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  PROGRAM NAME: shooter_without_deadorange
  PROGRAM DESC: Move (WASD) and shoot (Mouse Click) to destroy cubes before time runs out and survive longer, indicated at the bottom.
                The longer you survive, the difficulty increases, indicated by cubes in the top left.
                Shots go slower, enemies smaller and more camoflauged, and time runs out quicker.
                If you die, press any key to restart the game.
  AUTHOR: Maxwell Hayes Woodley
  CREATED FOR: Assignment 2 - Interactive Toy [Intro to Media Computation]
               Teacher - Nicholas Hesler
  CHANGELOG: Not Available

float screen;       // What screen the game is on [0 = Death Screen, 1 = Game]
float currentTime;  // The current time (in milliseconds) since the game started

// Variables for background
float backR;    // R channel
float backG;    // G channel
float backB;    // B channel
float backInc;  // How much the G channel will increase with difficulty

// Variables for difficulty management
float maxTime;                      // The maximum amount of time the player can have
float timeLeft;                     // How much time the player has left until they die
float levelIncTime;                 // When to increase the difficulty
float levelTimeAdd;                 // How much time to add between difficulty increases
float level;                        // What difficulty level the player has reached
float maxLevel;                     // The maximum difficulty level the player can reach
float diffBoxX, diffBoxY;           // X/Y Coordinates for difficulty box
float diffBoxHeight, diffBoxWidth;  // Height/Width of difficulty box

float playerSpeed;     // How fast the player travels
float playerSpeedInc;  // How much faster the player travels with difficulty increase

// Whether the player can travel in each direction
boolean goUp;
boolean goDown;
boolean goRight;
boolean goLeft;

// Variables for head
float playerX, playerY;                  // X/Y Coordinates for head
float playerWidth, playerHeight;         // Height/Width of head
float headR;       // R channel
float headG;       // G channel
float headB;       // B channel
float headWeight;  // The weight of the head's stroke

// Variables for eyes
float eyeLineSize;         // The size of the eye lines
float eyeOneX, eyeOneY;    // X/Y Coordinates for eye 1
float eyeTwoX, eyeTwoY;    // X/Y Coordinates for eye 2
float distOneX, distOneY;  // How far away the mouse is from eye 1
float distTwoX, distTwoY;  // How far away the mouse is from eye 2
float eyeMove;             // How far the eyes should move relative to the mouse distance

float bulletSpeed;    // How fast the bullet travel
float bulletSpeedDec; // How much slower the bullet will travel with difficulty
float bulletWidth;    // The width of the bullet
float bulletHeight;   // The height of the bullet
float bulletR;        // R channel
float bulletG;        // G channel
float bulletB;        // B channel

boolean bulletFired;                 // Whether the bullet has been fired
float bulletX, bulletY;              // X/Y coordinates
float bulletRise, bulletRun;         // Rise/Run to target
float bulletDistance;                // Distance to target
float bulletStepX, bulletStepY;      // How far to move the bullet in the X/Y axis

float targetSpeed;                      // How fast the targets move
float targetSpeedInc;                   // How much faster the targets get with difficulty
float targetTargetRadius;               // How far away from the center the target can target
float targetWidth, targetHeight;        // The width/height of the targets
float targetWidthDec, targetHeightDec;  // How much smaller the width/height of the targets will get with difficulty
float targetRespawnTime;                // How long it will take for each target to respawn
float targetRespawnTimeInc;             // How much faster the targets respawn with difficulty
float targetTimeReward;                 // How much time to reward to the player upon death
float targetRewardDec;                  // How much less of a reward is given with difficulty
float targetR;  // R channel
float targetG;  // G channel
float targetB;  // B channel

// Target alive/dead states
boolean targetOneAlive;
float targetOneRespawnTime;
boolean targetTwoAlive;
float targetTwoRespawnTime;
boolean targetThreeAlive;
float targetThreeRespawnTime;
boolean targetFourAlive;
float targetFourRespawnTime;
boolean targetFiveAlive;
float targetFiveRespawnTime;

// Target X/Y coordinates
float targetOneX, targetOneY;
float targetTwoX, targetTwoY;
float targetThreeX, targetThreeY;
float targetFourX, targetFourY;
float targetFiveX, targetFiveY;

void setup() {
  // Set size of screen
  size(400, 400);

