Self-Representation in CourtJudge's hammer

You can do it.



Courthouses exist to serve its citizens not the other way around. Courts are an essential element in our society as on them we trust for justice, a much-needed component in a strong state.

We feature the self-represented in court and it is as important to examine the role of the courts.

Nevertheless, there is excellent confidence of studies that display the work that is in progress of embracing, facilitating, and even encouraging self-representation. 

Supreme Court of Canada
Court Martial
Appeal Court
Provincial Court
of Appeal
Federal Court
of Appeal
  Provincial / Territorial
Superior Courts
Federal Court
Federal Division
Tax Court
of Canada
Military Courts Provincial
Federal Administrative

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Be heard

“Ottawa has forgotten whose interests the law is meant to serve, and who, in a democracy, is supposed to be in charge”

—by The Edmonton Journal, Gunter, 2003

Copyright © 2024. Last Updated 4/10/2024    Author: Eugenia Bravo -