Internet Crimes

By Harpalav Kaur


Credit Cards

Currently, credit card fraud is a type of internet crime in which individuals use the credit cards and credit card data of other people to purchase something or log into their accounts, and the scummers do not need the plastic card to commit this type of fraud (Broadhurst et al., 2014). The different types of credit card fraud include card theft, card skimming, card cloning, card not present fraud, phishing, spoofing and account takeover. Data by the Federal Reserve in 2018 shows that credit card fraud was more than 46% of all fraud losses and the total amount that year was more than $4.1 billion.

One of the sources of credit card fraud is the simplicity of using the credit cards and the lack of required identification or authentication methods. Other factors that contribute to the high rate of credit card scams include the low cost and the high return, and the human factors of greed, curiosity, fear, or sympathy as well as the low risk for detection and prosecution. The consequences of credit card fraud are economic losses, identity theft, malware infection, account compromises, data breaches, blackmail, extortion, and emotional trauma (Brenner, 2012).

Challenges surrounding credit card fraud include the difficulty of tracing and tracking the culprits, the several types and complexities of credit card scams, the international and cross-border nature of credit card fraud, the users’ low level of awareness and literacy, and the limited support among law enforcement agencies. Solutions for credit card fraud that can be implemented include the update and constant improvement of security software and protocols, using strong and unique passwords and multi-factor authentication, verification and reporting of transactions that seem suspicious, avoidance of clicking on links or attachments, and training and educating users and employees with a view to strengthening partnerships and collaboration among stakeholders (Wall, 2007).