  // Set up the game

  // Set up all necessary values
  println("Move around (WASD) and shoot the cubes (Mouse Click) before time runs out to add more time and survive longer.");
  println("If you survive long enough, the difficulty increases, indicated in the top left.");
  println("If you die, press any key to restart.");

void draw() {
  // Get the current time
  currentTime = millis();

  // Redraw the background
  background(backR, backG+backInc, backB);

  // If the game is on the game screen...
  if (screen==1) {
    // Update all difficulty-related functions

    // Draw the cursor

    // Draw the current level

    // Update player

    // Update targets
  } else {
    fill(126, 49, 36);
    rect(0, 0, width, height);

void mousePressed() {
  // If the bullet has not been fired...
  if (bulletFired==false) {
    // Get the direction to fire the bullet in
    bulletRise = mouseY - playerY;
    bulletRun = mouseX - playerX;
    bulletDistance = sqrt((bulletRun*bulletRun)+(bulletRise*bulletRise));
    bulletStepX = bulletRun/bulletDistance;
    bulletStepY = bulletRise/bulletDistance;
    bulletX = playerX;
    bulletY = playerY;
    bulletFired = true;

void keyPressed() {
  // If the screen is the game screen...
  if (screen==1)
    if (key=='w') {
      goUp = true;
    } else if (key=='s') {
      goDown = true;
    } else if (key=='a') {
      goLeft = true;
    } else if (key=='d') {
      goRight = true;
  } else {
    // Set up the game

    // Set up all necessary values
    // Reset all outstanding values

void keyReleased() {
  // If the screen is the game screen...
  if (screen==1)
    // If W is pressed...
    if (key=='w') {
      // player should not go up
      goUp = false;
    // If S is pressed...
    else if (key=='s') {
      // player should not go down
      goDown = false;
    // If A is pressed...
    else if (key=='a') {
      // player should not go left
      goLeft = false;
    // If D is pressed...
    else if (key=='d') {
      // player should not go right
      goRight = false;


void setupGame() {
  // Get rid of the cursor

  // Set the background colours
  backR = 98;
  backG = 204;
  backB = 185;
  backInc = 0;

  // Draw the background
  background(backR, backG+backInc, backB);

  // The game is on the title screen
  screen = 1;

  // The game is on level 1
  level = 1;

void setupDifficulty() {
  // Set up the difficulty
  maxTime = (10)*60;
  timeLeft = maxTime;
  levelTimeAdd = (12)*1000;
  levelIncTime = levelTimeAdd;
  maxLevel = 5;

void setupPlayer() {
  // Set basic values
  playerSpeed = 3;
  playerSpeedInc = 1;

  // Set up head
  playerX = width/2;
  playerY = height/2;
  playerWidth = 50;
  playerHeight = 50;
  headR = 29;
  headG = 125;
  headB = 137;

  // Set up eyes
  eyeOneX = playerX - 10;
  eyeOneY = playerY - 8;
  eyeTwoX = playerX + 10;
  eyeTwoY = playerY - 8;
  eyeLineSize = 5;
  eyeMove = 0.01;

  // Set up bullet
  bulletFired = false;
  bulletSpeed = 16;
  bulletSpeedDec = 2.5;
  bulletWidth = 6;
  bulletHeight = 6;
  bulletR = headR*1.5;
  bulletG = headG*1.5;
  bulletB = headB*1.5;

void setupTargets() {
  // Set up targets
  targetWidth = 20;
  targetHeight = 20;
  targetWidthDec = 3;
  targetHeightDec = 3;
  targetSpeed = 5;
  targetTargetRadius = 10;
  targetRespawnTime = 3;
  targetTimeReward = 1.5;
  targetRewardDec = 0.15;
  targetR = 98;
  targetG = 255;
  targetB = 185;

  // Set up target 1
  targetOneAlive = false;
  targetOneRespawnTime = currentTime;

  // Set up target 2
  targetTwoAlive = false;
  targetTwoRespawnTime = currentTime;

  // Set up target 3
  targetThreeAlive = false;
  targetThreeRespawnTime = currentTime;

  // Set up target 4
  targetFourAlive = false;
  targetFourRespawnTime = currentTime;

  // Set up target 5
  targetFiveAlive = false;
  targetFiveRespawnTime = currentTime;

void updateDifficulty() {
  // Update the time

  // If the player has run out of time...
  if (timeLeft<=0) {
    // Kill the player
    screen = 0;

  if (currentTime>=levelIncTime) {

void drawBox() {
  // Draw box representing how much time the player has left
  fill(255-(timeLeft*0.425), 50, 25);
  rect(2, 398, 0+(timeLeft*0.66333333333), 380);

void increaseDifficulty() {
  // If the max level has not been reached...
  if (level<maxLevel) {
    // Increase the difficulty

void drawCursor() {
  // Set up cursor

  // Draw the cursor
  fill(headR, headG, headB, 255/1.5);
  ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 10, 10);

