Global Warming

Root Causes, Impacts and Solutions

Solutions to Global Warming

Solving the issue of global warming starts from individuals, leading to communities, companies and governments taking responsibility for their contribution in saving the planet. On an individual level, use of vehicles and household appliances must be reduced. Public transport can be used as an alternative. Clean water can be used in moderation, ensuring that no waste. More trees must be planted so that the excessive amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere can be used for photosynthesis. Recyclable material should be used, so there is less production of plastic. Solar panels must be installed in houses to ensure that less human made electricity is used. Green patches (such as front yard, back yard, and community park) around the neighborhoods must be maintained. Communities must make a collective effort in educating themselves on how to remain sustainable.

Companies make a huge contribution in global warming; therefore, they have the biggest role to play in tackling climate change as well. Production companies must find sustainable alternatives to production. If a sustainable alternative cannot be achieved, companies should make financial contributions to support sustainability programs. Tesla promotes clean energy by making electric vehicles, batteries, and solar panels for houses/buildings (Tesla Inc., 2024). Since global warming started many years ago, companies realize the damage it has done and the fact that it needs to be tackled as quickly as possible.

Governments have the biggest role to play in tackling global warming. Governments should make policies that restrict production on a devastating scale. Alternatively, there must be an annual sustainability audit to ensure companies are compliant with policies. There must be guidelines related to getting in business with overseas companies based on how sustainable they are. Programs about sustainability must be designed and introduced as part of school curriculum.