- /* Interactive Toy
- Oct. 1st, 2018
- "Complete the Cupcake"
- by Liana Valdez
- You've been asked to finish making some cupcakes.
- Whether you succeed or fail- and how badly- is up to you.
- Add ingredients to the bowl by clicking on them.
- The ingredients that can be added are milk, an egg, dog food, and the plant.
- Clicking the bake button will show the result of the mixture.
- There is one way to succeed and there are six ways to fail.
- In all cases, text will appear commenting on the user's results.
- TO SUCCEED, add milk and an egg to the bowl and click the bake button.
- TO FAIL, do any of the following and click the bake button:
- 1. Add the dog food and the plant
- (does not matter if milk and/or egg is added)
- 2. Add the dog food, but not the plant
- (does not matter if milk and/or egg is added)
- 3. Add the plant, but not the dog food
- (does not matter if milk and/or egg is added)
- 4. Add milk, but do not add anything else
- 5. Add the egg, but do not add anything else
- 6. Add no ingredients
- Code for mousePressed within constraints (used for clicking on ingredients)
- adapted from user JohnG's code in this Processing.org forum:
- https://processing.org/discourse/beta/num_1238661349.html */
- //Wallpaper stripes X-coordinates
- int darkX = 0;
- int lightX = 30;
- //Ingredients
- boolean dogFood = false;
- boolean egg = false;
- boolean milk = false;
- boolean plant = false;
- //Bake button
- boolean button = false;
- //Result screens
- boolean success = false;
- boolean failure = false;
- //Sprinkle colours + Fail bake colour
- int colour1 = int(random (0, 255));
- int colour2 = int(random (0, 255));
- int colour3 = int(random (0, 255));
- int colour4 = int(random (0, 255));
- int colour5 = int(random (0, 255));
- int colour6 = int(random (0, 255));
- int colour7 = int(random (0, 255));
- int colour8 = int(random (0, 255));
- int colour9 = int(random (0, 255));
- int colour10 = int(random (0, 255));
- int colour11 = int(random (0, 255));
- int colour12 = int(random (0, 255));
- int colour13 = int(random (0, 255));
- int colour14 = int(random (0, 255));
- int colour15 = int(random (0, 255));
- //Set frame rate, size of window, & circle mode
- void setup() {
- frameRate(60);
- size(400, 400);
- ellipseMode(RADIUS);
- welcomeComment();
- }
- //DRAW
- void draw() {
- if (success == true) {
- drawSuccess();
- } else if (failure == true) {
- drawFailure();
- //OTHERWISE, Draw kitchen
- } else {
- //Draw background (wallpaper, window, counter, floor, table)
- drawWallpaper();
- drawWindow();
- drawCounter();
- drawFloor();
- drawTable();
- //Draw bowl and ingredients
- drawBowl();
- drawDogFood();
- drawEggs();
- drawPlant();
- drawMilk();
- //Draw bake button
- drawBakeButton();
- //Check if milk is clicked
- clickMilk();
- if (milk == true) {
- drawMilkInBowl();
- }
- //Check if egg is clicked
- clickEgg();
- if (egg == true) {
- drawEggInBowl();
- }
- //Check if dog food is clicked
- clickDogFood();
- if (dogFood == true) {
- drawDogFoodInBowl();
- }
- //Check if plant is clicked
- clickPlant();
- if (plant == true) {
- drawPlantInBowl();
- }
- //Check if bake button is clicked
- clickButton();
- if (button == true) {
- resultComment();
- //If milk and egg are the only ingredients in bowl, trigger SUCCESS
- if (milk == true && egg == true && dogFood == false && plant == false) {
- success = true;
- } else {
- failure = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void welcomeComment() {
- println("Hey, thanks for taking over to finish making these cupcakes.");
- println("Don't worry, it's really unlikely you'll mess 'em up.");
