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The Hungry Dinosaur
 By: Jaylin Grierson
 Date: October 5th, 2018
 Description: Use the mouse to click the start button to begin. 
 Control the dinosaur to eat the cake! Eat as much cake as you can. 
 Eat cake by moving the dinosaur's mouth over the slices.
 The more cake the dinosaur eats the fuller he will get. 
 Press W to move up, A to move left and D to move right. 
 Adjust the time of day by sliding the mouse left and right. 
 After the cake is eaten a new slice will randomly appear elsewhere with a new colour. 


//Initial setup


//Declaring all variables used in the program

//Dinosaur's x and y locations
float dinoLocX;
float dinoLocY;

//Cake's x and y locations
float cakeLocX;
float cakeLocY;

//Cake's icing colour
float cakeColour;
float cakeColour2;
float cakeColour3;

//Cake eaten counter
int cakes;

//Grass's x location
float grassX;

//Tree's x location
float treeLocX;

//Top of tree movement (swaying)
float treeMove;

//Coefficient of gravity
float gravity = 0.1;

//Speed of the dinosaur on x and y axis
float dinoSpeedX;
float dinoSpeedY;

//Keeps track of if the cake is eaten and if a new one needs to be spawned
boolean cakeEaten = false;

//Dinosaur's movement
boolean goLeft = false;
boolean goRight = false;
boolean goUp = false;

//When this is true the interaction begins and the start screen dissapears
boolean programStarted = false;


//Program setup

void setup() {

  //400 square pixel canvas with frame rate of 60 FPS
  size(400, 400);

  //Setting the ellipse and rectangle modes

  //Setting the cake eaten counter to 0
  cakes = 0;

  //Setting initial random location of the cake
  cakeLocX = random(50, 310);
  cakeLocY = random(50, 310);

  //Setting initial random colour of the cake
  cakeColour = random(255);
  cakeColour2 = random(255);
  cakeColour3 = random(255);

  //Setting the initial location of the dinosaur
  dinoLocX = 100;
  dinoLocY = 300;

  //Setting the initial speed of the dinosaur
  dinoSpeedX = 0;
  dinoSpeedY = 0;

  //Outputting how many cakes have been eaten
  println("Cakes Eaten:");




//Active program
void draw() {

  //If the start button has not been pressed the start screen is displayed
  if (programStarted == false) {
  //If the start button has been pressed the program begins
  else if (programStarted == true) {

    //Since the program has just begun the cake has not been eaten  
    cakeEaten = false;

    //Setting the stroke weight to 1


    //Draw background

    //Dinosaur and cake

    //Dinosaur movement

    //Interaction between dinosaur and cake

    //Update cake location

    //Draw cake

    //Draw dinosaur


//Key and mouse commands


void mousePressed() {
  //If the mouse is pressed over the start button then the program will begin
  if ((mouseX > 150) && (mouseX < 250) && (mouseY > 180) && (mouseY < 220)) {
    programStarted = true;

void keyPressed() {

  //Directional keys control the dinosaur's movement 
  if (key == 'w') {
    goUp = true;
  if (key == 'a') {
    goLeft = true;
  if (key == 'd') {
    goRight = true;

void keyReleased() {

  //When a key is released the dinosaur stops accelerating in that direction
  if (key == 'w') {
    goUp = false;
  if (key == 'a') {
    goLeft = false;
  if (key == 'd') {
    goRight = false;




//Startup Screen

void startupScreen() {

  fill(175, 255, 175);
  rect(0, 0, 400, 400);

  //Black stroke
  stroke (0);

  //Palm Trees

  //Brown fill
  fill (148, 107, 71);
  //Trunk 1
  quad(90, 310, 110, 310, 105, 120, 95, 120);
  //Trunk 2
  quad(290, 310, 310, 310, 305, 120, 295, 120);

  //Green fill
  fill (0, 255, 100);
  //Leaf 1, Tree 1
  triangle(100, 120, 150, 90, 200, 120);
  //Leaf 2, Tree 1
  triangle(100, 120, 50, 90, 0, 120);
  //Leaf 3, Tree 1
  triangle(100, 120, 150, 100, 190, 140);
  //Leaf 4, Tree 1
  triangle(100, 120, 50, 100, 10, 140);
  //Leaf 1, Tree 2
  triangle(300, 120, 350, 90, 400, 120);
  //Leaf 2, Tree 2
  triangle(300, 120, 250, 90, 200, 120);
  //Leaf 3, Tree 2
  triangle(300, 120, 350, 100, 390, 140);
  //Leaf 4, Tree 2
  triangle(300, 120, 250, 100, 210, 140);
  //Leaf 3

