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Course Description

Course Outline


Students learn how to use standards-based HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3) to create websites that are laid out in a logical file structure. Students publish their websites to a dedicated student space with emphasis on industry standards and best practices. Studies incorporate the latest standards and technologies. The course can be divided into the following modules:

  • Overview of client/server architecture and web protocols
  • Documentation and industry standards
  • Progressive enhancement and accessible design
  • Publishing; Web servers and their file systems
  • Document structure, DOM, and meta data
  • Minimal HTML, semantic document elements
  • Section and content elements and attributes
  • Lists and Tables
  • Valid HTML and validation of web documents
  • Selectors - type selectors, class selectors, id selectors, combinators
  • Properties and declarations, units of measurement, box model
  • Specificity, writing efficient and re-usable CSS rules
  • Pseudo elements, pseudo classes
  • Responsive design and media queries

Other topics may be added as time permits.


There might occasionally be other on-line resources used for specific lessons.

Software Required

You will require the following software for this course:

  • An IDE or other editor of your choice.
  • A file archiving utility of your choice.
  • An FTP client of your choice.

These three items will be covered in the setup instructions, below.

Additionally, you will need access to your web space. This has already been provided to you. you will need to set up your space before the start of the second class. Please see the web space setup instructions.

If you ever have any problems with your account, it is up to you to contact FAST support and resolve the issue. You can contact FAST support at

Course Evaluation

The evaluation scheme for this course is as follows:

Eval. Category %
Mid Term Exam 25%
Final Exam 25%
Assignments (4 @ 10% each) 40%
In-Class Assignments (5 @ 2% each) 10%
Total 100%

Mid Term Exam: This will take place in week 7.

Final Exam: This will take place in week 14.

Assignments are assignments or homework that you can take away to complete and then submit on a specified due date (usually at the beginning of class). There will be 4 take-home assignments that demonstrate your knowledge of the topics covered in the course.

In-Class Assignments are small assignments (can be done in 30 minutes or less if you have been participating and paying attention during the class) that are to be done in class only. You may not do these outside of class. Sometimes these are graded with feedback, sometimes these are check-off exercises (if you have done the required work, you get full marks; if you have not done all of the required work, you get 0 marks).

See assignment policies regarding late or missed assignments/exams.

Note that you must average 50% on your exams in order to pass the course.

Sheridan is committed to Academic Integrity. In this course the professor has chosen to require students to use Turnitin to check their own written work to ensure originality.

  • By taking this course students agree that they will submit written work for this course to Turnitin for text comparison.
  • Students will have the opportunity to review their initial work and correct any issues identified by Turnitin prior to submitting their final work.
  • Students will include the final Originality Report as a part of the written work submission.
  • Students are encouraged to discuss the Originality Report at any time with their faculty member.
  • Assignments submitted to Turnitin will be included as source documents in's restricted access database, solely for the purpose of detecting text copying.

Week 1

Course Overview, Intro to Web Development
Intro to Client-Server, Web Site Structure
Week 1

Week 2

Overview of Accessible Web Design
Week 2

In-Class Exercise 1

Week 3

Intro to HTML
Week 3

In-Class Exercise 2

Week 4

Links, Images, Document Sectioning, DOM
Week 4

Assignment 1 Due

Week 5

Content Grouping, Text Formatting, HTML Entities
Week 5

In-Class Exercise 3

Week 6

Lists and Tables
Week 6

Week 7


Mid Term Exam
Assignment 2 Due

Week 8

Intro to CSS
Week 8

Week 9

Box Model; Text/Font Properties
Week 9

Week 10

Combinators; Styling Lists/Tables
Week 10

In-Class Exercise 4

Week 11

Intro to Responsive Design, CSS Flex Box
Week 11

Assignment 3 Due

Week 12

CSS Grid
Week 12

Week 13

Media Queries
Week 13

In-Class Exercise 5

Week 14


Final Exam
Assignment 4 Due