
The Fight with Yourself

man suffering from depression


Sometimes you may find that you feel down or sad with no explanation, this happens to everyone. This is what we call being human but, for others it can be a little bit more than just feeling down or sad, it’s a tireless feeling of sadness and loss of interest, how you feel, think and behave can be affected, this is known as depression. In this research paper you will explore the history of depression, the types of depression, medical and natural treatments for and causes of depression. “Alain Ehrenberg investigates the history of depression and depressive symptoms across twentieth-century psychiatry, showing that identifying depression is far more difficult than a simple diagnostic distinction between normal and pathological sadness - the one constant in the history of depression is its changing definition.” (Ehrenberg, 2010) Depression is now seen as a serious health issue that can be associated with the increase of illness and death, also it is estimated to be the third leading cause of disability. Reading the statistics and seeing how much depression has grown from day to day, I believe it is crucial that we must understand the causes, effects and treatments of depression so we can have a more effective prevention and treatment strategy.