cloudCount2, 25, 25);
  ellipse(390-cloudCount, cloudCount2-10, 20, 20);

  //Redraws the lines to show the window more clearly
  line(180, 80, 360, 80);
  line(180, 80, 180, 180);
  line(180, 180, 360, 180);
  line(360, 80, 360, 180);

  //Resets the clouds position on the X-axis
  //Sets the cloud down 20px
  if (cloudCount >= 240) {
    cloudCount2 += 20;

    //resets the cloud when it moves down enough
    if  (cloudCount2 >= 200) {
      cloudCount2 = 90;

//Draw guy draws two versions of the guy
//1 being him sitting up
//2 having the guy smash his head into the desk
void drawGuy() {

  //Standing up
  if (clicked == false) {

    //Draws the shirt
    fill(235, 90, 100);
    triangle(140, 200, 230, 160, 260, 160);
    quad(140, 200, 260, 160, 260, 266, 140, 328);
    line(260, 160, 260, 266);
    line(140, 200, 140, 328);
    line(250, 200, 250, 268);
    line(160, 240, 160, 320);

    //Draws the head
    fill(255, 225, 200);
    ellipse(width/2, height/2 -40, 80, 80);

    //Draws the facial features
    line(230, 160, 180, 180);
    ellipse(180, 160, 5, 5);
    ellipse(220, 145, 5, 5);

    //Draws the nosebleed that extends
    fill(255, 50, 50);
    quad(190, 160, 190, 175+noseBleedCount, 195, 172+noseBleedCount, 195, 155);

    //If the mouse is pressed
  } else {
    //Draws the shirt
    fill(235, 90, 100);
    triangle(260, 380, 290, 370, 360, 300);
    quad(262, 380, 362, 300, 270, 260, 140, 320);
    line(262, 380, 140, 320);
    line(362, 300, 270, 260);
    line(270, 260, 140, 320);
    line(340, 300, 260, 265);
    line(260, 360, 160, 310);
    fill(255, 225, 200);

    //Draws the head
    ellipse(320, 340, 80, 80);
void drawDesk() {
  //Draw the desk
  fill(170, 85, 30);
  quad(330, 230, 560, 400, 60, 400, 40, 380);

  //Adds depth
  fill(100, 50, 20);
  triangle(40, 380, 60, 400, 40, 400);

//Draws the blood pool after the nose bleed has extended enough
void drawBloodPool()

  //This is the payoff for the readyToRise boolean
  //If it's true, draws the bloody pool
  if (readyToRise == true) {

    //Sets the colour to red
    fill(255, 50, 50);

    //the sin(frameCount/10) allows for the pool to move up and down
    rect(0, 400-bloodLevel+ sin(frameCount/10), 400, 400);