  // Draw the cursor trail
  fill(headR, headG, headB, 255/3);
  ellipse(pmouseX, pmouseY, 20, 20);

void drawLevelGUI() {
  fill(backR/1.5, backG/1.5, backB/1.5);
  rect(0, 0, width, 25);

  // For the current level...
  for (int i=0; i<level; i++) {
    // Draw a box to represent it
    fill(backR/3, backG/3, backB/3);
    rect((i*23)+12, 12, 20, 20);

void moveplayer() {
  // If the screen is the game screen...
  if (screen==1) {
    // If player should go up and hasn't reached the top boundary...
    if (goUp&&(playerY-playerHeight/2>0)) {
      // Move player up
    // If player should go down and hasn't reached the bottom boundary...
    if (goDown&&(playerY+playerHeight/2<height)) {
      // Move player down
    // If player should go left and hasn't reached the left boundary...
    if (goLeft&&(playerX-playerWidth/2>0)) {
      // Move player left
    // If player should go right and hasn't reached the right boundary...
    else if (goRight&&(playerX+playerWidth/2<width)) {
      // Move player right

void drawplayer() {
  // Draw head
  fill(headR, headG, headB);
  ellipse(playerX, playerY, playerWidth, playerHeight);

  // Draw eyes
  eyeOneX = playerX - 10;
  eyeOneY = playerY - 10;
  eyeTwoX = playerX + 10;
  eyeTwoY = playerY - 10;
  distOneX = mouseX-eyeOneX;
  distOneY = mouseY-eyeOneY;
  distTwoX = mouseX-eyeTwoY;
  distTwoY = mouseY-eyeTwoY;
  line(eyeOneX-eyeLineSize+(distOneX*eyeMove), eyeOneY-eyeLineSize+(distOneY*eyeMove), 
    eyeOneX+eyeLineSize+(distOneX*eyeMove), eyeOneY+eyeLineSize+(distOneY*eyeMove));
  line(eyeOneX-eyeLineSize+(distOneX*eyeMove), eyeOneY+eyeLineSize+(distOneY*eyeMove), 
    eyeOneX+eyeLineSize+(distOneX*eyeMove), eyeOneY-eyeLineSize+(distOneY*eyeMove));
  line(eyeTwoX-eyeLineSize+(distTwoX*eyeMove), eyeTwoY-eyeLineSize+(distTwoY*eyeMove), 
    eyeTwoX+eyeLineSize+(distTwoX*eyeMove), eyeTwoY+eyeLineSize+(distTwoY*eyeMove));
  line(eyeTwoX-eyeLineSize+(distTwoX*eyeMove), eyeTwoY+eyeLineSize+(distTwoY*eyeMove), 
    eyeTwoX+eyeLineSize+(distTwoX*eyeMove), eyeTwoY-eyeLineSize+(distTwoY*eyeMove));

void updateBullet() {
  boolean bulletCollided;  // Whether the bullet has collided with something
  // If the bullet has been fired
  if (bulletFired) {
    // Check whether it has collided with each target
    if (targetOneAlive) {
      bulletCollided = checkForTargetCollision(targetOneX, targetOneY);
      // If the bullet collided with target 1...
      if (bulletCollided==true) {
        // Kill the target
        targetOneAlive = false;
        targetOneRespawnTime = currentTime+(targetRespawnTime*1000);
        // Despawn the bullet
        bulletFired = false;

    if (targetTwoAlive) {
      bulletCollided = checkForTargetCollision(targetTwoX, targetTwoY);
      // If the bullet collided with target 2...
      if (bulletCollided==true) {
        // Kill the target
        targetTwoAlive = false;
        targetTwoRespawnTime = currentTime+(targetRespawnTime*1000);
        // Despawn the bullet
        bulletFired = false;

    if (targetThreeAlive) {
      bulletCollided = checkForTargetCollision(targetThreeX, targetThreeY);
      // If the bullet collided with target 3...
      if (bulletCollided==true) {
        // Kill the target
        targetThreeAlive = false;
        targetThreeRespawnTime = currentTime+(targetRespawnTime*1000);
        // Despawn the bullet
        bulletFired = false;

