Social Media

Pros and Cons

Cyberbullyingbullying on social media

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers. It can happen on messages, social media applications, comment sections. It also includes sending , sharing, personal or private information  about someone else that cause humiliation due to which person caan suffer from depression and become the victim of the blackmailing (Cherian, march, 2019).

With the burgeoning technology and social media applications the trend of cyberbullying is also increasing. Although the phenomenon of  cyberbullying is not new earlier it was used to be traditional bullying.  Especially among adolescents and children ( Psicol Educ, 2016).People are often get bullied on the internet  without any reason. Cyberbullying is different form the traditional bullying it includes the children that are more into the social media.

Effects of Cyberbullying-

Cyberbullying has negative effects on both the victim and the bully. The negactive effects increase with the frequency, duration and severity of cyberbullying. Victims who endure frequent cyberbullying can experience a decline in academic performance and adults can experience depression which results in suicide and other health risk factors. ( Tokunga 2010). It can also cause low self esteem.

Nowadays many people are active on social media. People have accounts on several social media  platforms. With the increasing  trend of influencers there is always a threat of social life like, Hacking of social media accounts. Hackers sitting in any corner of the world can hack the account of any target victim and can use according to them  and with the use of artificial intelligence it has become very easy to edit private pictures to blackmail girls and female over social media. According to ( Khilwi 2014), victims are tracked through their accounts on email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms.

Prevention- :

To help identify at – risk children, health care professionals need to ensure that they ask their patients if they are experiencing cyberbullying, being careful to specify the actual behaviours ( name calling, spreading rumours).

2. Parent- Child Communication- A healthy talk of parents and children ci=an contribute in reducing the risk s associated with the health of the children ( oFfrey & Rinaldi, 2017).

3. Monitoring technology Use- trend if social Media in the children require strategies to supervise the screen timing of children ( gaberielli, marsh, & tanski, 2018). Active monitoring refers to instructive and communication based strategies. Or else there should be rules in the house of the limiting screen usage.  Paretnts should be teaching children about the safe use of the social media . ( gabrielli et. Al., 2018). Parents should participate in the conversation and ask them time to time about the happenings of the life. This can also helps the save the child being the victim of anxiety and depression.

4. Make accounts private

5. Try to ignore or refuse bullies or talk with elder one instead of taking any step.

6. Avoid logging in different devices- This can also be helpful to respecting the privacy of personal content.

7. two Factor authentication- There are several options of privacy on social media application. Two factor authenification really beneficial. One cannot access the contemt of someone else’s account on their devices without the OTP. It can save us from the accessing the account of other devices.

8. Adress your elders or the health care professionals if you are not feeling well .

Thus, cyberbullying no doubt is really rising concern and needs more attention but there are above mentioned ways. Instead of taking any serious step one should always address their concern to the professionals. For the people who get blackmailed there are always laws to help them you can address your problem , file a police report report to cybercrime department instead of ignoring it.