Heart Disease

By: Shreya Chatterjee

Symptoms of Heart Disease

What it is Why it happens
Coronary Artery Disease CAD can happen from lessening of Coronary arteries, and it can happen mostly to adults. Due to pain when you are doing exercise. Sometimes you can get sudden heart attack, which can happen less than sudden cardiac death. Lessening of Coronary arteries which happen due to not having enough oxygen in the body.
Rhythm Disturbance Usually, the heart rate for adults is 60 and 90 beats per minute. If the heartbeat is normalized for example if it’s not sounding right that means there a problem, but it doesn’t mean that the patient has heart disease.
Angina pectoris In this a person can encounter painful pressure, heaviness, and burning feeling around the mid-chest area. Which can be irritation to the person’s arms and shoulders, it can happen by doing exercise. Also, it may be aggravated and even generated by other elements, like being in cold for too long, stress, and even a heavy meal. This attack can carry on for few minutes or to a half an hour, angina pectoris attack that last for few minutes might not be angina but the attack lasting for half an hour will be concerning because it could be non-cardiac, and maybe even leading to a heart attack.
Congestive Heart Failure This also known for giving a person shortness of breath, making them tired, making them weak, making them have swellings on the legs because of heart not pumping properly. But mostly heart failure happens when the heart muscle is weakened because of a large infarction. There are many ways we find if the person has encountered any symptoms of heart failure.

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