void setup() { // Set size of the window size (400, 400); } // Variables that will be used as color values for the flower's center int center = 250 ; void draw() { // Set color of the background background (100, 180, 250) ; // Set stem color, size and position fill (0, 200, 10); rect (195, 200, 10, 200); // Set color and size of the flower's center fill(250, center, 100) ; ellipse (200, 200, 50, 50) ; // Set color of the flower petals and center depending on wheather or not the mouse is being pressed // Also changes the background to nature if the mouse is being pressed if (mousePressed == true) { // Changes the color of the flower's center when clicked center = 0 ; // Set size and position of the flower petals fill (240, 130, 190) ; ellipse (200, 140, 70, 70) ; ellipse (236, 250, 70, 70) ; ellipse (164, 250, 70, 70) ; ellipse (142, 182, 70, 70) ; ellipse (258, 182, 70, 70) ; // Trees fill (0, 160, 50); triangle (60, 40, 20, 140, 100, 140); triangle (60, 140, 10, 240, 110, 240); triangle (60, 240, 0, 340, 120, 340); // Tree trunk fill (150, 100, 0); rect (40, 340, 40, 60); // Dark Grass fill (0, 110, 50); triangle (110, 360, 115, 400, 125, 400); triangle (140, 340, 135, 400, 145, 400); triangle (170, 350, 150, 400, 160, 400 ); triangle (230, 360, 230, 400, 240, 400); triangle (250, 345, 245, 400, 255, 400); triangle (280, 360, 265, 400, 275, 400); // Light grass fill (150, 200, 100); triangle (320, 260, 300, 400, 310, 400); triangle (340, 190, 335, 400, 343, 400); triangle (360, 220, 360, 400, 370, 400); } // Changes the background to the city // Changes the flower's center color else { // Changes the color of the flower's center center = 250; // Building 1 fill (150) ; rect (10, 60, 80, 390); //Building 1 Dectoration fill (170); rect (20, 70, 15, 390); rect (64, 70, 15, 390); rect (42, 70, 15, 390); // Building 2 fill (120) ; rect (110, 240, 70, 260); // Building 2 windows fill (0, 10, 100, 80); rect (120, 260, 20, 30); rect (150, 260, 20, 30); rect (120, 300, 20, 30); rect (150, 300, 20, 30); rect (120, 340, 20, 30); rect (150, 340, 20, 30); rect (120, 380, 20, 20); rect (150, 380, 20, 20); // Building 3 fill (190); rect (300, 100, 90, 320); // Building 3 windows fill (0, 100, 200, 40); rect (310, 110, 70, 20); rect (310, 140, 70, 20); rect (310, 170, 70, 20); rect (310, 200, 10, 390); rect (330, 200, 10, 390); rect (350, 200, 10, 390); rect (370, 200, 10, 390); // Building 3 fill (150); rect (220, 290, 70, 290); // Building 3 windows fill (180); rect (230, 300, 50, 10); rect (230, 320, 10, 60); rect (250, 320, 10, 60); rect (270, 320, 10, 60); rect (230, 390, 50, 10); } // Set leaf size, position and color fill (0, 200, 10); ellipse (245, 320, 80, 40); // Circle that follows the mouse fill (100, 50, 190); ellipse (mouseX, mouseY, 10, 10); }