Climate Change

By: Kamalpreet Singh

Migration Actions

Major Actions for Saving Our Environment

As the consequences of climate change grow, the need for action becomes increasingly urgent. While mitigating greenhouse gas emissions is essential to preventing the worst effect of climate change, it’s equally critical to adjust the changes that are already in place.

A workable strategy to lessen reliance on fossil fuels and decarbonize the economy is to move to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. Increasing energy efficiency and sustainable land use can also assist in reducing emissions and increase resilience to the effects of climate change. Carbon pricing mechanisms, such carbon taxes and cap-and-trade schemes, provide financial rewards for cutting emissions and encourage the adoption of more environmentally friendly technologies.

Some useful ways to prevent Earth:

The implementation of climate-resilient infrastructure, such as stormwater management systems and seawalls, can provide communities with protection against the impacts to extreme weather events and sea level rise. Additionally, by functioning as organic buffers against the effects of climate change, conservation and restoration initiatives can increase ecosystems resilience while protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services.

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