- println("I'll be back when they're done. See you later!");
- }
- //Draws the wallpaper
- void drawWallpaper() {
- while (darkX <400 && lightX <400)
- {
- noStroke();
- fill(239, 212, 67);
- rect(darkX, 0, 30, 400);
- darkX = darkX + 60;
- fill(247, 235, 170);
- rect(lightX, 0, 30, 400);
- lightX = lightX + 60;
- }
- }
- //Draws the window
- void drawWindow() {
- fill(244, 242, 237);
- rect(140, 10, 120, 70);
- fill(151, 220, 229);
- rect(150, 20, 40, 20);
- rect(210, 20, 40, 20);
- rect(150, 50, 40, 20);
- rect(210, 50, 40, 20);
- }
- //Draws the back counter
- void drawCounter() {
- fill(193, 179, 153);
- rect(0, 90, 400, 60);
- fill(122, 112, 93);
- rect(0, 150, 400, 50);
- fill(137, 127, 96);
- rect(0, 150, 60, 50);
- rect(120, 150, 60, 50);
- rect(240, 150, 60, 50);
- rect(360, 150, 60, 50);
- }
- //Draws the floor
- void drawFloor() {
- fill(244, 242, 237);
- rect(0, 200, 400, 70);
- }
- //Draws the table
- void drawTable() {
- fill(178, 156, 94);
- rect(0, 270, 400, 160);
- }
- //Draws the bowl
- void drawBowl() {
- fill(62, 139, 239);
- ellipse(200, 300, 110, 85);
- fill(114, 164, 229);
- ellipse(200, 275, 110, 60);
- fill(232, 223, 192);
- ellipse(200, 285, 110, 50);
- }
- //Draws the dog food
- void drawDogFood() {
- fill(219, 72, 52);
- rect(20, 220, 40, 20);
- //First row
- fill(119, 93, 46);
- ellipse(25, 220, 5, 5);
- ellipse(35, 220, 5, 5);
- ellipse(45, 220, 5, 5);
- ellipse(55, 220, 5, 5);
- //Second row
- ellipse(30, 210, 5, 5);
- ellipse(40, 210, 5, 5);
- ellipse(50, 210, 5, 5);
- //Third row
- ellipse(35, 200, 5, 5);
- ellipse(45, 200, 5, 5);
- //Top
- ellipse(40, 190, 5, 5);
- }
- //Draws the eggs
- void drawEggs() {
- fill(163, 159, 151);
- rect(40, 100, 60, 40);
- fill(122, 121, 112);
- rect(40, 130, 60, 10);
- fill(244, 242, 237);
- ellipse(50, 120, 5, 7);
- ellipse(70, 120, 5, 7);
- ellipse(90, 120, 5, 7);
- ellipse(50, 100, 5, 7);
- ellipse(70, 100, 5, 7);
- ellipse(90, 100, 5, 7);
- }
- //Draws the plant
- void drawPlant() {
- //Stem
- stroke(59, 145, 20);
- strokeWeight(3);
- line(200, 40, 200, 100);
- line(180, 60, 200, 80);
- line(220, 60, 200, 80);
- //Leaves
- noStroke();
- fill(125, 196, 66);
- ellipse(200, 40, 7, 7);
- ellipse(180, 60, 7, 7);
- ellipse(220, 60, 7, 7);
- //Pot
- noStroke();
- fill(221, 160, 68);
- rect(180, 100, 40, 30);
- fill(193, 121, 27);
- rect(180, 93, 40, 10);
- }
- //Draws the milk
- void drawMilk() {
- fill(255);
- rect(310, 80, 40, 60);
- fill(34, 103, 249);
- rect(310, 70, 40, 10);
- rect(310, 100, 40, 20);
- }
- //Draws the bake button
- void drawBakeButton() {
- stroke(76, 55, 150);
- fill(122, 102, 196);
- rect(7, 350, 75, 30);
- //B
- ellipse(20, 360, 6, 5);
- ellipse(20, 370, 6, 5);
- strokeWeight(5);
- line(15, 356, 15, 374);
- //A
- strokeWeight(3);
- line(37, 357, 30, 374);
- line(37, 357, 40, 374);
- line(35, 370, 37, 370);
- //K
- line(50, 357, 50, 374);
- line(50, 367, 60, 357);
- line(50, 367, 60, 374);
- //E
- line(67, 357, 67, 374);
- line(67, 357, 75, 357);
- line(67, 365, 75, 365);
- line(67, 374, 75, 374);
- noStroke();
- }
- //Click on milk
- void clickMilk() {
- if (mousePressed && mouseX >310 && mouseX<350 && mouseY>70 && mouseY<140 && milk == false) {
- milk = true;
- }
- }
- //Click on eggs
- void clickEgg() {
- if (mousePressed && mouseX >40 && mouseX<100 && mouseY>90 && mouseY<140 && egg == false) {
- egg = true;
- }
- }
- //Click on dog food
- void clickDogFood() {
- if (mousePressed && mouseX >20 && mouseX<60 && mouseY>180 && mouseY<240 && dogFood == false) {
- dogFood = true;
- }
- }
- //Click on plant
- void clickPlant() {
