Self-Representation in CourtJudge's hammer

You can do it.

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The number of cases in courts without counsel representation continue to increase.

There are positive effects that come with self-representation that include inspiration, encouragement, integrity, and honour.

Grounds that direct individuals to choose to self-represent in court, include previous bad experiences with lawyers which left them unsatisfied with the process, proceedings, and/or decisions.

There are occurrences where they have no alternative but to opt to self-representation as the case may be for a defendant who is not in a financial situation to afford legal fees .

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Positive Effects

“…they maintain control over the legal process as it relates to them.”

"…litigant’s ability to have a ‘voice’ in the decision-making process…"

"…pursued by some litigants in an attempt to force the courts to deal with the issue that the litigants, rather than the legal system, identify as at the heart of their disputes"

—by Barclay, 1996

Copyright © 2024. Last Updated 4/10/2024    Author: Eugenia Bravo -