    if (targetFourAlive) {
      bulletCollided = checkForTargetCollision(targetFourX, targetFourY);
      // If the bullet collided with target 4...
      if (bulletCollided==true) {
        // Kill the target
        targetFourAlive = false;
        targetFourRespawnTime = currentTime+(targetRespawnTime*1000);
        // Despawn the bullet
        bulletFired = false;

    if (targetFiveAlive) {
      bulletCollided = checkForTargetCollision(targetFiveX, targetFiveY);
      // If the bullet collided with target 5...
      if (bulletCollided==true) {
        // Kill the target
        targetFiveAlive = false;
        targetFiveRespawnTime = currentTime+(targetRespawnTime*1000);
        // Despawn the bullet
        bulletFired = false;

    // If the bullet has not reached the edges of the screen...
    if ((bulletX<width&&bulletX>0)&&(bulletY<height&&bulletY>0)) {
    } else {
      // Despawn the bullet
      bulletFired = false;
      // Despawn the bullet
      bulletFired = false;

    // Draw bullet
    stroke(bulletR, bulletG, bulletB);
    fill(bulletR, bulletG, bulletB);
    ellipse(bulletX, bulletY, bulletWidth, bulletHeight);

    // Draw bullet trail
    fill(bulletR, bulletG, bulletB, 255/3);
    ellipse(bulletX-bulletStepX, bulletY-bulletStepY, bulletWidth+2, bulletHeight+2);

boolean checkForTargetCollision(float targetX, float targetY) {
  boolean collision = false;  // Whether a collision is detected

  // If the bullet has collided with a target...
  if ( ((bulletX>targetX-(targetWidth/2))&&(bulletX<targetX+(targetWidth/2))) && ((bulletY>targetY-(targetHeight/2))&&(bulletY<targetY+(targetHeight/2))) ) {
    // A collision has been detected
    collision = true;
    // If the player can be given more time...
    if (timeLeft+(targetTimeReward*60)<=maxTime)
      // Give the player more time

  // Return whether a collision has been detected
  return collision;

void updateTargets() {
  // Update target 1
  // If the target is alive...
  if (targetOneAlive) {
    drawTarget(targetOneX, targetOneY);
  } else {
    // If it is time for the target to respawn
    if (currentTime >= targetOneRespawnTime) {
      // Respawn the target
      targetOneAlive = true;

      // Generate a new original position
      targetOneX = random(0+targetWidth, width-targetWidth);
      targetOneY = random(30+targetHeight, height-targetHeight-5);

  // Update target 2
  // If the target is alive...
  if (targetTwoAlive) {
    drawTarget(targetTwoX, targetTwoY);
  } else {
    // If it is time for the target to respawn
    if (currentTime >= targetTwoRespawnTime) {
      // Respawn the target
      targetTwoAlive = true;

      // Generate a new original position
      targetTwoX = random(0+targetWidth, width-targetWidth);
      targetTwoY = random(30+targetHeight, height-targetHeight-5);

  // Update target 3
  // If the target is alive...
  if (targetThreeAlive) {
    drawTarget(targetThreeX, targetThreeY);
  } else {
    // If it is time for the target to respawn
    if (currentTime >= targetThreeRespawnTime) {
      // Respawn the target
      targetThreeAlive = true;

      // Generate a new original position
      targetThreeX = random(0+targetWidth, width-targetWidth);
      targetThreeY = random(30+targetHeight, height-targetHeight-5);

  // Update target 4
  // If the target is alive...
  if (targetFourAlive) {
    drawTarget(targetFourX, targetFourY);
  } else {
    // If it is time for the target to respawn
    if (currentTime >= targetFourRespawnTime) {
      // Respawn the target
      targetFourAlive = true;

      // Generate a new original position
      targetFourX = random(0+targetWidth, width-targetWidth);
      targetFourY = random(30+targetHeight, height-targetHeight-5);

  // Update target 5
  // If the target is alive...
  if (targetFiveAlive) {
    drawTarget(targetFiveX, targetFiveY);
  } else {
    // If it is time for the target to respawn
    if (currentTime >= targetFiveRespawnTime) {
      // Respawn the target
      targetFiveAlive = true;

      // Generate a new original position
      targetFiveX = random(0+targetWidth, width-targetWidth);
      targetFiveY = random(30+targetHeight, height-targetHeight-5);

void drawTarget(float targetX, float targetY) {
  fill(targetR, targetG, targetB);
  rect(targetX, targetY, targetWidth, targetHeight);