// Interactive Graphic // // By Melinne Hay // //Sets the window to a 400 pixel wide by 400 pixels void setup() { size(400, 400); } void draw() { background(0); smooth(); //setting the rect and the circle mode to center ellipseMode(CENTER); rectMode(CENTER); //first backround flame fill(206, 90, 12, 127); //adding an orange colour and transparency ellipse((mouseX/25)+180, 140, (mouseX/25)+240, 260); //MouseX moves the flame a little bit in relation to the mouse X position while keeping the same //general postion of the flame //candle stick fill(#F5F0DE); rect(180, 160, 40, 40); //second backround flame fill(#F5AD11, 191); ellipse((mouseX/20)+180, 110, (mouseX/20)+80, 100); //Same as code as before but lowered the value to the flame so it moves a little bit more then the big flame //final inner flame fill(#FA0800); ellipse(180, 130, 60, 60); //wax droplet fill(255); ellipse(130, 245, 30, 30); //wax droplet 2 ellipse(130, 360, 30, 30); //Base of candle fill(255); rect(180, 270, 100, 180); //eyes fill(0); ellipse(150, 270, 5, 5); //eye number 2 ellipse(210, 270, 5, 5); //mouth ellipse(180, 290, 10, 10); fill(255); stroke(255); ellipse(180, 285, 10, 10); //the candle base stroke(0); fill(#E8CD60); rect(200, 370, 160, 20); //handle circle 1 ellipse(310, 350, 100, 100); //handle center fill(0); ellipse(310, 350, 70, 70); //candle details fill(255); stroke(0); ellipse(140, 185, 30, 30); }