Diabetes Management Hub

Discover your path to thriving with diabetes through expert guidance on nutrition, fitness, medication management, and support.



Any type of movement that makes your body burn calories is considered physical activity. This could include activities like walking, gardening, cleaning, and other tasks you are already engaged in. Regular exercise is essential on a daily basis. Having poor physical fitness is just as likely to lead to death as smoking.

To prevent sitting for extended periods, make sure to stand or move every 20 to 30 minutes. Increasing the amount of physical activity in your daily routine is crucial for effectively managing diabetes and enhancing your overall health.

 Advantages of engaging in exercise

Engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, and managing your weight can lower your chances of experiencing diabetes complications like heart disease and stroke.

Engaging in routine exercise is also beneficial.

Prior to starting:-

Be ready before starting a new workout regimen.


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