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    //      The BasketBall Game      //
    //          by WangZuo           //
    ////////////// 2018 ///////////////

    //  Ball & Basket 
    float BallX = 75;
    float BallY = 20;
    float basketY = random(80, 320); 
    //   physical engine
    float gravity = 0.6;
    float fallspeed = 8;
    float Xspeed = 0 ;
    int xdirection = 1;  // Left or Right
    int ydirection = 1;  // Top to Bottom
    //   collision detection 
    float distance1 = 0;
    float distance2 = 0;
    float distance3 = 0;
    float puff1Mod;
    float colorT=0;
    //   effects 
    int[] trailX = new int[10]; //These arrays are used to store previous ball positions, to draw the trail
    int[] trailY = new int[10];
    float effect1=0;
    //   GamePlay 
    float timeLeft=400; 
    boolean play = false; 
    float score=0;
    float highScore = 0;
    void setup(){
    void draw(){ 
   if(play == false){             // -------------show First interface
        score = 0;
    if (play ==  true) {         // ------------- show Second interface
      distance();                // Distance calculating between Ball, Basket and Goal area. So that do collisions and goal.
      drawgoal();                // Goal effects
      trailUpdate ();            // Ball effects
      drawGUI ();
    void gamestart(){   
    rectMode(CENTER);                 // ------------ The button
    rect (200 ,243 ,85 ,45 , 15);   
    text("PLAY", 165, 255);} 
    void mouseClicked(){                // -------------- mouseclick and start the game
    if (mouseX > 150 && mouseX < 250 && mouseY > 220 && mouseY < 270) {
    play = true;    }
    void drawBackground(){
    void drawBasket(){      // --------------- drawBasket
    rect(385, basketY, 10, 120, 7);    // the backboard
    rect(375, basketY+25, 10 , 10 , 2);  // the edge of basket
    ellipse(340, basketY+25, 60, 20 );   //the basket
    void drawBall(){
    ellipse(BallX, BallY, 40, 40);
    void distance(){     
      distance1 = sqrt(sq(310 - BallX) + sq(basketY+25 - BallY));  // -------- calculate distance between Ball and edge of basket
      distance2 = sqrt(sq(375 - BallX) + sq(basketY+25 - BallY));  // -------- calculate distance between Ball and basket
      distance3 = sqrt(sq(340 - BallX) + sq(basketY+45 - BallY));  // -------- calculate distance between Ball and goal area
    void updateBall(){
      BallY=BallY+fallspeed;                        //  -------------------- Ball's falling
      BallX = BallX + ( Xspeed * xdirection );      //  -------------------- Ball's falling
      fallspeed = fallspeed + gravity;              //  -------------------- Ball's falling
      if (BallY > height-14) {                      //  -------------------- Ground reflection
        fallspeed = abs(fallspeed) * -0.75;
            if (mousePressed == true) {             //  -------------------- Ball move to right top when mousepressed
        fallspeed = 8 * -1;
        xdirection = 1;
        Xspeed = 2;
        BallX = BallX + ( Xspeed * xdirection );
      if (BallX > width ) 
      {BallX=15;}                                       //  -------------------- Ball appear on the left of screen when reach to the right border
      if (BallX < 1 )
      {BallX=400;}                                      //  -------------------- Ball appear on the right of screen when reach to the left border
  if ( BallX < 400 &&BallX > 360 && BallY < basketY+85 && BallY > basketY-85 && xdirection > 0){  //  -------------------- collision of backboard
      xdirection *= -1;
      Xspeed *= 0.9;
  if( distance1 < 15 && xdirection <0){            //  -------------------- collision of edge of basket
        fallspeed = abs(fallspeed) * -0.75;
  if( distance1 < 15 && xdirection > 0){    //  --------------------  collision of edge of basket
      xdirection *= -1;
      Xspeed *= 0.9;  
  if( distance2 < 20 && xdirection <0){    //  --------------------  collision of basket
        fallspeed = abs(fallspeed) * -0.75;  
   if( distance2 < 20 && xdirection > 0){    //  --------------------  collision of basket
      xdirection *= -1;
      Xspeed *= 0.9;   
    void goal() {    
      if ( distance3 <30 && BallY > basketY+55 && fallspeed > 0){     //  -------------------- when ball reach the goal area  
        basketY= int(random(80, 320));    // renew basket position
        puff1Mod=200;                     // do effects
        colorT=colorT+10;                 // track's color burn
        timeLeft += 100;                  // times add
        score += 100;                     // increase score
        effect1 -= 2;                     // fade of effects

            if (timeLeft <= 0)            // have no time
           play = false;              // show first interface
           timeLeft = 400;           // reset time
           colorT= 40;              // track's color reset
      } else
        if (score>highScore){      //record hightscore
        highScore = score;}
    void drawgoal(){        // ------------------------------ draw effect's when goal
    fill(#FFF80D, 50+puff1Mod);
    ellipse(340, basketY+30, 0.2*(255 - puff1Mod), 0.2*(255 - puff1Mod));
    fill(#FFDB0D, puff1Mod);
    ellipse(340, basketY+30, 0.3*(255 - puff1Mod), 0.3*(255 - puff1Mod));
    fill(#FF0D0D, puff1Mod);
    ellipse(340, basketY+30, 0.4*(255 - puff1Mod), 0.4*(255 - puff1Mod));    
    fill(#D80000, puff1Mod);
    ellipse(BallX, BallY, 0.4*(255 - puff1Mod), 0.4*(255 - puff1Mod));    
    fill(#FA955B, puff1Mod);
    ellipse(BallX, BallY, 0.3*(255 - puff1Mod), 0.3*(255 - puff1Mod));
    puff1Mod -= 2;  // fade of effects
    void trailUpdate () { //  ----------------------------------  Ball's trail
     for (int i = 0; i < trailX.length; i++){ 
     fill(#FCAC0A, colorT ); // the color's depth changed by colorT
     ellipse (trailX[i], trailY[i], i*3, i*3);}
      for (int i = 0; i < trailX.length - 1; i++) {
        trailX[i] = trailX[i+1];  // shift the array values for the ball trail down one place
        trailY[i] = trailY[i+1];
      trailX[trailX.length - 1] = (int)BallX;  //Add the current position to the end of the arrays. When combined with the shifting, this will make the arrays hold the previous 10 positions, which are used to make the trail.
      trailY[trailY.length - 1] = (int)BallY;
     void drawGUI()
      timeLeft = constrain(timeLeft, 0, 400);      //timeLeft changed by framerate
      rect(200, 15, timeLeft, 10);
      fill(255, puff1Mod);
      rect(200, 15, 1.5*(timeLeft - puff1Mod), 0.2*(255 - puff1Mod));  // effects
      puff1Mod -= 2;     // fade
      textSize(20);                   // ---------------------------  score GUI
      text("score:", 0, 60);
      text(score, 55, 60);
      text(highScore, 100, 95);
      text("highScore:", 0, 95);    