  //Dark brown fill
  fill (128, 87, 51);
  //Coconut 1, Tree 1
  ellipse(95, 120, 15, 15);
  //Coconut 2, Tree 1
  ellipse(100 + 5, 120, 15, 15);
  //Coconut 3, Tree 1
  ellipse(100, 110, 15, 15);
  //Coconut 1, Tree 2
  ellipse(290 + 5, 120, 15, 15);
  //Coconut 2, Tree 2
  ellipse(290 + 15, 120, 15, 15);
  //Coconut 3, Tree 2
  ellipse(290 + 10, 110, 15, 15);

  //Start button

  //dark red fill
  fill(200, 0, 0);
  rect(150, 180, 250, 220);

  //"Start" letters on button
  //Thicker stroke weight
  line(160, 190, 170, 190);
  line(160, 190, 160, 200);
  line(160, 200, 170, 200);
  line(170, 200, 170, 210);
  line(170, 210, 160, 210);
  line(175, 190, 185, 190);
  line(180, 190, 180, 210);
  line(190, 210, 195, 190);
  line(195, 190, 200, 210);
  line(192, 205, 198, 205);
  line(210, 210, 210, 190);
  line(210, 190, 220, 190);
  line(220, 190, 220, 200);
  line(220, 200, 210, 200);
  line(210, 200, 220, 210);
  line(230, 190, 240, 190);
  line(235, 190, 235, 210);


//Drawing the background of the main program

void drawBackground() {
  //Draw background

  //Background transitions from black to blue (night to day) with the mouse's x movement
  background(0 + mouseX/3, 0 + mouseX/2, mouseX);

  //Black stroke
  //White fill
  ellipse(100, mouseX + 25, 50, 50);

  //Yellow fill
  fill(255, 255, 0);
  ellipse(300, 400-mouseX + 25, 50, 50);

  //Green fill
  fill(0, 255, 125);
  rect(0, 260, 400, 400);

  //Long grass

  //Draw trees


//Function that draws long grass
void longGrass() {

  //Setting grass x location to 0
  grassX = 0;

  //setting fill colour to dark green
  fill(0, 150, 0);

  //While the grass is on the screen draw grass every 15 pixels
  while (grassX < width) {

    triangle(grassX, 260, grassX + 10, 220, grassX + 20, 260);

    //After grass is drawn, the x location increases to draw new grass
    grassX += 15;


//Function that draws the trees
void drawTrees() {

  //Setting tree's x location to 50
  treeLocX = 50;
  //Setting tree's movement 
  treeMove = 5*sin(frameCount*0.1);

  //While the trees are on the screen, draw trees every 100 pixels
  while (treeLocX < width) {

    //Brown fill
    fill (148, 107, 71);
    quad(treeLocX, 270, treeLocX + 20, 270, treeLocX + 15 + treeMove, 80, treeLocX + 5 + treeMove, 80);


    //Green fill
    fill (0, 255, 100);
    //Leaf 1
    triangle(treeLocX + 10 + treeMove, 80, treeLocX + 60 + treeMove, 50, treeLocX + 110 + treeMove, 80);
    //Leaf 2
    triangle(treeLocX + 10 + treeMove, 80, treeLocX -40 + treeMove, 50, treeLocX -90 + treeMove, 80);
    //Leaf 3
    triangle(treeLocX + 10 + treeMove, 80, treeLocX + 60 + treeMove, 60, treeLocX + 100 + treeMove, 100);
    //Leaf 4
    triangle(treeLocX + 10 + treeMove, 80, treeLocX -40 + treeMove, 60, treeLocX -80 + treeMove, 100);


    //Dark brown fill
    fill (128, 87, 51);
    //Coconut 1
    ellipse(treeLocX + 5 + treeMove, 80, 15, 15);
    //Coconut 2
    ellipse(treeLocX + 15 + treeMove, 80, 15, 15);
    //Coconut 3
    ellipse(treeLocX + 10 + treeMove, 70, 15, 15);

    //After a tree is drawn 200 units is added to the location so a new tree can be drawn
    treeLocX += 200;


//Function that draws the second row of trees
void drawTrees2() {

  //Setting tree's x location to 150
  treeLocX = 150;
  //Setting tree's movement 
  treeMove = 5*sin(frameCount*0.1);

  //While the trees are on the screen, draw trees every 100 pixels
  while (treeLocX < width) {

    //Brown fill
    fill (148, 107, 71);
    quad(treeLocX, 310, treeLocX + 20, 310, treeLocX + 15 + treeMove, 120, treeLocX + 5 + treeMove, 120);


