Understanding Obesity


Dietary factors

1.Consumption of high-Calorie, Low-Nutrient Foods:  A diet rich in processed foods, cheap foods, sugary snacks and drinks contributes the most to weight gain and obesity. These foods are high in calories but low in essential nutrients, resulting in excess caloric intake without nutritional needs.

2.Portion Sizes: Larger portion sizes, particularly in cafes and low-cost food establishments, encourage bingeing and contribute to long-term obesity.

Lifestyle Choices:

a.Sedentary Behaviour: Modern lifestyles characterized by increased inactivity, such as prolonged sitting, screen time and lower levels of actual work force, all contribute to obesity. Energy imbalance occurs when calorie intake exceeds energy expenditure, leading to weight gain.b.  b.Urbanization and Transportation: Urbanization has led to decline in real employment as people rely more on cars and public transport instead of walking or cycling. This reduced daily exercise helps improve body weight.