
By: Manal Fatima


Dyslexia is not a disease; it is a condition. Those that have it are born with it due to it being passed down in the family. People who have dyslexia are not stupid or lazy; in fact, most have average or above-average intelligence, and work hard to overcome their learning difficulties.

Dyslexia happens because of a difference in the way the brain processes information. Pictures of the brain show that when people with dyslexia read, they use different parts of the brain than people without dyslexia (Nemours Foundation, 2022).

Non-Dyslexic Brain vs. Dyslexic Brain

Some people have a milder form of dyslexia, so they struggle less in the troubled areas like speaking and writing. Dyslexia can be worked around, but it takes a lot of effort and hard work. it is not something that can go away, or a person can outgrow. Fortunately, many receive the proper help needed to deal with their dyslexia and learn to read with it.

A future where individuals with dyslexia can go about their lives comfortably is more common now. Through empathy, collaboration, and unwavering advocacy, the negative narrative of dyslexia has been mostly rewritten, transformation barriers into bridges.

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