    //Green fill
    fill (0, 255, 100);
    //Leaf 1
    triangle(treeLocX + 10 + treeMove, 120, treeLocX + 60 + treeMove, 90, treeLocX + 110 + treeMove, 120);
    //Leaf 2
    triangle(treeLocX + 10 + treeMove, 120, treeLocX -40 + treeMove, 90, treeLocX -90 + treeMove, 120);
    //Leaf 3
    triangle(treeLocX + 10 + treeMove, 120, treeLocX + 60 + treeMove, 100, treeLocX + 100 + treeMove, 140);
    //Leaf 4
    triangle(treeLocX + 10 + treeMove, 120, treeLocX -40 + treeMove, 100, treeLocX -80 + treeMove, 140);


    //Dark brown fill
    fill (128, 87, 51);
    //Coconut 1
    ellipse(treeLocX + 5 + treeMove, 120, 15, 15);
    //Coconut 2
    ellipse(treeLocX + 15 + treeMove, 120, 15, 15);
    //Coconut 3
    ellipse(treeLocX + 10 + treeMove, 110, 15, 15);

    //After a tree is drawn 200 units is added to the location so a new tree can be drawn
    treeLocX += 200;


void dinoMovement() {
  //Location of dinosaur = location of dinosaur + speed of dinosaur
  dinoLocX = dinoLocX + dinoSpeedX;
  dinoLocY = dinoLocY + dinoSpeedY;

  //Speed of dinosaur = speed of dinosau + gravity
  dinoSpeedY = dinoSpeedY + gravity;

  //Regulating dinosaur's Y axis speed so it doesn't get stuck on the top or bottom of the screen
  if (dinoSpeedY > 3) {
    dinoSpeedY = 3;
  if (dinoSpeedY < -3) {
    dinoSpeedY = -3;

  //Constraining the dinosaur to the limits of the screen
  if (dinoLocX < 30) {
    dinoLocX = 30;
  if (dinoLocX > width - 30) {
    dinoLocX = width - 30;
  if (dinoLocY < 70) {
    dinoLocY = 70;
  if (dinoLocY > height - 40) {
    dinoLocY = height - 40;

  //When a a key is pressed the dinosaur moves in the corresponding direction
  if (goLeft == true) {
    dinoSpeedX = dinoSpeedX - 0.1;
  if (goRight == true) {
    dinoSpeedX = dinoSpeedX + 0.1;
  if (goUp == true) {
    dinoSpeedY = dinoSpeedY - 0.5;

  //If the dinosaur's speed is not zero, the dinsoaur slows down to a stop
  if (dinoSpeedX > 0) {
    dinoSpeedX = dinoSpeedX - 0.05;
  if (dinoSpeedX < 0) {
    dinoSpeedX = dinoSpeedX + 0.05;
  if (dinoSpeedY < 0) {
    dinoSpeedY = dinoSpeedY + 0.05;
  //Dampening "ice physics" on the ground so the momentum buildup is less than that in the air
  if (dinoLocY == 360){
    if((goLeft == false) && (dinoSpeedX < 0)){
    dinoSpeedX = dinoSpeedX + 0.1;
    else if ((goRight == false) && (dinoSpeedX > 0)){
     dinoSpeedX = dinoSpeedX - 0.1; 


void interaction() {

  //If the dinosaur's mouth is less than 15 pixels away from the cake then the cake is "eaten"
  if (dist(dinoLocX + 10, dinoLocY - 40, cakeLocX, cakeLocY) < 15) {
    cakeEaten = true;
    //The cake counter increases
    cakes += 1;
    //Program prints blank line and then the message saying how many cakes have been eaten
    println("Cakes Eaten:");


//Function that updates the location of the cake
void updateCakeLoc() {
  //If the cake is eaten set a new random cake location and colour
  if (cakeEaten == true) {
    cakeLocX = random (50, 310);
    cakeLocY = random (50, 310);
    cakeColour = random(255);
    cakeColour2 = random(255);
    cakeColour3 = random(255);


//Function that draws the slices of cake
void drawCake() {
  //Setting rectangle mode 

  //Beige fill
  fill(228, 220, 190);
  rect(cakeLocX, cakeLocY - 10, 30, 5);
  rect(cakeLocX, cakeLocY, 30, 10);

  //Random fill
  fill(cakeColour, cakeColour2, cakeColour3);
  rect(cakeLocX, cakeLocY - 5, 30, 5);

  //White fill
  triangle(cakeLocX + 15, cakeLocY - 13, cakeLocX - 15, cakeLocY - 13, cakeLocX + 10, cakeLocY - 23);

