Sustainable Water Management

  1. Kaminaljuyu's Water Trick: - Kaminaljuyu was smart about water. They lived near a lake and carefully collected rainwater to make sure they always had enough. It's like having a big, natural water tank right next to your home (Dimelisova, 2019).
  2. Copan's Mountain Water Plan: - Copan was surrounded by big mountains. They focused on making sure they could control floods that might happen because of the mountains. This shows how they adapted to their environment and took steps to stay safe (Dimelisova, 2019).
  3. Tikal's Rainwater Harvesting: - Tikal, being up in the hills, had a cool way of getting water. They made sure to catch and store rainwater effectively. It's like having your own rainwater supply to use whenever you need it(Dimelisova, 2019).


  1. Water Management
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