Deep Vein Thrombosis

Treatment Conclusion CONTACT US


Talking about the treatment of DVT, medications such as anticoagulants and swelling reducing tablets are used to treat the illness. These medicines and drugs reduce the chance of the clots to become larger in size and prevents formation of new clots besides the old one. Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) have been more well-known in recent years due to their efficiency and practicality. Compression therapy is yet another treatment method used to lower the risk of problems through improving blood flow and minimizing swelling by mechanical compression devices. We've been able to reduce the mortality from venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism enormously, reduce the inconvenience of being in hospital, reduce the length of time the patient suffers pain by using several medical techniques.

Risk Factors


In summary, Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) has several potential risk factors, but at the same time, has several approaches to treatment. Knowing the beginning, spread, and possible causes of blood clots in deep veins is crucial to understanding the severe nature of DVT and the associated issues. Knowing the wide range of risk factors—from surgical operations and immobility to inheritance and hormonal influences—highlights the significance of approaching risk assessment holistically.


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