- if (mousePressed && mouseX >173 && mouseX<227 && mouseY>33 && mouseY<130 && plant == false) {
- plant = true;
- }
- }
- //Click on button
- void clickButton() {
- if (mousePressed && mouseX >7 && mouseX<82 && mouseY>350 && mouseY<380 && button == false) {
- button = true;
- }
- }
- //Draws milk in bowl
- void drawMilkInBowl() {
- fill(237, 236, 234);
- ellipse(200, 295, 80, 40);
- }
- //Draws egg in bowl
- void drawEggInBowl() {
- fill(255);
- ellipse(200, 295, 40, 20);
- fill(255, 227, 22);
- ellipse(200, 295, 17, 10);
- }
- //Draws dog food in bowl
- void drawDogFoodInBowl() {
- fill(119, 93, 46);
- ellipse(100, 270, 10, 10);
- ellipse(120, 250, 10, 10);
- ellipse(140, 260, 10, 10);
- ellipse(150, 290, 10, 10);
- ellipse(190, 270, 10, 10);
- }
- //Draws plant in bowl
- void drawPlantInBowl() {
- stroke(59, 145, 20);
- strokeWeight(7);
- line(250, 300, 300, 220);
- noStroke();
- fill(125, 196, 66);
- ellipse(300, 220, 30, 30);
- }
- //Success screen
- void drawSuccess() {
- //Draw background
- fill(134, 233, 244);
- rect(0, 0, 400, 400);
- //Draw cupcake icing
- fill(247, 155, 242);
- ellipse(200, 210, 90, 90);
- //Draw paper
- fill(244, 234, 93);
- rect(110, 220, 180, 100);
- fill(216, 214, 93);
- rect(110, 220, 30, 100);
- rect(170, 220, 30, 100);
- rect(230, 220, 30, 100);
- //Draw Cherry
- stroke(8, 178, 42);
- strokeWeight(4);
- noFill();
- arc(270, 120, 70, 65, PI, PI+QUARTER_PI);
- noStroke();
- fill(198, 1, 67);
- ellipse(200, 120, 25, 25);
- fill(255);
- ellipse(210, 110, 5, 5);
- //Draw Sprinkles, Randomize colours
- strokeWeight(5);
- stroke(colour1, colour2, colour3);
- line(140, 210, 150, 190);
- stroke(colour4, colour5, colour6);
- line(185, 200, 210, 195);
- stroke(colour7, colour8, colour9);
- line(240, 210, 260, 190);
- stroke(colour10, colour11, colour12);
- line(160, 165, 185, 175);
- stroke(colour13, colour14, colour15);
- line(230, 160, 240, 180);
- noStroke();
- }
- //Failure screen
- void drawFailure() {
- //Draw background
- fill(118, 130, 113);
- rect(0, 0, 400, 400);
- //Draw flop, Randomize colours
- fill(colour1, colour2, colour3);
- ellipse(200, 210, 90, 55);
- ellipse(135, 240, 75, 65);
- ellipse(300, 350, 30, 15);
- ellipse(280, 365, 20, 10);
- //Draw paper
- fill(244, 234, 93);
- rect(110, 220, 180, 100);
- fill(216, 214, 93);
- rect(110, 220, 30, 100);
- rect(170, 220, 30, 100);
- rect(230, 220, 30, 100);
- }
- void resultComment() {
- //Milk and egg
- if (milk == true && egg == true && dogFood == false && plant == false) {
- println("Fantastic! Thanks for helping out. I knew I could count on you.");
- //1. Dog food and plant
- } else if (dogFood == true && plant == true) {
- println("I came as soon as I heard the explosion. What did you do to the cupcakes?! ");
- //2. Dog food, no plant
- } else if (dogFood ==true && plant == false) {
- println("This is awful... Maybe I can feed it to the dog when you're not looking.");
- //3. Plant, no dog food
- } else if (plant == true && dogFood == false) {
- println("Did...did I just bite into a leaf?");
- //4. Milk and nothing else
- //Note: "Oeuf", pronounced similarly to "Oof", means "Egg" in French.
- } else if (dogFood == false && plant == false && milk == true && egg == false) {
- println("Oeuf! Well, that's an egg on your face. You forgot to add something...");
- //5. Egg and nothing else
- } else if (dogFood == false && plant == false && milk == false && egg == true) {
- println("If you're lactose intolerant, I understand. If you aren't, you forgot to add something...");
- //6. No ingredients added
- } else {
- println("Did you just throw this into the oven without adding the ingredients? You had one job!");
- }
- }