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External Websites


Website 1 (MesoAmerican Research Centre) click below Click here

Website 2 (Institute of Maya Studies) click here click here

 Website 3 (Maya) Click below click here.


Medina-Elizalde, M., & Rohling, E. J. (2012). Collapse of Classic Maya Civilization Related to Modest Reduction in Precipitation. Science, 335(6071), 956–959.

Dimelisová, E. (2019). Possibilities and limits in the management of mountain watersheds: Lessons from the Maya civilization. *Land Use Policy, 80*, 415-423.

Chase, D. Z., & Chase, A. F. (2014). ANCIENT MAYA MARKETS AND THE ECONOMIC INTEGRATION OF CARACOL, BELIZE. Ancient Mesoamerica, 25(1), 239–250


Hammond, N. (2004). Ancient maya aristocracy. Antiquity, 78(300), 460-464. Retrieved from

Marx, W., Haunschild, R., & Bornmann, L. (2017). The Role of Climate in the Collapse of the Maya Civilization: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Scientific Discourse. Climate (Basel), 5(4), 88-.




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