  //Red fill
  fill(255, 0, 0);
  ellipse(cakeLocX + 5, cakeLocY - 17, 5, 5);


//Function that draws the dinosaur
void drawDino() {

  //Drawing the dinosaur facing left if the "a" key is being pressed
  if (goLeft == true) {


    //Back wing

    //Medium-dark purple fill
    fill(180, 0, 235);
    //If the dinosaur is not moving up, the wing is up
    if (goUp == false) {
      triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 20, dinoLocX + 15, dinoLocY - 40, dinoLocX + 30, dinoLocY - 10);
    //If the dinosaur is moving up, the wing moves down to give a flying animation
    if (goUp == true) {
      triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 20, dinoLocX + 15, dinoLocY - 30, dinoLocX + 30, dinoLocY);


    //No stroke on the head
    //Dark purple fill
    fill(100, 0, 155);
    rect(dinoLocX + 10, dinoLocY - 30, dinoLocX - 20, dinoLocY - 40);
    rect(dinoLocX + 10, dinoLocY, dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 70);
    rect(dinoLocX + 10, dinoLocY - 50, dinoLocX - 30, dinoLocY - 70);
    //Red fill
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 60, dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 70, dinoLocX - 10, dinoLocY - 60);
    //White fill
    triangle(dinoLocX - 10, dinoLocY - 50, dinoLocX - 20, dinoLocY - 50, dinoLocX - 15, dinoLocY - 45);
    triangle(dinoLocX - 20, dinoLocY - 50, dinoLocX - 30, dinoLocY - 50, dinoLocX - 25, dinoLocY - 45);
    triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 50, dinoLocX - 10, dinoLocY - 50, dinoLocX - 5, dinoLocY - 45);
    triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 40, dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 45, dinoLocX - 5, dinoLocY - 40);
    triangle(dinoLocX - 5, dinoLocY - 40, dinoLocX - 15, dinoLocY - 40, dinoLocX - 10, dinoLocY - 45);
    triangle(dinoLocX - 15, dinoLocY - 40, dinoLocX - 20, dinoLocY - 40, dinoLocX - 20, dinoLocY - 45);


    //Very dark purple fill
    fill(50, 0, 105);
    triangle(dinoLocX + cakes/2, dinoLocY - 30, dinoLocX + 15 + cakes/2, dinoLocY - 30, dinoLocX + 15 + cakes/2, dinoLocY - 10);
    triangle(dinoLocX + cakes/2, dinoLocY - 20, dinoLocX + 25 + cakes/2, dinoLocY - 20, dinoLocX + 20 + cakes/2, dinoLocY);
    triangle(dinoLocX + 10 + cakes/2, dinoLocY - 5, dinoLocX + 30 + cakes/2, dinoLocY, dinoLocX + 15 + cakes/2, dinoLocY + 10);

    //Hind leg

    //Dark purple fill
    fill(100, 0, 155);
    rect(dinoLocX, dinoLocY + 20, dinoLocX - 10, dinoLocY + 40);
    //White fill
    triangle(dinoLocX -10, dinoLocY + 40, dinoLocX - 15, dinoLocY + 40, dinoLocX - 10, dinoLocY + 35);


    //Medium purple fill
    fill(150, 0, 205);
    triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 10, dinoLocX + 40, dinoLocY + 40, dinoLocX, dinoLocY + 30); 


    //Light purple fill
    fill(200, 50, 255);
    ellipse(dinoLocX, dinoLocY, 40 + cakes, 60);


    //Dark purple fill
    fill(100, 0, 155);
    triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 10, dinoLocX + 10, dinoLocY - 10, dinoLocX, dinoLocY + 10);  
    //white fill
    triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY +10, dinoLocX, dinoLocY + 5, dinoLocX + 2.5, dinoLocY + 5);

    //Front leg

    //Dark purple fill
    fill(100, 0, 155);
    rect(dinoLocX + 2.5, dinoLocY + 20, dinoLocX + 12.5, dinoLocY + 40);
    //white fill
    triangle(dinoLocX + 2.5, dinoLocY + 40, dinoLocX - 5, dinoLocY + 40, dinoLocX + 2.5, dinoLocY + 35);

    //Front wing

    //Adding outline for wing
    //Dark Purple fill
    fill(130, 0, 185);
    //If the dinosaur is not moving up, the wing is up
    if (goUp == false) {
      triangle(dinoLocX + 10, dinoLocY - 20, dinoLocX + 40, dinoLocY - 40, dinoLocX + 70, dinoLocY - 10);
    //If the dinosaur is moving up, the wing is down
    if (goUp == true) {
      triangle(dinoLocX + 10, dinoLocY - 20, dinoLocX + 40, dinoLocY - 30, dinoLocX + 70, dinoLocY);

