
                 Healthy Eating For A Better Lifestyle


Physical activity is an essential part of life. Physical activity has been shown to improve both body and brain functioning, so it's no surprise that it can help students do better in school. However, not enough children obtain the recommended one hour of physical activity each day. Academic success is influenced by staying active. It aids in the improvement of focus, memory, and classroom conduct.

Children who follow the physical activity standards do better in school, have stronger memory and are less likely to develop depression. When compared to individuals who spend less time in physical education programs. One of the most effective methods for youngsters to enhance their health is physical exercise. Aim for one hour of activity every day, including aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening activities.

Aside from the health advantages, your children will most likely perform better in school. In conclusion, I think of vegetarianism, fast food and exercise and fitness


©Uzma Bakhtiar - Last Updated: April 17, 2022