Molecular Biology

It affect all the field of Science

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biomedical research

Biology and chemistry are the two major pillars of the field of science, which are interdependent and interrelated to each other. Biomolecules and cell biology all involve chemical reactions in their sustaining functions to carry out their life processes. The term biochemistry roots back to the 1800s. Various biomedical research combines approaches like genetics and genomics from molecular biology and biochemistry. Biochemistry leads to information about various molecular interactions within the cells that help in further complex chemical procedures. Within every cell, there is a DNA-regulated cell division, Mrna is being transferred to the daughter cells, translating into proteins. Cell membranes and lipids dissolve and cells communicate with each other and with their environment, carrying out all the processes and it all involves complex molecular machinery. Biochemistry provides powerful input to the basic cellular functions. 

All the DNA, and RNA structures of living organisms constitute genetic information, which is also the function of chemically active agents. Biochemistry all in all covers all the aspects of functions and reactions occurring in the living system. Chemical agents are actively involved in the synthesis, metabolism, generation, and breakdown of energy. Structure of DNA, RNA is also made up of reactive chemical agents, where various kinds of proteins, and amino acids make chemical bonds, and together contribute to the structure of the genetic material. The genetic material works in unison undergoing division, duplication, and replication to create new living beings by unicellular and multicellular structures. Biochemistry involved with biology helps living beings function.


The study of Molecular Biology is combined learning
Cell Biology involves the cell structure its constituents and functions
Bio Pharmacy deals with the bio or living medicinal chemical agents
Bio Chemistry dealing with the chemical molecular structures the regulate the functioning of living systems

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