  //If the dinosaur is not moving left it faces right
  else {


    //Back wing

    fill(180, 0, 235);
    //If the dinosaur is not moving up, the wing is up
    if (goUp == false) {
      triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 20, dinoLocX - 15, dinoLocY - 40, dinoLocX - 30, dinoLocY - 10);
    //If the dinosaur is moving up, the wing is down
    if (goUp == true) {
      triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 20, dinoLocX - 15, dinoLocY - 30, dinoLocX - 30, dinoLocY);


    //No stroke
    //Dark purple fill
    fill(100, 0, 155);
    rect(dinoLocX - 10, dinoLocY - 30, dinoLocX + 20, dinoLocY - 40);
    rect(dinoLocX - 10, dinoLocY, dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 70);
    rect(dinoLocX - 10, dinoLocY - 50, dinoLocX + 30, dinoLocY - 70);
    //Red fill
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 60, dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 70, dinoLocX + 10, dinoLocY - 60);
    //White fill
    triangle(dinoLocX + 10, dinoLocY - 50, dinoLocX + 20, dinoLocY - 50, dinoLocX + 15, dinoLocY - 45);
    triangle(dinoLocX + 20, dinoLocY - 50, dinoLocX + 30, dinoLocY - 50, dinoLocX + 25, dinoLocY - 45);
    triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 50, dinoLocX + 10, dinoLocY - 50, dinoLocX + 5, dinoLocY - 45);
    triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 40, dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 45, dinoLocX + 5, dinoLocY - 40);
    triangle(dinoLocX + 5, dinoLocY - 40, dinoLocX + 15, dinoLocY - 40, dinoLocX + 10, dinoLocY - 45);
    triangle(dinoLocX + 15, dinoLocY - 40, dinoLocX + 20, dinoLocY - 40, dinoLocX + 20, dinoLocY - 45);


    //Very dark purple fill
    fill(50, 0, 105);
    triangle(dinoLocX -cakes/2, dinoLocY - 30, dinoLocX - 15 - cakes/2, dinoLocY - 30, dinoLocX - 15 - cakes/2, dinoLocY - 10);
    triangle(dinoLocX -cakes/2, dinoLocY - 20, dinoLocX - 25 - cakes/2, dinoLocY - 20, dinoLocX - 20 - cakes/2, dinoLocY);
    triangle(dinoLocX - 10 -cakes/2, dinoLocY - 5, dinoLocX - 30 - cakes/2, dinoLocY, dinoLocX - 15 - cakes/2, dinoLocY + 10);

    //Hind leg

    //Dark purple fill
    fill(100, 0, 155);
    rect(dinoLocX, dinoLocY + 20, dinoLocX + 10, dinoLocY + 40);
    //while fill
    triangle(dinoLocX +10, dinoLocY + 40, dinoLocX + 15, dinoLocY + 40, dinoLocX + 10, dinoLocY + 35);


    //Medium purple fill
    fill(150, 0, 205);
    triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 10, dinoLocX - 40, dinoLocY + 40, dinoLocX, dinoLocY + 30); 


    //Light purple fill
    fill(200, 50, 255);
    ellipse(dinoLocX, dinoLocY, 40 + cakes, 60);


    //Dark purple fill
    fill(100, 0, 155);
    triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY - 10, dinoLocX - 10, dinoLocY - 10, dinoLocX, dinoLocY + 10);
    //White fill
    triangle(dinoLocX, dinoLocY +10, dinoLocX, dinoLocY + 5, dinoLocX - 2.5, dinoLocY + 5);

    //Front leg

    //Dark purple fill
    fill(100, 0, 155);
    rect(dinoLocX - 2.5, dinoLocY + 20, dinoLocX - 12.5, dinoLocY + 40);
    //White fill
    triangle(dinoLocX - 2.5, dinoLocY + 40, dinoLocX + 5, dinoLocY + 40, dinoLocX - 2.5, dinoLocY + 35);


    //Black stroke
    //Medium-light purple fill
    fill(130, 0, 185);
    //If the dinosaur is not moving up the wing is up
    if (goUp == false) {
      triangle(dinoLocX - 10, dinoLocY - 20, dinoLocX - 40, dinoLocY - 40, dinoLocX - 70, dinoLocY - 10);
    //If the dinosaur is moving up the wing is down
    if (goUp == true) {
      triangle(dinoLocX - 10, dinoLocY - 20, dinoLocX - 40, dinoLocY - 30, dinoLocX - 70, dinoLocY);