Dietary Supplements

What You Need to Know

veggis and spoon with supplements


People use dietary supplements for various purposes, either they want to ensure they receive the recommended amounts of essential nutrients in order to be in the safe zone, or they use them with the hope of having a prolonged life with better health, or they use them for specific needs, such as: birth defect prevention, heart health for people diagnosed with heart disease, or bone health for those who have vitamin D malfunction.

In his book, Dietary Supplements in Health Promotion, Wallace highlighted the trend of using supplements, he mentioned that social, technological, and economical global factors drive three trends:

  1. Increase in prevalence of expensive and life-long non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
  2. The high economic burden of NCDs demanding higher individual responsibility and active individual participation in disease prevention
  3. A consequential increase in utilization of self-medication (over-the-counter medication.

These products promise a range of benefits, from boosting energy to supporting immune function
Type of Supplements and Benefits
 Supplement Examples Purpose
Vitamins and Minerals Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium Address deficiencies; support overall health
Herbs and Botanicals Echinacea, Ginseng, Turmeric Claim various health benefits; research varies
Fish Oils (Omega-3s) Fish oil capsules Support heart health; reduce inflammation
Probiotics Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium Promote gut health; aid digestion; boost immunity