Social Media

Pros and Cons

InfluencesInfluence on humans

It is nearly impossible to find someone who not use social media. While social media has made people life so easy it has some both pros and cons itself. Social media is more popular in youngsters. Although, it connects us with the world. People feel more socially confident after using social media . it can be used for content discovery for the students and brainstorm new ideas. As well as it provides great source of entertainment. A recent survey fpund that 86% of  adults in the US and 79% of adults in Europe are totally dependant on social media ( Sverdlov, 2012). Due to its ease of use, speed is fast changing the public  trend adaptions that range from the environment and politics to technology and the entertainment industry (Asur &Huberman, 2010). An argument can be made that social media is not beneficial for the users to an extent. There are news everyday that how people get affected by the excessive social edia usage. For example- Facebook can appealing venue for self-disclosures, the low positivity pf their disclosures elected generally negative feedback from others. ( Forest & Wood, 2012).  People get disappointed if they do not receive that appreciation they were hoping for.

There are some other side effects of social media usage.

The habit of using social media for longer time affects productivity also. It maskes person less productive. A typical worker gets interrupted at least six to eight times a day, which consumes about 28% of a knowledge worker’s day( Spira & Feintuch, 2006).

Thus, Social media has several good and effects on human life.It is very hard to imagine a life without social media . Although we feel more socially comfortable and it helps in improving relationships but at the same time it is reducing the productivity of human activities and wates the good amount of times that we could utilize somewhere else.

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